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Daario Naharis isn't so bad.


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Yea Daario is like the house with the red door too her.

In her heart she doesnt want to be Queen of Westeros, but she feels its her duty since she is a Targaryen.

And in Daario's case she wants to be with him in her heart but she feels as a Queen she can't take Daario as a husband

True, I always say go for door number 1 (the red one), you live longer that way, and have more fun.

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Whats wannabe about Daario. Hes Captian of the Stormcrows and hes screwing the Queen, boasting about it pulblicly and causing consternation within her court. Considering that this guy started off with nothing and worked and took chances for everything he has I think he deserves a little more respect from people.

I'm one who actually kind of likes Daario, when I compared him to a wannabee rockstar, I guess what I mean is.......he'd have a little further to go to be at the pinacle, I think. It seems to be what everyone is waiting for, the proof perhaps he can kick ass in the battle of Mereen. No more off stage action, winning a battle, people seem to want to see the big performance if he really is all that.

The Storm Crows would be a great name for a band though.

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Is he boasting about sleeping with Dany publicly ? Maybe I need to re-read but isn't that either an assumption or accusation that other people make ?..Oh, I know there was the kiss during the audience.. but I think that may have been a desperate measure to get the Green Grace and Hizdahr to back off , since Dany seems to feel she must go through with the wedding. I think most of us agree with Daario that the wedding is a snare for Dany..( not to mention potentially personally dangerous. )

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Yo E-Ro, I told you why the last time there was a Daario thread. He got the pretty girl all the fanboys (and some of the fangirls too) like and "doesn't deserve her". Its pretty funny though to see all the Dany fans criticizing her choice in men when clearly the lady knows what she wants. Daario is just a typical sellsword. People make make noise about him not being able to back his stuff up (WE HAVEN'T SEEN HIM FIGHT IN FRONT OF US) but if he's a sellsword and alive, he's probably a decent enough fighter. Ser Barristan doesn't like him, but Ser Barristan seems to have a thing against the pretty boy type, he dislikes Gerris Drinkwater too. Its just the fact that people are in their own way jealous of Daario or someone like Daario they knew beforehand.

Also where did anyone get this idea of dany as some prudish innocent? GRRM specifically wrote this character as very sex driven. After all, she says "yes" and is all ready to go the first time with Drogo, she has Irri pleasure her and it seems like its happened a few times, her internal dialogue is focused on how much the slave porn stars get her going, etc. etc. etc. etc. People are then surprised by Daario?

Look, we all know girls like Dany. These girls are focused primarily on looks, and that's their prerogative, even if I can self-righteously argue against the wisdom of it, especially for a woman who is important and powerful, she's still allowed. Catherine the Great killed her husband, stole his throne, and had several lovers and they still call her "the great" don't they? People have long focused on guys like Daario and blamed them for seducing and corrupting girls they like, oblivious to the fact that women have active sex drives as well and some of them are just dying to act on theirs.

Would I be friends with Daario in real life? Perhaps, peacocks like Daario tend to attract girls, who usually have friends who are interested in a different type of guy than daario, but my group of friends probably has enough vanity already. He is a pretty funny character and his advice to Dany is like sneakier, less brutish Shavepate, which perhaps makes him her best advisor.

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Daario bores me because he is a not particularly interesting filler between Drogo and Dany's future mystery man from Westeros. He is basic hot, and while I don't judge Dany here, this relationship does absolutely nothing for me.

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Someone posted this quote in another thread, and I think it sums up my reaction for Daario.

He slipped a blue silk tunic over his head and straightened the prongs of his beard with his fingers. He had dyed it afresh for her, taking it from purple back to blue, as it had been when first she met him .“I smell of you,” he said, sniffing at his fingers and grinning.


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I think for me the issue with Daario is that I feel like he might be a barrier to Daenerys' invasion of Westeros idea in the same way that the Dothraki are. If Daenerys marries Daario or makes him her consort, this reduces her ability to form valuable marriage alliances. (Oh, and can anyone really see the lords of the Seven Kingdoms accepting Daario as their king? Even if Daenerys somehow convinces men like Stannis or Lord Randyll to bend the knee to her, they would balk at bending the knee to a foreign mercenary as well -- it would be even worse than the Meereneese bending to Dany, actually, since he won't have any nobility at all).

The fact that she seems to need his approval makes it difficult for her to make sensible decisions at times -- she doesn't seem to fully acknowledge that his motivations are unrelated to hers. He may be faithful to her and he might even love her but the fact is that he doesn't really care if she ever sits on the Iron Throne. Based on their interactions, he isn't just a lover.

You should hold court today

I don't really feel like it, let Hizdar do it in a day or two

But I took a bribe

Okay, I'm helpless to refuse

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people are in their own way jealous of Daario

Can't this be true AND also the proper reaction to Daario?

Remember how the McGruber bit on Saturday Night Live wasn't that funny and then they made it into a full length movie? Remember how there'd be a timebomb counting down all the time and McGruber would be screwing around instead of getting serious about building a silly device to defuse the bomb and get them all to safety? Remember how the bomb would then explode and kill them all and that was the joke? Well people have invested too many hours reading the Easteros plotline to have it all blow up in McGruber fashion, so that's why Daario gets some flak, because that's who Daeynerys is twittering about when she should be..... I don't know...... getting in gear.

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Can't this be true AND also the proper reaction to Daario?

Remember how the McGruber bit on Saturday Night Live wasn't that funny and then they made it into a full length movie? Remember how there'd be a timebomb counting down all the time and McGruber would be screwing around instead of getting serious about building a silly device to defuse the bomb and get them all to safety? Remember how the bomb would then explode and kill them all and that was the joke? Well people have invested too many hours reading the Easteros plotline to have it all blow up in McGruber fashion, so that's why Daario gets some flak, because that's who Daeynerys is twittering about when she should be..... I don't know...... getting in gear.

LOL!! :lmao: :rofl: :lmao: That is the best, the funniest analogy I've seen for a long time. Inspired.
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I know you're joking but now that I think about it, she can do MAGIC. I'm pretty sure she can take care of a little facial hair if she wanted. That is such a Mean Girls move.

Doesn't even need to actually remove the hair, just glamour it invisible.

Just got a crazy thought: for Selyse's name day give her a jar of mustache wax.

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The Daario hate shocked me when I first joined the forum. He's a minor character who has done no harm to any character that is cared about by readers. Many of the posts in this thread confirm what I have suspected -- the hate for Daario is really just misdirected anger at Dany for having a purely sexual relationship.

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We do not know what the relationship between the co-captains was like. It may have been something that was brewing for a long time and had the support of most of the army, we don't know. The way they spoke to Dany in the meeting suggests they were pretty evil characters, maybe they were just so insane the rest of the company had enough of them and OKed Daario to get rid of them.

That's just a possible example, we don't know enough to say how treacherous that act really was.

You're right, we don't know what the relationship among the three was. There's no reason to suggest that things were as you propose, though. Could be that they discovered that Darrio was embezzling from the treasury and they were going to bring him up on charges before the Stormcrows membership but he killed them before they could. No less likely than your scenario.
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I think the hate comes from ex-Dany fans

a lot of people really enjoyed her before and they must think he ruined her or something like that, or he's just part of the whole annoying Meereen arc and the downfall of Dany's character

Oh no !! A women finds pleasure in the company of a man. The sky is falling !!!

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I think the hate comes from ex-Dany fans

a lot of people really enjoyed her before and they must think he ruined her or something like that, or he's just part of the whole annoying Meereen arc and the downfall of Dany's character

There's enough to dislike about Daario without bringing his relationship with Dany in. His line about not considering a day lived unless he's loved a woman, killed a foeman and eaten a fine meal makes him sound like a pretentious jerk. Maybe he has the same lame scriptwriter as Darkstar.
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There's enough to dislike about Daario without bringing his relationship with Dany in. His line about not considering a day lived unless he's loved a woman, killed a foeman and eaten a fine meal makes him sound like a pretentious jerk.


Maybe he has the same lame scriptwriter as Darkstar.

No. :P

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Daario is problematic on two levels.

1. He's written as a cartoon. Blue hair, triple-forked beard, he's impossible to take seriously. Except that Daenerys does take him seriously,which creates an unhealthy dissonance - cracks appear in the suspension of disbelief.

2. He's yet another boring Essos side-plot. Daenerys needs to get to Westeros as soon as possible for the sake of the story. Daario is holding her back.


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