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(Season 5 spoilers) Boardwalk Empire: Farewell Daddy Blues

Mark Antony

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Eli didn't say because otherwise Van Alden would be dead obviously.

Obviously Van Alden convinced Eli during the trip to Chicago not to tell on him, they're on the same boat being fugitives after all.

Right but presumably Capone knows the truth of Eli's situation (that sorta beggers belief too. He's wanted for killing a federal agent and for some reason he's safe in Chicago?) I don't actually think it's a given that Capone would have killed "Mueller" if he came clean, it's not as if Van Alden is still a fed and they know he's a killer. Anyway I don't see why Eli would care if Van Alden was dead, if anything it's an opportunity for advancement.

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In a sense Van Alden did come clean. he said "suppose I am an ex fed, I killed for you, paid on time etc, etc" he was then smart enough to make it seem like Capone was being weak for doing what Lucky wanted.

I'm interested to see what the real undercover agent is going to do with the info. Will he offer VA an out for info? It would be funny if van alden leads to Capone being put away.

The point raised about Eli is a good one. You'd think they'd check most of the mob run cities for him just to be safe. I'm trying to recall if that was brought up with the scene with his son trying to become a prosecutor. I know they frowned upon his connection with Nucky but you'd think a dad on the run for murder would be bad too.

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Really enjoyed the flashbacks in this past episode. My favorite ones yet.

The Chicago storyline is by far my favorite so far this season. Van Alden is my favorite character left. I slightly thought he was a goner, but he maneuvered well.

Nucky reminding Margaret who he is when he left her on the boardwalk was awesome.

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Al's mental state is not one that can be reason with. Not only does he not remember Jimmy but also his psychopath and violent impulses are flourished by untreatable syphilis, brain tumor and lots of drugs such as cocaine and booze.

Good point about Al not remembering Jimmy. I was pretty taken aback when Lucky brought that up and Al was generally lost. His mind must be very addled if he can't remember Jimmy. I was always pretty confused as to why guys like Al and Lucky never really discussed JImmy after Nucky popped him.

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You read it that way? I saw it as Al clearly does remember Jimmy, but is playing the connection down, there is literally nothing to gain bringing Jimmy up, and potentially a lot to lose given how much Charlie and him clashed.

There's no reason for Al to say he doesn't remember Jimmy, and no indication he's lying. And was Luciano the one who brought it up. It serves to point out how advanced are Capone's health problems he can't remember someone he used to know so well.

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The point raised about Eli is a good one. You'd think they'd check most of the mob run cities for him just to be safe. I'm trying to recall if that was brought up with the scene with his son trying to become a prosecutor. I know they frowned upon his connection with Nucky but you'd think a dad on the run for murder would be bad too.

Thing is though, I doubt anyone knows what happened to the agent in question. He was fighting with his boss, he had just made a career killing blunder when the meeting in AC that was supposed to prove his theory never happened, he stormed off in the middle of the night... and then vanished. It's not as if Eli left his body to be found in the living room, it's probably buried in some anonymous spot where it'll never be found. And yeah, the disappearance is suspicious, but at the same time he was a guy with pretty damn clear mental problems who might have cracked under the pressure.

That's not to say suspicion would have necessarily fallen on Eli at all, given Tolliver's targeting of Nucky, Nucky might have had the suspicion fall on him. And Tolliver did disappear right around the time he started running more and more of his business out of Havana... seems like someone with a suspicious mind would be looking at that first and foremost.

As for the hiding in another city thing, remember this is before social security numbers ruled everything, before computers were linking all sorts of different systems/agencies together, before picture IDs. Sending notice of an interstate fugitive would be a brief description of the crime, a verbal description of the man, and possibly but not necessarily a picture, as this was an era which required someone to stay still for quite a long time to get a picture taken. And then all that would go onto a single piece of paper, and get sent out to anywhere that the person may have fled to, along with dozens or hundreds of others notices about fugitives coming in from all over the country, all of which seem unlikely to ever actually come to your neck of the woods, so they all get thrown into a filing cabinet somewhere.

Hence why Jimmy, Van Alden, and Eli could all do it and get away with it.

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Good episode overall. Although, Eli having been with VA's wife felt unescasary, and a little forced.

I have to give a lot of credit to whoever casted this version of young Nucky. It's uncanny how much that kid looked and talked like Buscemi. He had the mannerisms down and everything.

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Good episode. It was surprisingly sad to see the sheriff's body at the end.

I was surprised to see Daughter Maitland back, I thought for sure the end of Season 4 was going to be her exit from the show. That's going to complicate Nucky's desire for revenge.

I guess despite my long post earlier, Eli was suspected of Tolliver's death. They left his teeth in Eli's house?! That's just an unconscionably bad clean up job.

Absolutely shocked

that Torrio, of all people, is working with Luciano and Lanksy. Guess old Johnny just couldn't bring himself to fully retire and had to stay in the game.

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Van Alden and Eli were hilarious. Yet another reason why cutting the season short and skipping all that time was because we didn't see enough of their banter.

I didn't see Daughter Maitland coming, even more with Chalky's daughter.

As was mentioned, the kid's resemblance to Steve Buscemi is uncanny. Fantastic job at casting.

With Torrio, Lansky and Luciano (who have history on their side) and quite possibly Chalky as well now, and with so little of the season remaining, I don't see Nucky surviving this.

Idk he's just shady. Gave a different name to Nucky than the one he gave to Doyle I'm pretty sure.
Not sure if the age would match up

Nah, Jimmy's kid would be 12 or so.

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Good episode. It was surprisingly sad to see the sheriff's body at the end.

It wasn't the sheriff. It was the guy that Nucky returned the hat to. The Commodore mentioned he was from NY and was trying to squeeze in on things in AC. I assume the sheriff killed him.
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It wasn't the sheriff. It was the guy that Nucky returned the hat to. The Commodore mentioned he was from NY and was trying to squeeze in on things in AC. I assume the sheriff killed him.

Yeah, that's the way of it.

The casting of young and mid Nucky was genius. They've managed to pick the middle guy so he looks like both of them. Great job and particularly by the young actors for doing such a good impersonation of Steve Buscemi's role.

Van Alden's wife is great. Her nonchalant way of causing chaos was fun to watch.

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Such an awkward, uncomfortable scene yet so fun to watch.

Shea Whigham and Michael Shannon are brilliant on screen together.

Indeed. I liked the scene covering the "these two must know about each other". It neatly filled in the gap between seasons and I was left with the impression these two have come to rely on each other regarding their pasts.

I liked how VA was so assured that Eli would crack if questioned.

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