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Small questions v.10000


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I know this is silly but

Did Meera and Jojen went to WF alone? Their companions or members of their House were not introduced. Can I assume that Meera is the heir to House Reed? She was introduced as Lady Meera but Jojen was not introduced as Lord Jojen. Or their mom is dead and Meera is the Lady of House Reed?And they were sent to WF without guards to protect them. I’m sure Greywater Watch has other small Houses that would protect House Reed in case of an attack.

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I know this is silly but

Did Meera and Jojen went to WF alone? Their companions or members of their House were not introduced. Can I assume that Meera is the heir to House Reed? She was introduced as Lady Meera but Jojen was not introduced as Lord Jojen. Or their mom is dead and Meera is the Lady of House Reed?And they were sent to WF without guards to protect them. I’m sure Greywater Watch has other small Houses that would protect House Reed in case of an attack.

Jojen isn't a lord because his father, the current Lord of Greywater Watch, is still alive. Meera and Jojen could get to WF unmolested as the roads were safe until Ironmen arrived, and the Reed kids could take care of themselves as well as having nothing of value to rob.

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Thanks for answering my questions as I am rereading ACOK.

Don’t be afraid, I like it in the dark. No one can see you, but you can see them. But first you have to open your eyes. See? Like this. And the tree reached down and touched him. (ACOK Bran)

Would Jon have a third eye? Or is this Bran saying to Jon to accept his warging abilities?

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Thanks for answering my questions as I am rereading ACOK.

Don’t be afraid, I like it in the dark. No one can see you, but you can see them. But first you have to open your eyes. See? Like this. And the tree reached down and touched him. (ACOK Bran)

Would Jon have a third eye? Or is this Bran saying to Jon to accept his warging abilities?

I think it's Bran further awakening Jon's warging abilities.

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Thanks for answering my questions as I am rereading ACOK.

Don’t be afraid, I like it in the dark. No one can see you, but you can see them. But first you have to open your eyes. See? Like this. And the tree reached down and touched him. (ACOK Bran)

Would Jon have a third eye? Or is this Bran saying to Jon to accept his warging abilities?

I don't see there is much of a differents between the 3rd eye, and accepting his warg. The only thing would be that a 3rd eye would be more in line with greensight, but not that much to a 10 year old. Jon has refused to accept that he is a warg, thru out the series. Bran is trying to get Jon to accept what he is.

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Well, "black ice", it's open to interpreting. But initially it sounds like obsidian, yes

There is Special Ice which the Others use to make their swords. I always thought that was Jon;s Ice armor. I thought it was black because he is now a supernatural super Wall Watcher. Since he died. He doesnt get to leave the wall.

I dont think it is obsidian.

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After reading this topic for a while i finally decided to make an account and ask what bothers me. Hopefully u guys can light me up.

So the Targaryen conquered the 7 kingdoms 300 years ago. I am not really sure whether the books said smth about them coming from across the narrow sea, but it left me with that idea, tho I might as well be making this up. So where were they before that? Dragonsote is said to be their ancient residence. So did they live there the whole time or were they gone and just came back to take westeros from whoever was the ruler back then (was it jaime that said smth about a council of mages or smth like that??) ANd I also can't really remember if any reason for this expansion was mentioned. If some1 knows more details about these i'd love to read them.

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After reading this topic for a while i finally decided to make an account and ask what bothers me. Hopefully u guys can light me up.

So the Targaryen conquered the 7 kingdoms 300 years ago. I am not really sure whether the books said smth about them coming from across the narrow sea, but it left me with that idea, tho I might as well be making this up. So where were they before that? Dragonsote is said to be their ancient residence. So did they live there the whole time or were they gone and just came back to take westeros from whoever was the ruler back then (was it jaime that said smth about a council of mages or smth like that??) ANd I also can't really remember if any reason for this expansion was mentioned. If some1 knows more details about these i'd love to read them.

The Targs used to be a noble family in the Valyrian Freehold, a mighty empire to the east, but not of the very first rank. Then one of them had a vision that Valyria would fall, so they fled to the outer reaches of the empire, the island Dragonstone. Today dragonstone is part of the 7 Kingdoms, but then it was the very western end of the Valyrian domain. Valyria was engulfed by a terrible catastrophe, fire and brimstone style. The Targs had brought some things, in particular dragons, of which one survived and two new ones hatched from eggs.

About a century passes, in which we don't know much about them, although there's hints that they might have been involved in politics of the east, they may also have been consolidating their power, possible even struggling amongst themselves and of course their two new dragons need some time to grow... in any case, eventually Aegon the Conquerer decides to conquer the "7 Kingdoms" to forge a new realm. At that point they were seperate and politically independent, although they did share a language, a culture and the southern kingdoms also shared a church and religion.

He conquered six of them, all except Dorne (and the North went without a fight, once they saw that they could not stand against the dragons), which was brought into the realm later through a marriage alliance.

Does that answer your question?

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The Targs used to be a noble family in the Valyrian Freehold, a mighty empire to the east, but not of the very first rank. Then one of them had a vision that Valyria would fall, so they fled to the outer reaches of the empire, the island Dragonstone. Today dragonstone is part of the 7 Kingdoms, but then it was the very western end of the Valyrian domain. Valyria was engulfed by a terrible catastrophe, fire and brimstone style. The Targs had brought some things, in particular dragons, of which one survived and two new ones hatched from eggs.

About a century passes, in which we don't know much about them, although there's hints that they might have been involved in politics of the east, they may also have been consolidating their power, possible even struggling amongst themselves and of course their two new dragons need some time to grow... in any case, eventually Aegon the Conquerer decides to conquer the "7 Kingdoms" to forge a new realm. At that point they were seperate and politically independent, although they did share a language, a culture and the southern kingdoms also shared a church and religion.

He conquered six of them, all except Dorne (and the North went without a fight, once they saw that they could not stand against the dragons), which was brought into the realm later through a marriage alliance.

Does that answer your question?

I know that the Targs adopted the faith of the seven, but was this before or after the conquest?

There is Special Ice which the Others use to make their swords. I always thought that was Jon;s Ice armor. I thought it was black because he is now a supernatural super Wall Watcher. Since he died. He doesnt get to leave the wall.

I dont think it is obsidian.

Where is such ice mentioned?

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About a century passes, in which we don't know much about them...

Does that answer your question?

Are u sure it's only a century? That means Valyria colapsed 400 +- years ago. Considering the Wall was built 8 thousand years ago, that seems like such a short period. And as far as i remember Volantis is refered to as the oldest of the free cities that appeared after the end of Valyria. It seems kind of unlikely (at least to me) that all the free cities appeared and developed to what they are for only those 400 years. Ty for the quick response anyway.

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Are u sure it's only a century? That means Valyria colapsed 400 +- years ago.

Yep, that's correct, it's relatively recent when compared to the long term stuff like Night's Watch and Wall and Winterfell.

And as far as i remember Volantis is refered to as the oldest of the free cities that appeared after the end of Valyria. It seems kind of unlikely (at least to me) that all the free cities appeared and developed to what they are for only those 400 years.

Indeed, that would be unlikely and Volantis & co are significantly older than 400 years - they were Valyrian colonies for quite some time and had already grown to quite some size when the Doom of Valyria "released" them. As an other case, Braavos is circa 800 years old, but only came out of hiding around 400 years ago when their enemy Valyria fell.

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Are u sure it's only a century? That means Valyria colapsed 400 +- years ago. Considering the Wall was built 8 thousand years ago, that seems like such a short period. And as far as i remember Volantis is refered to as the oldest of the free cities that appeared after the end of Valyria. It seems kind of unlikely (at least to me) that all the free cities appeared and developed to what they are for only those 400 years. Ty for the quick response anyway.


The Doom happened 12 years after Aenar left for Dragonstone.

Maegon, his brother Aerys, and Aerys' sons, Aelyx, Baelon, and Daemion

The Targaryens ruled Dragonstone for the next 100 years, which were called the Years of Blood..

As for the free cities Braavos existed in secret before Valyria fell. It's possible some of the other Free Cities existed under Valyrian rule before it was destroyed I'm not sure.

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Does anyone know how Dorne defeated the Targaryans? I always felt the whole "King Who Knelt" thing was really good sense, to protect the people of the North. But if Dorne could resist, presumably partly down to it's low population and different customs, surely the North could too? So the king who knelt would appear to be a bit of a coward.

Why couldn't the dragons just absolutely sack Dorne to rubble until they knelt?

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Does anyone know how Dorne defeated the Targaryans? I always felt the whole "King Who Knelt" thing was really good sense, to protect the people of the North. But if Dorne could resist, presumably partly down to it's low population and different customs, surely the North could too? So the king who knelt would appear to be a bit of a coward.

Why couldn't the dragons just absolutely sack Dorne to rubble until they knelt?

In the sample chapter of Arianne from TWOW, they've mentioned how House Toland took care of the Targs and their dragons when they came down to the Dornish lands.

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Does anyone know how Dorne defeated the Targaryans? I always felt the whole "King Who Knelt" thing was really good sense, to protect the people of the North. But if Dorne could resist, presumably partly down to it's low population and different customs, surely the North could too? So the king who knelt would appear to be a bit of a coward.

Why couldn't the dragons just absolutely sack Dorne to rubble until they knelt?

Simple answer - guerilla warfare. Desert ambushes and such. In the end, the Dornish princess (?) told Vysenia(?) to piss off, and Vysenia promised she will be back with fire and blood or something equally cocky-Targaryen, but what really happened is - they never conquered it because they felt it was not worthed given the price. So the guerilla warfare tactics did exactly what it was designed to do.

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The Targs adopted the Faith of the Seven towards the end of the conquest, when Aegon flew Balerion to Oldtown.

Well, according to one of the chapters in ACOK, the sept on Dragonstone was built before Aegon conquered Westeros, and he prayed there for the Seven to give him strength in that endeavor. Of course, it's possible that this is just a bit of propaganda from Aegon in order to convince the Westerosi that he was truly "one of them."

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