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Trillby wearing "pick up artists"/Gamergate are they a "community"?


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I think this should dissolve into a picayune argument as to the exact differences, and social implications, between the trilby and the fedora. I've never been clear on the issue.

But then it would just shift into a meta-discussion on whether those that actually know or care about the differences between a trilby and a fedora are themselves a community.

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The two groups you are talking about have HUGE overlap.

Where do you think the PUAs or Gamergaters or whatevers come from and never really left?

I think you have a much broader definition of "manosphere" than I (or Castel, I believe). Reddit while it has some toxic sub communities is on aggregate politically somewhere to the left of the mainstream Democratic party, possibly a bit more libertarian. For example, there was a thread asking people for arguments against gay marriage, and the closest they got in terms of replies was that the state shouldn't sanction marriages at all.

When I hear "manosphere", I think of Roosh, Roissey and Vox Day, who literally don't think women should be allowed to vote.

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What the hell is a manosphere? I imagine it as something like a Thunderdome where bros battle hipsters for supremacy. But that's probably not accurate. Is it? Please tell me it is.

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I think you have a much broader definition of "manosphere" than I (or Castel, I believe). Reddit while it has some toxic sub communities is on aggregate politically somewhere to the left of the mainstream Democratic party, possibly a bit more libertarian. For example, there was a thread asking people for arguments against gay marriage, and the closest they got in terms of replies was that the state shouldn't sanction marriages at all.

When I hear "manosphere", I think of Roosh, Roissey and Vox Day, who literally don't think women should be allowed to vote.

I basically have the same view of "manosphere". The Red Pill stuff, the "A Voice for Men" stuff and so on.

Reddit as a platform contains those people, because everyone is on reddit.

Certainly, if we're talking about the people who would most likely use the fedora or trilby in an ironic way to mark themselves as part of the group the way the article was pointing out it's not those manosphere guys.

As for the perceived political position of reddit...it's complicated. It depends on what you ask them and where. You can expect them to be liberal on things like weed across the board but after that subreddit politics and brigading come in.

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What the hell is a manosphere? I imagine it as something like a Thunderdome where bros battle hipsters for supremacy. But that's probably not accurate. Is it? Please tell me it is.


It's sort of like porn in that it's hard to define, but you know it when you see it. Basically anybody who talks about alphas and betas unironically.

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Reddit as a platform contains those people, because everyone is on reddit.

Everyone is? Personally I don't use it, the interface is atrocious to me. But I do have the impression it does skew young, male, libertarian, white, American. Which, if correct, is a nice concentration to make precipitation of the manosphere segment more likely.
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Both the fedora wearers and the fedora mockers mentioned in the linked article seem to me to be a short term fashion phenomenon which does not really make a "community". The group identifications, if any, would seem to me to constitute a fake sense of community rather than a real one.

Sorr to increase you're knowledge about something horrible in the world but here it goes, but it mostly exists online look at the Red Pill subreddit or to see some nice people combating this ideology the Blue pill subreddit it's a community who believe women are less than men inherently irrational and need to be me manipulated into what they want and that communication is bad for a relationship because women are irrational hamsters who don't know or articulate what they actually want. Also they believe all women are the same and interchangeable it's more like a cult then a community as they self reinforce in there bubble and use a bewildering array of acronyms which can be hard to understand what their talking about. and I'm actually toning down their beliefs a bit. There's also married red pill which is just sad it's guys asking for advice on failing marriages and getting the worst advice possible, and Red Pill Women who ask advice on how to submit to their man. Some quotes from their ideology in the sidebar and assorted other sites and blogs. Some examples if you want to read more from the source Roosh V, Return of Kings, and Men going their own way.

if you want a great relationship, start reading parenting psychology books (not the new age feminist ones). and dog training books. you can take this however far you want, once you get comfortable. xsplat likes to go full on daddy. it’s a genius move. a bit depraved? maybe. but better than the advocates of game stuff who act like children themselves – basically saying ‘treat girls like you are 12 and in a sandbox with a girl’. and better than mainstream culture which puts out disney shit and romantic comedies that all emulate maternal love relationships (which don’t exist).

my relationships have become something entirely different since i started taking the father figure approach. girls love it. they are willing to do anything and everything, and the general bullshit from girls is maybe 5% of what it used to be – before i figured this out.

The tendency of media and culture to put women first, excuse their misdeeds (see also: rationalization hamster), and criticize any holding of accountability or pointing out of double standards as being “anti-women”.

The greatest threat to the Feminine Imperative is men becoming self-aware of their own sexual market value and the dissemination of information about how the imperative uses this lack of awareness to perpetuate itself.

Guys have a hard time accepting the amorality of women’s inborn capacity to bond with their own captors as a psycho-socially adaptive survival trait, and how this evolved into women’s pronounced facility with which they can ‘get over’ former lovers so much faster than men seem to be capable of.

The rationalization hamster is an analogy for the thought processesused by women to turn bad behavior and bad decisions into acceptable ones to herself and her friends. When a woman makes a bad decision, the hamster spins in its wheel (the woman’s thinking) and creates some type of acceptable reasons for that bad decision. The crazier the decision, the faster the hamster must spin in order to successfully rationalize away the insanity.

Bad Decision:

“I’m going out and getting drunk with my friends.”

Resulting Consequences:

Drunken and unsatisfactory hookup sex with a stranger.

Hamster Processing Result:

“I was drunk and he took advantage of me or maybe even raped me! Maybe it was a date rape drug!”

Final Result:

“It’s not my fault.”

Alpha Fux Beta Bux, also spelt Alpha Fucks Beta Bucks and AFBB, is a frequently occuring scenario where male of high sexual value gets to have sex for free while the men of lower sexual value has to pay for it.AFBB before marriage happens frequently in highschool and college where an aspiring girl will have sex with an Alpha who is obviously out of her league.

Eventually realizing these Alphas will never settle for her, she looks for a willing Beta to marry her and pay for her lifestyle.

To do the South Park thing "this is what the manosphere actually believes, and that is just the tip of the iceberg I could post crazy quotes from their belief system all day long, but it really does boil down to the same thing as the Duggers just based on what they call "biotruths," instead of religion. Most of them are atheist thought they think religion is a lie for sheep just like treating women with respect. Their mostly atheist libertarians who view all human relations and especially male female relations as transnational. It started solely on the internet but it's spreading off A Voice for men is a real organization which basically advocates for a watered down version of this new misogyny. GQ recently did a profile on them and it was creepy to the extreme keep in mind their saying these things to reporters not saying what they really think her is a little story one of the organizers said about false rape to the reporter,

When one of his daughters came home one night and said she'd been raped, he said, "Are you fucking kidding me?" Sitting with us, he hikes his voice up to a falsetto in imitation: " 'Oh, I just got raped.' " He laughs. There's a moment of silence. A bridge too far? "I told her if she pressed charges, I'd disown her."

Elam, whose attention has drifted, grins through his beard. "That's good fathering," he says.

Factory loves his children. He would have reacted differently if it had been what he in theory considers a legitimate claim, but—"if you don't have videotape or forensic, a whole lot of bruises, I don't give a fuck."

So yeah if they say things like that to reporters,i can't imagine their much different than that subreddit among themselves.So now you know there is a predominately atheist philosophy like the Duggars you can find it on any website labeled manosphere. And now here is a picture of a cute kitten to help you bleach the horror from your brain.

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Everyone is? Personally I don't use it, the interface is atrocious to me. But I do have the impression it does skew young, male, libertarian, white, American. Which, if correct, is a nice concentration to make precipitation of the manosphere segment more likely.


(also Reddit's whole interface is a crime against humanity)

I think you have a much broader definition of "manosphere" than I (or Castel, I believe). Reddit while it has some toxic sub communities is on aggregate politically somewhere to the left of the mainstream Democratic party, possibly a bit more libertarian. For example, there was a thread asking people for arguments against gay marriage, and the closest they got in terms of replies was that the state shouldn't sanction marriages at all.

When I hear "manosphere", I think of Roosh, Roissey and Vox Day, who literally don't think women should be allowed to vote.

Reddit leans as Seli notes above. And that means a much higher concentration then usual of the same type of people that populate the MRA movement and the PUA movement and Gamergate and all that.

When I say huge overlap, I mean that the "manosphere" is composed of people who are very likely to also be Reddit users types. These are the people the whole MRA movement and various other similar groups feed off of.

Who are the same type to think they can pull off wearing a trilby or fedora as a fashion statement.

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As I said earlier, well sad and horrible and also patriarchal, the whole "manosphere" or whatever has nothing to do with the Duggars who are just plain old patriarchal religious arseholes..

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i can quasi-honestly ask wtf is reddit?, because it's basically, yaknow, irrelevant trash.

this is a sad oversight, as /r/communism are right now tackling the question of whether Trotsky was a fascist traitor

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To do the South Park thing "this is what the manosphere actually believes, and that is just the tip of the iceberg I could post crazy quotes from their belief system all day long, but it really does boil down to the same thing as the Duggers just based on what they call "biotruths," instead of religion.

To be fair, the whole Alpha Fucks, Beta Bucks thing is an unfortunate truth. Physically attractive people can have more casual sex with less effort than their less physically attractive counterparts. Basing an entire philosophy around this simple truth is kind of laughable and a bit sad, but they're not wrong.

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I which I'd seem this before i posted in the Duggar thread but yes I think their a community, or cult more like. The have an ideology and a community and a vocabulary all to themselves seriously they use so many acronyms when talking to each other it's not even English.

I think cult might be a better word then community though, they do a bait and switch on desperate people similar to a cult. They tell lonely young men they can help them find women, and self improve. That's how it starts, but it ends with people wanting to restore Victorian morality and laws.

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eh but that's only half of it. For one they only apply it to women and secondly while it's easier for attractive people to have sex, I don't think many women are fucking hot guys and then extracting resources from average guys. The emphasis on resources and money is what makes it weird.

Also we should probably move this discussion into the other thread.

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To be fair, the whole Alpha Fucks, Beta Bucks thing is an unfortunate truth. Physically attractive people can have more casual sex with less effort than their less physically attractive counterparts. Basing an entire philosophy around this simple truth is kind of laughable and a bit sad, but they're not wrong.

Uh, wut?

First of all, from what I understand, the whole alpha/beta bullshit is more about bearing and behavior (albeit grossly douchey behavior) than anything, though there is some focus on superficial appearance. A lot of these so-called self-identifying "alphas" are straight up uggos.

And speaking for the "less attractive counterparts", the idea that some arbitrary and nebulous concept of "physically attractive"-ness is some kind of barrier or not to experiencing dirty sinful congress or any other kind of relationship is, frankly, laughable and sad.

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