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If it ends up being protagonist vs. protagonist ...

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I am rooting for Dany to cross the seas and finally kick some ass in Westeros. I would definitley root for Dany against Aegon, and the Lannisters, the Tyrells and the Martells.

Stannis Vs Dany: Stannis

The North Vs Dany: The North/Starks/Wildlings

Stannis Vs The North: The North/Starks/Wildlings

Jaime Vs Tyrion: Tyrion (I want him to get Casterly Rock)

Tyrion Vs Dany: Dany

Jon Vs Others: Jon

Asha/Greyjoy vs Stannis: Stannis

Stannis Vs Lannister: Stannis

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I definitely do not root for any Stark simply because they are Stark and supposed to be the good girls and guys of the series, bah, boring!

Any protagonist could have my full support, even against any Stark, depending on the situation. Though it would take a lot to turn me into rooting against Arya or Jon.

But let's assume conflicts between characters:

Aegon vs Dany: Dany!

Arianne vs Dany: tragedy, I would not know!

Dany and Sansa: it's probably Dany for me since she is the one who actively tries to shape her fate.

Arya and another beloved protagonist: if Arya comes as faceless woman contract killer it might not be Arya since my sympathy will hardly be on the side of a contract killer but that depends of who is on the other side. If Arya comes as Arya it will be Arya with a few exceptions.

Cersei and Jaime, our favorite valonquar: I am afraid this will inevitably happen. But do I absolutely want to see Cersei dead? Not really.

Myrcella vs Tommen: Tommen is cute, Myrcella is clever. But they would never kill each other directly

Victarion or Euron vs anyone: drown them! Victarion vs Euron: drown them both!

Stannis vs Jon? Easy, Jon, I dislike religious fanatics that feel entitled to whatever.

Jaime vs Lady Stoneheart: Jaime, he is alive and LS is a dead woman, not the Cat I loved as character.

Asha vs Dany: I would follow Mr Martin into tragedy

Sansa and LF against the good guys: the good guys of course

Sansa vs Tyrion: might happen as deadly conflict if Sansa allies with LF. In that hugely tragic situation I'd root for Tyrion but actually I would want this to be the breaking point of a potential Sansa/LF alliance. If it is Sansa against Tyrion and Dany: it's Tyrion/Dany for me but this might be the breaking point of a Dany/Tyrion alliance and Tyrion will side with Sansa.

Sansa against LF: We know in advance that LF will finally be defeated as bad guy and I do not really root for him. I favor Sansa but he might easily take her down with him.

Tyrion vs Dany: this can easily happen, so sad but in that case I'd root for Tyrion.

Dany vs Jaime: this may be Dany's betrayal for love, Tyrion's love for Jaime

Jon vs Tyrion: please no , but even then it would be Tyrion for me. But i do not believe this will ever happen, they may be allies in the end.

Jaime vs Tyrion: oh no! Please start talking, those two killing each other would be the saddest ending imaginable

No, the saddest conflict imaginable is dragons vs extinction: I am afraid the time for dragons will be over at the end, they will have to leave Middle Earth, so they must be killed and I have to side with extinction.

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I am not rooting for fractions per se, don't really care who has Iron Throne, Winterfell etc, nobody deserves this power that they only have access to because they were lucky enough to be born in right family.

Kind of rooting for Tyrells, though they are doomed of course. Rooting for Edmure, to survive and be happy in general. After having to pay for mistakes of stuck up fool Robb...

Rooting for baby Starks to have happiness. Minus Jon - I just don't give a shit about him. Sansa, Arya, Bran, definitely want to see them happy. Rickon is non-entity.

Rooting for Jaime, but only because he's fun and it would be unexpected if he lived.

Rooting for Tyrion to be miserable. And to become interesting again.

Rooting for Roose Bolton, coz he's cool. I am even rooting a little for LF. I want less predictable death/survival ratio, though I don't expect to be surprised.

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I'm pretty much just rooting for the female characters at this point. Daenerys is obviously my khaleesi so I will support her no matter who she ends up conflicting with. Then comes Sansa, Arya, Lady Stoneheart, Asha, Ellaria Sand and Cersei.

The only male characters I'm rooting for are Jaime, Sam and Bran, on the condition that they don't oppose any of my favourite female characters.

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I'm not sure which protagonists I'd end up rooting for, as I don't know how their stories are going to develop. In some circumstances, I can even feel sympathy for Cersei (eg the Walk of Shame).

I think that an eventual clash between Dany and Jon does seem plausible. We're promised a "bittersweet" ending, and a second Dance of the Dragons (I assume that Jon is Rhaegar's son). Both are plausible candidates to be Azhor Ahai reborn, so I suspect that one of the two will be destroyed at the hands of the other.

I think we need to brace ourselves for protagonists we like dying at the hands of other protagonists we like.

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... Who will you be rooting for?

I am most definitely not a proponent of every vaguely likeable person coming togther to fight the Others, Avengers-style. I think at some point, the plot will necessitate likeable, decent, protagonistic characters coming into conflict with each other.

So when that happens, whose side are you on?

My one pretty much unwavering loyalty is to the Starks. Anyone who comes into serious conflict with them is on my shit list. When it comes to Stannis, as long as he's against the Boltons or Dany or the Lannisters, fine. The second he tries to muscle out the Starks, I'm moving on.

I'm pulling for Asha against all three of her uncles and against Stannis' men.

I'm pulling for Jaime against Cersei, obviously, but other than that I see him as a dead man walking.

I'm kind of past the point where I can't really pull for Tyrion anymore. I think he's lost the plot. And of course anyone in Westeros who gives Dany any sort of grief or trouble or opposition is someone I can get behind. I'll root for Aegon against her but not in any other case.

I agree with most of this...

Except for Dany v. fAegon. I probably could root for Dany for that one conflict. Since she would inadvertently move against the other protagonists afterwards though, she wouldn't have my support for all that long.

And I also have a soft spot for the Tullys - if there turns out to be a battle between Edmure and Jaime, it's Edmure all the way.

Another likely Protagonist v. Protagonist scenario would be Brienne v. Jaime. I probably couldn't root for either one there - there'd be too much tragic involved.

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Stark over anyone

Mance over anyone except Stark

Stannis over anyone except Stark or Mance

Aegon over Dany

Asha over Iron Born

Jaime over Cersei

Anyone over a Bolton or Frey

Depends who it is, but prolly them over Tyrion

Anyone over Dany

Ghost Shaggy Summer and Nmyeria over dragons

I like Aurane Waters


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Stannis. Everyone else can die in a ditch. Honestly he was in the right and no one in westeros gave a damn. Not even the northmen( whom you would think are gods of warfare with 50k men left laying around from taking a cursory look around the forums) After the realm has been saved stannis will go south and the who fucked with him are in trouble.

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Stannis over all. After Stannis finally dies, i'll support Starks assuming they have not harmed Stannis. If they have, then i won't really support anyone. Will just read on without any favourites.

Starks over all except Stannis.

Aegon over Dany.

Cersei over Jaime. She is much more entertaining.

Dorne over Reach.

Will never support Dany or Tyrion or Lannisters.

Varys over Littlefinger.

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All theoreticals, but let's go. I'll try and pick ones which would make me think hard/be a struggle and that have a chance of happening.

Any current pretender (including Euron) vs Daenerys- Not Daenerys

Stannis vs Bolton host- Stannis

Stannis vs Jon- Jon

Stannis vs Mance- Mance, just.

Stannis vs Rickon (the North)- Rickon, just.

Stannis vs the Night's Watch- Stannis

Aegon (fake or otherwise) vs Dorne- Dorne

Aegon vs Lannisters- Aegon

Aegon vs Tyrells- Probably side with the Tyrells, especially if Willas lives up to my expectations.

BWB vs Jaime- BWB I'm afraid, despite Jaime's upturn in attitude. I want Stoneheart to die though, simply because I think it would be better for her.

Stark vs anyone- Starks.

Asha and Theon vs their uncles- Asha and Theon.

Now for a couple of theoreticals I don't think but wouldn't mind seeing occur.

The Great One vs Varys- Oh we all want to see it, but I think we shall be disappointed. Either way, I would love to see The Great One tower over Varys.

The Great One vs anyone- The Great One.

The Great One vs the Starks- Even I cannot let this one go. It would have to be the Starks.

God knows who I'd choose if there was inter-Stark fighting.

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I'll cheer for the Starks obviously, Jon, Dany and a satisfying end for Tyrion(not necessarily surviving, but dying doing something good is acceptable). Would also cheer for Asha, but I think she might be doomed.

I would also like redemption for Theon, and to a certain extent, Jaime...though he is not forgiven. A heroic death would be acceptable.

Stannis is one I will cheer on against most, but I am fully expecting him to be killed, probably in the next book....and I hope he is tbh.

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I would root for: Rickon, Gendry, Edric or Myrcella. Any of those characters still have a chance to claim something: I believe Rickon is Robb's rightfull heir until Bran gets out of his cave (which I think will never happen), Gendry and Edric are surprisingly close in Robert's succession line if they ever happen to be legitimate, and Myrcella is the heir in the dornish law. Those character might be halfway or completely off the screen right now, but I would be really surprised if none of them come back on the top. And when that happens, I'd love a scenario where one of these can win against the odds. :P

Also I guess we will have no other choice than rooting for anyone going against Bran, who might be going a very dark path.

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Jon Snow and the Starks over anyone.

Mance and the Wildlings over anyone but the Starks.

I'll pull for Stannis unless he goes against the above mentioned.

Asha over all other Ironborn.

It would be a tough call between Dany and fAegon (since I don't really like either one) but at this point I'd probably go with the Dorne/Aegon alliance.

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First and foremost I support the Starks and Jon Snow. Anyone messing with them is definitely on my shit list.

Stannis- I support him as long as his interests are not in conflict with those of the North. If they do, then good bye Stannis. It's not like I expect him to survive the series anyway.

Stannis vs Dany- Stannis, but Dany will win most likely

Dany vs Aegon- I'll probably support Aegon for the fun of it and because I like Dorne a lot. Though I'll admit Dany will probably defeat him.

Jaime vs Lady Stoneheart- Jaime

Oh and I guess I will forever love whoever puts the dragons out of comission.

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