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[Spoilers] Criticize Without Repercussion - one last time ;o)

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33 minutes ago, The Lord of Cinder said:

Probably been mentioned already, but if I've learned one thing from this season, it is that if I want power, respect and loyal followes, all I need to do is kill rulers! Ellaria and the Sand Snakes killed Doran, and now they're ruling happily in Dorne! Euron killed Balon and admitted it, and now he is the Salty King with a lot of loyal followers who love kinslaying! Daenerys burned the Dothraki horselords, and now all the Dothraki love her! Cersei killed the entire King's Landing plot, and now she's Queen and there doesn't seem to be any kind of rioting or chaos in King's Landing!

Truly excellent commenting here. Yes, the concept of a line of succession seems pretty odd. Every since "yo, fuck this, my watch is over....Edd...you are lord commander now" there has been no real sensible succession. The kingsmoot is never really explained and so EUron, as you say, has become the NaCl king by virtue of killing. Also, apparently, being Tommen Baratheon's Lannister Mother puts you in line for the iron throne.


One thing you didn't mention....how did Gregor become LC?

33 minutes ago, The Lord of Cinder said:

Consequences, what are those? Consequences only happen when you randomly find a wooden stag in pristine condition in a pyre just a couple of steps from Winterfell.

Yes, a pristine condition wooden stag in a pyre just a couple steps from winterfell where a girl was burned alive to relieve the snows so they could get to winterfell..despite, apparently, being about to just have walked there in like 5 minutes.


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I almost enjoyed this shitshow, until the last twenty minutes or so. Everyone's picked up most of my complaints but I need some sort of catharsis by writing it down.

Is there even a war left to fight? They've managed to eliminate most of the great and minor houses this season, or left them with no heirs and no options for marriage alliances to make any new heirs. Is next season just going to be Dany flying in, burning everything Cersei missed until she finds Jon and magically discovers "oh you're my secret nephew, we can be friends! Let's go burn some ice zombies while we're here..." ???

I did actually like the music in the Sept scene, although it got a little out of hand. They were obviously making up for the weird lack of music in the last episode. Also, the walking into the Sept for the trial bit kind of reminded me of that outtake of Peter Dinklage in chains dancing down the aisle.. 

Also, real nice of those flames not to spread at all throughout the city. It's not like the biggest (?) building in KL just exploded in a ball of green flames or anything. Didn't they even specify last episode that the wildfire was under the WHOLE city, not just the Sept?! 

Time travel and teleportation. Arrgghhhhhh why?! 

Sansa and Jon are friends after a simple "I'm sorry?" Jon's really forgiving this episode - Sansa, Glovers, etc...

TKitN scene - well, why bother to write another script, we can just use the one we used for Robb! 


I thought they were trying to make Dany a sympathetic character... or a heartless, cold zombie? I swear they've tried to shove her and Daario's "love" down our throats before, what happened there? That was an almost Cersei-level lack of caring...

Speaking of, what's with all the psycopath, completely-devoid-of-emotion women in this? Cersei, Dany, Arya, Sansa, Olenna... I didn't realise the Others had descended and turned them all into zombies already.


So the North DOES remember... I mean, it forgets for a couple of episodes but NOW it remembers. After they've been saved by a load of Southron knights (who are suddenly really excited about a new KiTN despite saying "it's not our problem" twenty seconds before?)

Why is everyone fine with Cersei being crowned? Where did she get the rest of those Kingsguards from... do they even know about Boros Blount or whichever one they killed in Braavos?

Those are some tame-ass dragons considering they got locked up for being uncontrollable and dangerous, there's no way they'd be pissed off at their "mother"...

DOTHRAKI SAILING SHIPS?!?! Are you KIDDING ME?! Never in history have they crossed the "poison water" cause they're so deathly afraid of it, but suddenly they're pros who can crew their own ships???

Varys... I said to myself as we started seeing all of Dany's ships, "how funny would it be if Varys turned up magically on Dany's boat? It's just sum up completely all the shit that's happened this episode" ...and then he did. :mellow:


I feel like Tommen's fate perfectly sums up the feeling I got from this season, and in particular this episode. Looking out over his kingdom, pondering everything for a second, then nonchalantly, expressionlessly, climbing up onto that ledge and plummeting to inevitable, sweet death.

Standing ovation for Dumb&Dumber. 


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5 minutes ago, Hound's She-Wolf 2 said:

Why didn't the Wyldfire continue to burn the city? Shouldn't it have continued to burn a wide swath of destruction until it reached the sea? And then burn on the water? I expected more to burn. Exploding the Sept was nice and all...but I wanted more burning.

And, considering most of the court was gathered and died at the Sept, where did all those courtiers who were at the coronation come from?

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12 minutes ago, house of dayne said:

Why did arya hide her face at all...no one knows her, not at the twins...and shes disguised as a new stranger..could have kept her old face...she wore the disguise just for the audience it seems

Jaime might have recognized her. She was the girl that Bronn thought was flirting with Jaime. It's really not that stupid to hide your face in enemy territory. 

Where did she get that face though, killed an innocent or robbed the FM? The FM really are the most useless assassins and seem to only consist of one member now :D

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I am surprised this one has only been mentioned a little bit:

Why was no Kingsguard watching over Tommen? I get UnGeregor was busy raping the Septa, because Cersei, "the one who would burn cities to keep her children safe", gave priority to getting revenge over keeping Tommen safe. But what about the other six ones? 

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2 hours ago, SerMixalot said:

I must admit I have become a big Meera-Bran shipper

Welcome! Meera :wub: is actually one of the nicest characters on the show and so protective of Bran. 



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29 minutes ago, A Dance with Davos said:

It just agitates me. I don't even mind them glossing over her learning to control her dragons. I know it is important, but time constraints and all that. Just that they took the time to set up the idea and gave no conclusion. 

I realise it should be Dany that learns to control them and my idea is poor, but heck! Instead of Tyrion doing nothing and drinking with Grey Worm and Missandei this season why not get him to try and learn about them? Or tame them? It's not too farfethced that Tyrion would be intrigued and realise that something has to be done about them if Daenerys wants them in Westeros.

Well said.  I was hoping there would be a scene or two of Tyrion looking in on them, especially after the speech he gave about how he wished for a dragon as a child.  I'd pay to see one of the smaller dragons take a shine to him and give him a ride every now and then LOL

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Just now, Armand Gargalen said:

I am surprised this one has only been mentioned a little bit:

Why was no Kingsguard watching over Tommen? I get UnGeregor was busy raping the Septa, because Cersei, "the one who would burn cities to keep her children safe", gave priority to getting revenge over keeping Tommen safe. But what about the other six ones? 

I think Cersei wanted him dead anyway for not letting her have the trial by combat. But it was stupid. If Tommen had decided to get her in custody for her crimes then what? But I guess she figured he had no guts and would never have them. 

I feel very sorry for the kid, he wasn't evil and I think he did try to do the best he could. He probably couldn't take being such a failure and facing what his mother was and what she did to him. 


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1 hour ago, Tyche said:


- I don't remember hearing Ned say "I promise". Give us that one line!



But he did call for a maester!  LOL  (that gets my prize for the most cringeworthy line of all seasons to date).

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22 minutes ago, Balerion the one eared cat said:

Varys... I said to myself as we started seeing all of Dany's ships, "how funny would it be if Varys turned up magically on Dany's boat? It's just sum up completely all the shit that's happened this episode" ...and then he did. :mellow:

Wait, did that really happen? What? I have to say that Game of Thrones nails one theme, and that is time and space being confusing concepts, at least to the writers.

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IN the "Inside the episode" one of the show-runners said that Cersei's plot was her ultimate victory (okay) and that "its all been building up to this..."

WhhhaaaaaaaAAA????  In what way was the show "building up" to that scene?  There was no foreshadowing until the actual episode; it seemed very forced; rushed; lacked authenticity; seemed a story-line of convenience.  It was, in no way, "building up to this moment"; instead its what these show-runners do: their one-trick-pony-story-telling.  They kill people.  That was it.  Yes, the music was really cool and the fall out with Tommen was spot-on.  But it was just something to do so when Dany gets to Westeros its not as complicated.  She can go South, grab Dorne and Highgarden (how ... convenient) and the North gets the North and Cersei gets destroyed.  That's it.  

Same thing with Arya and the Freys. The show-runners basically said "Look, we won't be back here ever again so, lets have Arya... in effect fly from Braavos, somehow get to The Twins, kill two adult males, one a very good fighter, and then bake them into a pie.  All in the time it took for the Battle of the Bastards to happen."  

Its not even that I blame the show-runners; they are good (not great) story-tellers who were at their best when they had material written for them by GRRM.  Now that he's gone, they are left to their own devices.  And I don't even mind the story itself- its perfectly mediocre.  But its not good and so many outlets are trying to tell me its good.  

Slate wrote an article that sums it up this way: GoT has become the show it never wanted to be- the show that gives fans what they want.


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A couple of years ago I thought I'd never say this, but I have no interest in the endgame of this show other than the possible enjoyment I can get from hate-watching it.

Seriously. So many characters are dead now, and few of those who remain are likeable or interesting. Cersei is an evil villain now. She's the replacement for Ramsay, it seems. Jaime is just a bumbling, confused idiot. Tyrion makes me want to puke. Dany is a hypocritical tyrant saviour who we're supposed to root for, but I have no idea why. Jon is just stupid and boring and apathetic and his death was completely pointless. Sansa is ten different persons, one of those is probably a psychopath. Arya is a psychopath but not really because I have no idea what the point of her Braavos plot was and neither do the writers. Bran is just annoying and is going to fuck everyone's shit up by getting the Walker Whites past the Wall. I guess I like Davos, but he's probably going to die, and his character has made no sense this entire season.

Not to speak of how awfully predictable everything seems now. Winter is coming, or has come. I don't know. Winter fades in and out of excistence just like travel distances. Jon will fight White Walkers, Sansa will probably fuck shit up, but despite that everything will be coming up Sansahouse without it making sense. Daenerys will swoop in and be like: "I hate Cersei because now I can't burn the Great Sept of Baelor and several seasons of plot and character development that went nowhere!". Maybe there will be some twists and turns, but honestly, who cares when the characters are unlikable and themes don't exist? Why care about anything when the writers are gods who can do whatever they like?

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