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[Spoilers] HBO's True Detective discussion thread

Mark Antony

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I think the one One thing I'm [pretty] confident about is that despite the Lovecraftian overtones there are no definitely supernatural forces at work

Now maybe Rust is going to see something supernatural, but it won't be clear that whatever he sees is real and not a product of his hallucinations.

The King in Yellow, for example, might have a weird aura or look like a monster for a moment.

I agree with this. I don't see the show going full supernatural, nor does it really need to. The pseudo-supernatural tone it has is really unique and an awesome "texture" for a typical cop procedural.

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Rust said someone came round the corner too fast and run his daughter over. We know Rust self-identifies as a 'bad man', and we know he had his problems way back then, most likely with alcohol. While it makes perfect real life logic that he and his wife eventually couldn't handle the pain of losing their child and split up, the way the TV show has teased it makes it feel like there's more to it. What if Rust was the one who ran over his own child? His self-loathing at the act pushed him to take a job with basically zero life-expectancy (under cover with the Cartel? Yikes) and his nihilistic attitude eventually evolved as a defence mechanism. A credo that rejects the need for meaning or intent would probably help you sleep better at night if you'd done something like that (not that Rust sleeps :P)...


Yes, as I've said before, I'm not at all sure this is the case but it certainly wouldn't surprise me if Rust had more to do with his daughter's death.

Then again, not much would surprise me at this point ;)

ETA: Had the chance to catch Dallas Buyers Club last night. McConaughey turned in quite the performance there as well. I've already seen Killer Joe so now I just have to catch Mud and, of course, his short stint in The Wolf of Wall Street (along with everyone else, of course).

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Ok...I just got a bit distracted near the end, so what exactly happened? Where was Cohle and why was he holding the large version of that twig pyramid?

I'll bet that Cohle just went extra legal in his hunt for the Yellow King in the last 10 years. Mouzone and Co. happened to build a compelling case against him from what he was seeing.

But overall I think that was another great episode. Still trying to process everything I saw because it was so dense.

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Yeah, Cohle has been in deep cover, investigating this for the past 10 years. And the way he called the two investigating detectives "company men", he believes that there is a deep conspiracy there in Louisiana. The fact that it seems that someone warned the Yellow King (or whomever) that a suspect was willing to talk and that suspect later commits suicide after a phone call...Cohle might be right. Only cops would have known.

SOOOO much to digest...

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Ok...I just got a bit distracted near the end, so what exactly happened? Where was Cohle and why was he holding the large version of that twig pyramid?

I'll bet that Cohle just went extra legal in his hunt for the Yellow King in the last 10 years. Mouzone and Co. happened to build a compelling case against him from what he was seeing.

He went back to the old abandoned school (where he had spoken with lawnmower man). Found creepy stuff painted on some of the walls, and several twig sculptures.

Agree about Cohle's last 10 years. I'm guessing from the preview he gets booted from his job (he appeared to be badgering Tuttle, after all) and it's not as if he'd stop obsessing over finding the Yellow King. The 2012 detectives have a lot of "evidence" but it's all circumstantial. Of course he'd be all over the Lake Charles murder since it's likely the closest to fit the '95 murder's MO.

Incidentally - twenty dozen Internets to all y'all in thread who pegged Tuttle as having a role. That certainly appears to be the case.

This episode demands a rewatch. Definitely a lot to digest!

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Yeah, Cohle has been in deep cover, investigating this for the past 10 years. And the way he called the two investigating detectives "company men", he believes that there is a deep conspiracy there in Louisiana. The fact that it seems that someone warned the Yellow King (or whomever) that a suspect was willing to talk and that suspect later commits suicide after a phone call...Cohle might be right. Only cops would have known.

SOOOO much to digest...

Holy crap I completely forgot about that. They probably heard Francis (?) ready to give some dirt to Cohle, and then bam after that phone call he's out of the picture.

I think this 2012 case might be a response to Cohle 'flying too close to the sun' or something like that. In his recent deep cover work he might've uncovered much more, possibly scaring some of the 'company' bigwigs. This is all speculation here.

What did you guys think? Best episode of thw series or what? I feel like I've said that every week now.

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That was fantastic.

And his locker contains every bit of evidence he's obtained during his off the books investigation, therby implicating himself by accident.


MC identified with the look Cohle made while watching tv with Edward Cullen's vampire mom.

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Cops are in it in some way. Couple episodes back, the way the cop shuts the cell door on ladouxs(?)cell after rust and Marty leave was way too shady. Like, "I know you're talking" and in this episode, on the recording of the three hours prior to the suicide, one cop slows down and glances back into the cell. Only cops would know about the call, "company men".

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Haven't logged in on this site in so long, I think since DwD first came out...had to come back for this discussion.

WOW! What a episode...So has Cohle been UC for the past 10 years? Are there some big wigs at the centre of all this much like Dragon Tatoo's villian? Whos the Yellow King?

After rewatching it...Does anyone else think that with how the story is told (how we see what happened then see them tell it differently), that maybe Cohle and Hart concocted this whole thing...most people going UC usually will tell one person at least about it, if Cohle had told Hart what he was doing, they staged a public fallout, no one would think twice about them being friends again..Cohle can go off the grid and do his thing, Hart can stay in the Dept and work the inside. Cohle being Cohle would know eventually the cops would find evidence about him being at the scenes (we all know Cohle is not clumsy) and as he told that other prisoner (in '02) in this day and age with DNA and other technology, you have to be a genius to not get caught...so he purposely shows up at the crime scenes...

And the cops bring Hart into the mix again, who can begin to work the inside, maybe next episode ends with Cohle and Hart meeting after their fallout, when Hart had just told the cops he hasn't scene Cohle in 10 years..

Preview for next ep: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSZ3dOCH5Vg

Well with what that girl utters at the end...I don't know what to think anymore.

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"...If you wanna follow me, let's go"

With that, is there any chance Cohle just invited those interviewers to a little chat off the record? If he's trying to blow this thing wide open then maybe convincing the interviewers (off the record) will help. That locker or whatever they're referring to probably contains all of the evidence Cohle has collected regarding this whole thing. And if they chat off the record, I'm sure Cohle would be more open with the info.

Oh and the dude who died in 2010 was Billy Tuttle, the tall one from the church. I'm sure that was Cohle's doing, as billy was probably causing some trouble with Rust's investigation.

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