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Craziest conspiracy you have ever heard of?

The Crow

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Most of the Obama conspiracies are pretty crazy, especially if someone mashes them all up like Obama's a secret Muslim, but he's also secretly gay, and he's a Communist but also a Nazi, that he wants to destroy America but also wants to rule a world government, etc. Which people do. It might not be as classically crazy as the reptilian transdimensional shapeshifter vampire stuff, but it's more prevalent and often treated by certain media and politicians as real discussion points.

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The Newtown false flag stuff is another of the newer ones that are just horribly stupid.

I was gonna say this and especially the wackos who call the guy who lives by the school that took in a few of the scared children and acuse him of being in on the cover-up. I love how conspiracy theorists call everyone sheep for believing "everything" we see on the media but they believe in the most asinine of theories...conspiracy sheep.

I'm obviously in on the conspiracy.

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Any holocaust denial/9/11 "inside job" theories. I'm all for skepticism but those are just insane. The thing about conspiracy theories is that you'll find it's usually the same people believing in them (as in, believing in multiple theories. It's a weird mental state. I read an article on the thought process behind a bulk of CT's, pretty interesting.

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Hmm, I'd find the theory that he WASN'T poisoned even more strange. The evidence is pretty strong that he was.

I disagree, that's for another thread though, not this one. It's pretty crazy, and takes away from Tyrion's growth as a character. I don't buy it.

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Hmm, I'd find the theory that he WASN'T poisoned even more strange. The evidence is pretty strong that he was.

I find the "his corpse stinking means he was poisoned" argument as compelling as "the towers fell means they were controlled demolition" argument. in other words there's no direct evidence for poisoning, or for demolition, just the odd implication that towers don't 'normally' fall even if planes crash into them and all, and the odd implication that corpses don't 'normally' smell bad. Most of the arguments hinge on this implication, with further expounding on motives and possible means, all of which is just speculation.

Anyway let's not derail the thread with ASOIAF theories since this is just general chatter.

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I find the "his corpse stinking means he was poisoned" argument as compelling as "the towers fell means they were controlled demolition" argument. in other words there's no direct evidence for poisoning, or for demolition, just the odd implication that towers don't 'normally' fall even if planes crash into them and all, and the odd implication that corpses don't 'normally' smell bad. Most of the arguments hinge on this implication, with further expounding on motives and possible means, all of which is just speculation.

Anyway let's not derail the thread with ASOIAF theories since this is just general chatter.

Yeah.. agree to disagree.

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I like conspiracy theories because they are interesting alternate explanations for extraordinary occurrences. Its entirely possible that some of them are true - or perhaps have a grain of truth in them.


Major new world order, lots-of-people-are-in-on-it type conspiracy theories..... bullshit. All of them. And I only say that because I know how people are. Hasn't anyone ever had to keep a secret in their life?

If you want to keep a secret absolutely confidential - you do not tell a single person. If you need advice or help with that secret, then you tell the minimum amount of people possible.

As the web of people who know expands, the further the secret gets from those who have a really serious stake in keeping it confidential. The further it gets from those whom it damages, the closer it gets to a juicy piece of gossip - ripe for telling in whispered tones at dinner parties.

So, small scale, we were lied to type situations - sure, you never know. But widespread, Illuminati, major conspiracy theories - I think that is mostly just entertainment.

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U.S. government workers are actually shapeshifters. “are their really US officials who are aliens dressed as humans. i mean i have eyewitnessed a news castor blinking very fast then his eyes went completely black then back to normal. so are aliens really walking amongst us now to monitor us”

Damn. You busted my cover.

I don't think I have any way to separate out the craziest conspiracy theory that I have ever heard, but the BilderBerger organization conspiring for a 'New World Order' is either the most compelling information ever published or one of the top-ranking conspiracies out there.

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Its actually been a few months, but I sometimes listen to Info-wars or coast to coast AM simply because it entertains me. Almost in the same way that Jerry Springer was sometimes entertaining. In any case I enjoy conjuring up crazy possibilities and attempting to connect dots that maybe aren't even there.

The thing that ruins the credibility of prominent conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones is that they seemingly believe every single alternate theory out there. They believe in the fake moon landing, the 9/11 conspiracy, Roswell Alien cover-ups, etc, etc, etc.

If even just a small part of just one of those things were true, they kind of blow it by buying into every scrap of it hook, line, and sinker. There is no discernment, its a game of throwing literally everything but the official line at the wall and see what sticks. I am a decided skeptic, and I don't believe that the official line is always the truth, but I think that it is the truth waaaay more often than literally every single thing is a fabricated lie in which thousands of people are complicit.

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The Beyoncé and Jay-Z illuminati theories are pretty hilarious.

The Newtown false flag stuff is another of the newer ones that are just horribly stupid.

Cell phone tower mind control is great.

There's also a theory that George Bush had JFK killed and George W Bush used a Manchurian candidate to have JFK Jr. killed. George H W was CIA so it's theoretically possible I guess, but the only evidence for George W killing JFK Jr. was that he wasn't campaigning and was off the radar during the time period. I think it's more likely he was on a bender.

Side note; of you haven't seen Ancient Aliens debunked yet, I highly recommend it. It's on youtube.

LOL i remember this was like there 100% proof at one stage it was in every gossip mag news and everything else

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Austin, Texas is actually a hotbed of conservative activism and it is a liberal media distortion that its a progressive city. Like all Texas cities, Austin only elects Republicans to local office; and its a liberal lie that they do otherwise; trying to seed dissent in the Lone Star State and weaken Republican resolve.


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