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Dumbest Moments in ASoIaF


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Jon planning on going to Winterfell to fight the Boltons were a really dumb moment also him keeping Ghost locked up

Arya not naming any Lannisters for her 3 deaths especially Tywin, Cersei, and Joffery.

Ned not staying home with Catelyn and his sons, feck Robert and that stupid hand position

LC Mormonts ranging beyond the Wall

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My most bitter gripes, Balon's moronic mission, Rodrik forgetting everything that qualified him for his longtime position in Winterfell, and Lysa.

What made Lysa think she'd be able to stay out the fray if she got her wish and her knight slew Bronn?

Tywin raped the riverlands for his least favorite childs taking.

She thought the Vale wouldn't bleed if she killed him in a farce of a trial?

If she were half as consistent as her sons pissy tremors, she would've packed them up n had them escorted to the riverlands as soon as she realized who they had in tow.

For the most part the books are well written, but the above examples reek of narrative driving, rather than character.

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Jon planning on going to Winterfell to fight the Boltons were a really dumb moment also him keeping Ghost locked up


The fact that Ramsey threatened not only Jon but the NW is arguable (although I don't share that thought, particularly), but the whole thing was like:

Ramsey: "Bastard, I'm obviously taunting you into leaving the safety of your post and marching throught a terrible blizzard, disrupting the already fragile political situation at the Wall, and coming right into my well-defended castle to fight a battle that not even Stannis could win"

Jon "Sure, I'll go"

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The fact that Ramsey threatened not only Jon but the NW is arguable (although I don't share that thought, particularly), but the whole thing was like:

Ramsey: "Bastard, I'm obviously taunting you into leaving the safety of your post and marching throught a terrible blizzard, disrupting the already fragile political situation at the Wall, and coming right into my well-defended castle to fight a battle that not even Stannis could win"

Jon "Sure, I'll go"

The thing is, the castles of the NW are not like normal decent castles. Iirc, they are purposely build in a way that makes them vulnerable to attacks from the south. Therefore, offence might have been actually the safer option for Jon.

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The thing is, the castles of the NW are not like normal decent castles. Iirc, they are purposely build in a way that makes them vulnerable to attacks from the south. Therefore, offence might have been actually the safer option for Jon.

I don't think so, honestly. I'd much rather have a vulnerable castle than no castle at all.

Doing it Ramsey's way, Ramsey just has to wait inside WF while Jon's army (or whatever portion of the army survives the journey from the Wall to WF) freeze and starve outside.

Jon had a better chance to win if the Boltons were the ones going to fight at the Wall. Then they would be the ones travelling all those miles in the blizzard, dying like flies, and Jon would have the castle.

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He vowed to marry Walder Frey's daughter but broke that vow in order to marry Jeyne.

Well sorry, but I like to nitpick.:p Brokering a marriage alliance is not a marriage wow. A marriage vow is what you say when you're getting married.

It was not even a bethrotal, since he wasn't even promised to any specific Frey girl, it would be more correct to say that he broke a promise to Walder Frey.

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Well sorry, but I like to nitpick. :P Brokering a marriage alliance is not a marriage wow. A marriage vow is what you say when you're getting married.

It was not even a bethrotal, since he wasn't even promised to any specific Frey girl, it would be more correct to say that he broke a promise to Walder Frey.

Don't belittle the importance of marriage. Pls. :P

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6) Stannis' stubborn methodology

His stubbornness his part of what makes him awesome.

5) Sansa in AGOT


4) Trial by Combat

Trial by combat was common before and during the middle ages, for example in viking age Scandinavia.

3) Cat's hatred of Jon Snow

That's because shes a bitch. A likable bitch, but a bitch nonetheless.

2) Renly's Death

That was straight-up awesome.

1) Cercei's "so-called" cleverness

Who said shes clever but herself?

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I got really annoyed by the way the Starks (mainly Robb and Jon ) sometimes ignored the way their direwolves were behaving, or locked them away. It was pretty clear those wolves had something more. Jon knew, but still locked Ghost when he started behaving weird. Robb also knew, and Cat tried to tell him as well, but he kept some distance from the Grey Wind because of Jeyne and locked during the RW.

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Readers will keep passing judgement on small children and people in emotional turmoil for their lapses in logic during medieval war, and haters will continue to hate.

That is what I have learned from this thread.

(...That said, I am a little frustrated with Arya for not naming Tywin, or Cersei, or Joffrey when she had the chance).

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Ser Rodrik leaving Winterfell almost completely unguarded. Seriously dude you are at war, and you can't see its a good idea to leave even a token fighting force to hold YOUR CAPITAL?

"Hey lets just leave this handful of completely untrained guys to guard the kings heirs."

Pretty much all of Neds decisions in kings landing.

Giving away pretty much all of his guard, first to the gold cloaks then to the Beric expedition.

Not sending Loras on the Beric expedition.

Not taking Renly up on his offer to help him.

Trusting Littlefinger.

Trusting Sansa.

Ned was a good dude but COMPLETELY hopeless politician.

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