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The Walking Dead Graphic Novel/TV Comparison (TV and GN SPOILERS)


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Hello comic book people. I have a question for y'all, but I'd really appreciate just a 'yes' or 'no' answer because I don't want to be spoiled.

When Beth got snatched and taken away in the car last night (was it a hearse?) was that something that happened in the comics? Even if it happened to a different character and not Beth?

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Hello comic book people. I have a question for y'all, but I'd really appreciate just a 'yes' or 'no' answer because I don't want to be spoiled.

When Beth got snatched and taken away in the car last night (was it a hearse?) was that something that happened in the comics? Even if it happened to a different character and not Beth?

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I think you may be correct about Terminus=Alexandria safe zone. The cannibals may have been too much. But we should see Morgan again and the preacher soon, if they are speeding up the storyline.

I'm afraid that Beth is the first victim (if there is a cannibal arc). I can't think of anything they are going to do with her other than that.

Poor Daryl. I'm not sure where that group of henchmen is leading, but I don't think it's a Negan thing, right?

It all depends on whether they can get the actor who played Morgan to turn up in the show again (he's usually pretty busy although low winter sun won't be taking up his time anymore).

Daryl does seem to be falling in with the wrong crowd. I think they could still connect this group to Negan if they so choose. They definitely seem like they'd make good recruits.

Hello comic book people. I have a question for y'all, but I'd really appreciate just a 'yes' or 'no' answer because I don't want to be spoiled.

When Beth got snatched and taken away in the car last night (was it a hearse?) was that something that happened in the comics? Even if it happened to a different character and not Beth?

I wonder if the home was a honeypot for capturing human meat? You'd be willing to risk some normal food if you had developed a taste for human flesh, Although sending a load of zombies in wouldn't be the best plan.

I'll spoiler this as it pertains to season 2 episode 1 of the game (and I don't think we need a thread for that too) but

I'm getting strong vibes of connections between the game and TV show at the moment. I think it's probably because of the railway tracks but this Terminus place is very similar to the "haven" that was mentioned in the "400 days" game and seems to be a part of season 2. I think i read somewhere that the game may tie-in to the TV show - even though it is primarily based on the comic. Maybe this is one such tie-in?. Would love to see some of the game characters turn up in the show at some stage.

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It all depends on whether they can get the actor who played Morgan to turn up in the show again (he's usually pretty busy although low winter sun won't be taking up his time anymore).

Daryl does seem to be falling in with the wrong crowd. I think they could still connect this group to Negan if they so choose. They definitely seem like they'd make good recruits.

I wonder if the home was a honeypot for capturing human meat? You'd be willing to risk some normal food if you had developed a taste for human flesh, Although sending a load of zombies in wouldn't be the best plan.

I'll spoiler this as it pertains to season 2 episode 1 of the game (and I don't think we need a thread for that too) but

I'm getting strong vibes of connections between the game and TV show at the moment. I think it's probably because of the railway tracks but this Terminus place is very similar to the "haven" that was mentioned in the "400 days" game and seems to be a part of season 2. I think i read somewhere that the game may tie-in to the TV show - even though it is primarily based on the comic. Maybe this is one such tie-in?. Would love to see some of the game characters turn up in the show at some stage.

How is season 2 of the game?? I loved season 1 but now that my son is 3 it's not like I can put him down for a nap and have mommy gaming time anymore :crying: I don't know that I will get to play it.

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How is season 2 of the game?? I loved season 1 but now that my son is 3 it's not like I can put him down for a nap and have mommy gaming time anymore :crying: I don't know that I will get to play it.

Only played episode 1 (will get hold of episode 2 when I know I can play it in one sitting). Without spoiling things it is just as good as season 1 - they've added a bit more to the gameplay (seemed there was a bit more action and interaction with the environment) and god,it is harsh. There is not let up for the torture of the cast. It's still a bit sad playing it given how season one ended but very much an enthralling game.

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So I'm wondering if Beth was taken by the cannibals. During a discussion this morning my boss and I wondered if the Hotel Morgue was supposed to draw people in for something. And I wondered if all the food was there to 'fatten' the people up. But then it all fell apart when I couldn't get past why they wouldn't just eat the food themselves before resorting to cannibalism. So who knows.

In the comics is Negan a surname? Like maybe his first name is Joe? *L* That's all I got.

I feel like this all leading up to everyone meeting up at Terminus and Darryl and co attacking it not realizing all his friends are there, minus Beth. But whether Terminus is a replacement for Crystal City/Alexandria whatever it was remains unclear to me. It could just as easily be the cannibal storyline.

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So I'm wondering if Beth was taken by the cannibals. During a discussion this morning my boss and I wondered if the Hotel Morgue was supposed to draw people in for something. And I wondered if all the food was there to 'fatten' the people up. But then it all fell apart when I couldn't get past why they wouldn't just eat the food themselves before resorting to cannibalism. So who knows.

In the comics is Negan a surname? Like maybe his first name is Joe? *L* That's all I got.

I feel like this all leading up to everyone meeting up at Terminus and Darryl and co attacking it not realizing all his friends are there, minus Beth. But whether Terminus is a replacement for Crystal City/Alexandria whatever it was remains unclear to me. It could just as easily be the cannibal storyline.

Maybe they were cannibals before the apocalypse and are picky eaters? I'd have probably drugged some of the food. I still prefer my one-dog theory.

Its curious the guy who found daryl , looks pretty similar to a character in season 2 of the game ... Even the way he talks

Will have to check that, I think i know who you mean

the old guy who takes Clem in and thinks the younger guy is a bit of an idiot?

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Maybe they were cannibals before the apocalypse and are picky eaters? I'd have probably drugged some of the food. I still prefer my one-dog theory.

Will have to check that, I think i know who you mean

the old guy who takes Clem in and thinks the younger guy is a bit of an idiot?

Well I don't know how much meat you can get from a person but i'd assume its probably more than a couple of cans of bad food. Calculated risk an all that

I think he's rather referring to a character from Episode 2

Carver, voiced by Mr Blonde BTW

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Hello comic book people. I have a question for y'all, but I'd really appreciate just a 'yes' or 'no' answer because I don't want to be spoiled.

When Beth got snatched and taken away in the car last night (was it a hearse?) was that something that happened in the comics? Even if it happened to a different character and not Beth?

Also, the answer to any future Beth related question concerning the comics is, "No." Like Daryl and Merle, there was no such character in the comics. Beth was written specifically for the TV show.

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Well I don't know how much meat you can get from a person but i'd assume its probably more than a couple of cans of bad food. Calculated risk an all that

I think he's rather referring to a character from Episode 2

Carver, voiced by Mr Blonde BTW

Yes I meant him... Not identical but still gives me the same feel.

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I think the Ben and Billy story line played out very well in the show. As close as they could get. While I wanted Carl to be the one to put Lizzie down, I think it felt more right that it was Carol in the show.

These last two episodes should be fun, although I doubt they will have much in common with the comics. It would be rather sad if the Hunters were only in two episodes. Perhaps they will be the first bad guys in season five.

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One can only hope. The cannibal storyline is, for me, hands-down the absolute dumbest plot from the comics.

And that fucking telephone of Rick's.

I thought this episode was a far stronger spin of the comic where Carl "put down" one of his friends. I can see the parallels but I think it played out far better in the show as Carol felt more responsibility. The girl was one of the most fucked up characters I've seen from the franchise yet I could totally believe a kid going off the deep end like that.

I felt sorry for her sister - that kid was smart.

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I loved the wY they played this episode out. It brought Carol around full circle with the Sophia issues as well. Seems some people think Carol was manipulating Tyrese by telling him she killed Karen but I think she just wanted to let it all go and face the consequences. Just my opinion.

I did, however, really want Carl to take care of Lizzie. Ah well.

Sooooo, looks like Daryl's group are the Hunters?

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I loved the wY they played this episode out. It brought Carol around full circle with the Sophia issues as well. Seems some people think Carol was manipulating Tyrese by telling him she killed Karen but I think she just wanted to let it all go and face the consequences. Just my opinion.

I did, however, really want Carl to take care of Lizzie. Ah well.

Sooooo, looks like Daryl's group are the Hunters?

If Carol was manipulating Tyreese it was solely to have him kill her. The only out she was looking for was from the shit existence she's in. P

So, was the fire the one that Darryl and Beth started? I'm sure it's a crossover moment so if it wasn't that - we'll be seeing a big fire occur in the next couple of episodes.

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I'm pretty sure the fire was the moonshine cabin. I'm also pretty sure that the stuck walker on the railway tracks, was the walker bob and Sasha were hearing during the last episode.

I don't think Joe and his lot are the Hunters. I'm not really sure what they are but they don't seem like the Hunters, and if they were, why add another mouth to feed when you could have had a easy meal.

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I was thinking, maybe Daryl's new group really are the beginning of Negan's guys. Daryl could easily replace Dwight's role in the comics, though I hope they don't burn half his face.

I thought this episode was a far stronger spin of the comic where Carl "put down" one of his friends. I can see the parallels but I think it played out far better in the show as Carol felt more responsibility. The girl was one of the most fucked up characters I've seen from the franchise yet I could totally believe a kid going off the deep end like that.

I felt sorry for her sister - that kid was smart.


Plus, they actually build all the characters involved in this so it would have an impact beyond the pure shock of seeing a psychopathic child do these things then be killed. They were all about to become a family, and then she kills her sister and almost finishes the baby as well, and to have Tyrese and Carol making that decision? Much heavier than Carl taking matters into his own hands. But now that Judith has survived yet another threat to her life, I think there's very little chance she'll die before being reunited with Rick and Carl again.

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I don't see any way the show continues on without Judith. Last night's child killings were big but killing a baby? Never going to happen.

Which is interesting to a point I suppose. But after a while in the fight to survive, I could see many a parent putting down their baby/young children because the burden becomes too great to carry or the despair of raising a child in the new unknown is too overwhelming.

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