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The Commentator

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Everything posted by The Commentator

  1. Connected but not one organism. Blended consciousness who share memories across a root system. The Starks, weirwoods, ice, darkness, and dire wolves are the savage nature in man. They are pack animals who resist laws, order, and progress. They value freedom and chaos because they are primal and not fit for civilization. They are the enemies of the Targaryens. The Targaryens bring order, laws, rules, discipline, and structure.
  2. Sansa is the most like Lysa among Catelyn’s brood. She’s cooler headed while lacking some smarts. The one who is already suffering from the illness is Arya.
  3. The Targaryens came and they did what the First Men and the Andals did before them. So yeah they too did their conquering, but did it in a kinder, non-exploitive manner. The Targaryens are the protagonists and the heroes of this series of long novels. The brutality of the First Men and their primitive methods nearly killed off the children of the forest. The Targaryens were much kinder and only wanted to prepare the people for the apocalypse they knew was coming from the north. I call them Empire builders who brought a lot of good to Westeros.
  4. A song of ice and fire follows young people growing into adulthood. The mains are the ones who will shape their world for the good and some for the bad. Daenerys has the weight of responsibility on her young shoulders and she has managed better than anyone. She does have enormous power and authority to carry out her vision. The Gods have granted her three dragons, the power of the great Targaryen name, high intelligence, and let’s not forget, beauty. In return, fate expects her to do great things. The Targaryens are special. I’m expecting George to reveal that these folks are the same who ruled during the great empire of the dawn. She is the daughter and heir to the old empire.
  5. The Stark supporters are really trying to paint Lady Dustin as some kind of closet pro-stark person. I don’t think she is a Stark sympathizer. Her story is explicit and the justifications she has to dislike the Starks all ring with truth. She only played along to Robb’s foolish demands because she had no choice. It’s nothing more than humoring a stupid wolf boy who had it in his power to rain pain down on her own family. The Starks will get their bitter deserts. Don’t you worry about that. Yeah they’re going to rain pain on the Lannisters, Boltons, and Freys. And granted some of those folks deserve it. Jaime and Ramsey are examples of nasty sewer rats that have been asking for punishment. Arya killed two already that doesn’t deserve it. She will receive her own punishment. It is already happening in her mind as sanity leaves her. I have to reconsider old Barbrey though. What has she done to deserve retribution coming her way? None for the moment. She was rude to Theon but really now.
  6. Until Doran and Barbrey set their plans in motion.
  7. He didn't know at the beginning. It must have been something he learned while at King's Landing. Idiot threw away his life after the king gave him mercy and spared him. He was part of the gang who threatened King Aerys and the Targaryen family in their home.
  8. I suppose Jon could think like that . He comes back a wight instead of a living man and his vows may no longer apply. His loyalties will belong to the winter Gods who gives him a second chance to rescue his sister. For that he will further his betrayal and truly switch sides. Jon has already proven over and over that he is willing to turn his coat for the Starks. He did when he ran away with the intention to help Robb Stark. Then did it a second time for Arya. Although he didn't realize the woman in the vision was not actually Arya but Jeyne.
  9. I don’t approve of a minor technicality releasing people from an oath. Jon is an oath breaker so it may not matter either way. He will never be an acceptable choice to lead after his crimes.
  10. It’s not going to be that deep. Although the notion of a murderous wolf strangling prey will fit Arya if she kills Cersei. Arya comes in wearing Tyrion’s face and chokes Cersei.
  11. Bran’s mind link with his dw is very strong. Primal instincts filtering through could diminish his humanity. Bran might not go mad the way of Arya. He’ll just be less human. Not Arya-nuts but just as violent and as homicidal.
  12. Aerys would have had the best but the inclusion of the nasty Jaime Lannister brought down the institution of the KG. Quality and honor went downhill just like the welfare of the kingdom.
  13. Rhaegar is not even one of the top three to have sired Jon Snow. Howland Reed, Brandon Stark, and Mance Rayder are the more likely to have been the lover of Lyanna Stark. If Dany burns Jon it will be at the Trident.
  14. I don’t like Arya and wish the worst for her. Yeah she might have some regrets later but that doesn’t erase her heinous acts nor will it bring back those she killed.
  15. This is true. Arya is killing but she pays for revenge with losing her sanity with each act of murder.
  16. Jon doesn’t deserve a good ending. He won’t get one.
  17. Jon is a traitor who betrayed the kingdom. He will be the king of the wights not the living. The Others will bring his dead body back and he will be the night’s king and command wights.
  18. It’s not Dany who has fertility issues. It’s traitors murdering babies that are the issues.
  19. She’s a warg and a skin-changer. She will die and live one more time in the wolf. She can live briefly like Cat-Zombie in between. She has sinned a lot and will receive due punishment.
  20. It becomes a Freefolk country until Jon and the white walkers arrive. Then it’s the cold land of the walking dead.
  21. You just described a typical elderly lord of Westeros. The negative feelings against Walder are too extreme. He failed to observe guest rights. He tricked the Starks into a trap. But he was provoked. The Starks insulted his family and humiliated his daughters.
  22. Cersei protects her children and the family. Sansa doesn’t. Age gap is wide. These two are not alike in personality. They share ambition and a strong liking for Joffrey. Cersei controls men. Sansa is controlled by men. And so on.
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