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Bad sex awards


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The Guardian newspaper is inviting readers to vote on which they think should win the bad sex award this year.

So which would you vote?

My thoughts:

I think they're a little disappointing as bad sex award candidates (no.3 is geek humour, 2 is just boring, 8 doesn't stand out in anyway), however some of them do have a bit of that classic bad sex groanworthiness...

No. 4 retrieves itself in the last sentence, which leaves it as a contender, similarly to no. 6 (though the last sentence in 5 is just bad writing, that in 6 is more disturbing)

No. 5 gets close...um... but never quite fulfils its promise (not memorably bad enough) ditto no. 1

Has to be no. 7 for me. Ugh.

Edit: after Kat's comment I realised I'd got 1 and 2 merged - oops

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I voted for #1. Too many body parts no one wants to think about during sex. Is she a biologist or something? Also, who picks Woody Guthrie as a pen name?

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No one, as far as I know. Guthrie wrote it in 1947, but apparently couldn't find a publisher for it during his lifetime.

What in the...?

I'm going to pretend like I never knew this fact and go back to believing Guthrie couldn't have possibly written something this bad.

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I vote for 1. I don't know why you all are for 7, I think it's a charming little piece of literature.

I think it's the tasting of finger post butt, ah, fingering.

Not everyone finds a Bakkerian honeyed anus appealing.

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7, definitely.

BTW, which is the book that has the line, "plough me with your hoe. Fertilise me with your seed?"

I think it's from the unexpurgated version of Alan Titchmarsh's autobiography.

I rather liked number four, it seemed deliberately disconcerting rather than accidentally atrocious.

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7, definitely.

BTW, which is the book that has the line, "plough me with your hoe. Fertilise me with your seed?"

They couldn't work tractors in there as well? What a wasted opportunity...

Anyway, I think it's number 5 and neuromuscular euphorias and vas deferenses for me. But number 7 is neck and neck. A peasant saying, indeed?

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