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Better Off Without 'Em: A Northern Manifesto for Southern Secession

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I would love a breakup of the US not, just the South, but a Republic of Cascadia with Washington Oregon and California would be quite a nice country to live in I feel and if by some miracle such an act of secession came up for a vote I would definitely vote for it.

I think British Columbia would fit nicely into that too.

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The more I think about the whole North vs South nonsense the more it seems like a pissing contest unworthy of anyone who thinks of themselves as American, regardless of them being Yankee, Southerner, etc.

Both those who want to treat the South as ignorant racists and those who want to secede when elections don't go their way are acting childish.

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Oh God, New England would be screwed...

Why? It would be a bit sad for the few republican strongholds up there in the short run, but there probably would be a re-alignment anyway.

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Secession obviously isn't going to happen. But I do think it is

The more I think about the whole North vs South nonsense the more it seems like a pissing contest unworthy of anyone who thinks of themselves as American, regardless of them being Yankee, Southerner, etc.

The North v. South thing doesn't work because its too much of an oversimplification. There really isn't any way to do any kind of secession, period.

But I do think there is a truly significant divide between different visions for the country that will not be bridged by any politician, and if there was a way we could go our separate ways, I'd be all for it. It's just not possible.

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Secession is always good. As the first step towards a government-free society, I fully support the secession of every region from every state everywhere, for any or no reason in particular. Free Tibet, Palestine, Ulster, Dixie, Quebec, Scotland, Basque etc.

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does this desire for secede come from the same philosophy that lies at the core of extensive gerrymandering strategies? Dump the regions where your preferred politics and policies don't find a solid base so that one can push through their own agenda unopposed?

Is there a more acceptable interpretation possible?

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That does seem to track. Just remember the author in this case is from up North and is arguing in favor of letting the South leave because the South, in his opinion, is a terrible place with terrible people.

Well, the consensus here is that Republicans are terrible people, and Republicans/Republican leaning voters are at 45% or so. The South is just a euphemism for people who hold opinions he finds odious.

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:lol: Oddly, I'm in the middle of reading this book right now. I'd thought to post a thread, wondering what Scott's take on it would be. Once again, I'm late to the party. ;)

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The prejudice against the South and Southerners is awful. North Easterns are far more hateful and smug.

But I also agree with the principle of secession

Color me completely unsurprised that you support the principle of secession.

As to prejudice, let's not forget that that South has lagged far, far beyond the rest of the nation in recognizing the civil rights of anyone other than straight, white Christian males. Yes, racism can be found anywhere in the US, but in the South it was, and some would say still is, codified into law in a way you just weren't going to find in, say, New York. Hell, the region rebelled against the federal government over their privilege to enslave other human beings. That kind of sentiment doesn't just evaporate, even after 150 years.

But, again, I am unsurprised that prejudice against straight, white Christian males troubles you more than other, more pernicious, historical and widespread forms of bias.

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