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Never thought I'd miss Ed Skrein, but...

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I think Skrein pulled off the Daario character pretty well, but this new guy doesn't seem bad either.

The Aragorn comparison is stupid. The "I'd rather have no brains than no balls." line showed that he's still a smartass. The flowers thing was just proof that he knows how to talk to chicks. He's a womanizer, not some fucking Romeo-type romantic hero.

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I dont get why everybody is sayng new Daario is a "nice guy", the comment he made to Grey Worm was anything but nice.

I agree.

I don't see what Skrein could have done differently with the 2 scenes we've seen so far besides add his douchy smile that everyone loves so much.

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I could never stand the old Daario actor. He looked too much a slimy garage-metal teenager, not a hot guy who could turn Daenerys’s head with his swashbuckling, his wit, and his swagger. The new actor is an immeasurably better fit for that rôle.

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I don't know who decided that Daario was "clownish." He was flamboyant, but this isn't today's world and he doesn't live in Westeros.

He is only slightly odd by Essos standards.

He is definitely not so different or a downgrade from Drogo.

Most girls of today's world would take one look at Drogo IRL and run screaming. Nobody wants to be with a creepy giant guy with dark circles and a dirty braid to his knees.

But, in the world of Westeros, with Dany who had no one else, he was the bee's knees.

Daario shows up, has colored beard and hair (is that really so weird in today's world, even?) But I don't think any of his outward appearance would work if his personality wasn't up to snuff. He looks the way he does and acts the way he does because he can. He is the shit and everyone knows it.

Daario 2.0 (lol) seems to have come from some southern american state and grown a beard that doens't fit his face, and also makes his large ears stand out.

I'm just accepting that they are reworking the character for their own means. I don't consider him to be an adaptation from the books.

That's great the actor plays good roles in other shows, but this is a completely different world from "Nashville." Just cause an actor is good at one part doesn't mean he will always be good if the part isn't right for him.

Dany could use a sexy guy in her party of old men and eunuchs. Now we have another older gentleman with big ears. Sorry, the ears stood out to me.

Also, he is very white and has a poor english accent. Basically they aren't making him Daario at all.

Did anyone else think his armor was oddly large and awkward looking as well? Like it didn't fit him?

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I liked old Daario better, this one doesn't scream "confidence" at all. When old Daario grabbed Dany's hand to move it on the map, you could feel her physical reaction. I get NO such chemistry with this one.

But I'm willing to hold out for better chemistry in future episodes.

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I don't know how anyone can say that the part isn't right for him based off maybe 3 minutes of screen time. I kinda doubt they were like "fuck it, I liked you in Treme, you're in!" I imagine that he had some kind of audition. D&D and their team have been outstanding with choosing actors, so I see no reason to doubt them now without seeing more than 10 lines.

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I don't know how anyone can say that the part isn't right for him based off maybe 3 minutes of screen time. I kinda doubt they were like "fuck it, I liked you in Treme, you're in!" I imagine that he had some kind of audition. D&D and their team have been outstanding with choosing actors, so I see no reason to doubt them now without seeing more than 10 lines.

An audition doesn't take more than a few minutes. You do not need 3 hours of screenplay to see if an actor is a fit or not. First impressions are everything.

I actually think the old Daario would have done so much better with the flowers scene.

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Where are people getting this "the old guy had mad #swags bro!" from? I've just rewatched all the S3 Daario scenes and they're nothing that could be called "swagger" at all.


Maybe they were just distracted because he was a hunk?.. Or at least fit the 'pretty boy' role well..

While I never liked book Daario (intended to be divisively written of course - some trust him, some do not.) I think Michael Huisman has a better chance of turning it into a memorable role in the long run over Ed, who stood out at first, but over time I think would have gotten pretty tiring..

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Maybe they were just distracted because he was a hunk?.. Or at least fit the 'pretty boy' role well..

While I never liked book Daario (intended to be divisively written of course - some trust him, some do not.) I think Michael Huisman has a better chance of turning it into a memorable role in the long run over Ed, who stood out at first, but over time I think would have gotten pretty tiring..

For most girls, good looks on a guy = swagger, charisma and great personality.

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Yes, and yes. But, since you seem to be willing to concede the point by removing the offense term ("determined"), I'll let it slide.

And yes, I used "yapping" with the specific intent to insult you. But again, since you seem willing to stop the attacks, I will stop returning fire.

Wow. Just wow.

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Can't imagine new Daario taking heads off of anyone. Just me? Also, I agree with those who say he looks like the next next door neighbor - no one would look twice at him. I liked the old Daario because my reaction was like "I don't like him", just like it was to the one in the books. I could see Dany falling for him though.

I don't like the new Daario because he doesn't look the part. He may or may not be a good actor, I don't want to go into that. I wouldn't like Peter Dinklage cast in the role of Gregor Clegane as well.

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Can't imagine new Daario taking heads off of anyone. Just me? Also, I agree with those who say he looks like the next next door neighbor - no one would look twice at him. I liked the old Daario because my reaction was like "I don't like him", just like it was to the one in the books. I could see Dany falling for him though.

I don't like the new Daario because he doesn't look the part. He may or may not be a good actor, I don't want to go into that. I wouldn't like Peter Dinklage cast in the role of Gregor Clegane as well.

i didnt get "arrogant douschey sellsword" from the new guy. the old one played it perfectly. the new one looks as if he'd be a lord in dorne or elswhere. he doesnt look sellsword, and i felt he didnt capture daarios attitude well. again, this is based off of one scene in episode one.

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I thought Ed Skrein was beyond awful. Am I alone here? I also thought he was rather homely, whereas with the new Daario I at least vaguely understand the appeal (though admittedly, neither are my type).

I feel like Huisman is a major upgrade in terms of acting ability; give it a few episodes before wishing the walking Herbal Essence commercial to come back.

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I thought Ed Skrein was beyond awful. Am I alone here? I also thought he was rather homely, whereas with the new Daario I at least vaguely understand the appeal (though admittedly, neither are my type).

I feel like Huisman is a major upgrade in terms of acting ability; give it a few episodes before wishing the walking Herbal Essence commercial to come back.


You all are too good.

In honour of that:


And just to seem un-biased (lol):


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Where are people getting this "the old guy had mad #swags bro!" from? I've just rewatched all the S3 Daario scenes and they're nothing that could be called "swagger" at all.

I'm pretty confused too. From my seat, there was more chemistry between Dany and Newdaario in 2 minutes than there was with her and Poor Man's Fabio in an entire season.

It goes back to what I said earlier though that I find it so fascinating that everyone can watch the exact same thing transpire in front of them and interpret it in completely different ways. Humans are awesome.

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From book 1 to book 5, I went from someone who liked Dany's story to someone who can't skip past her pages quickly enough on re-reads. She's easily my least favorite character in the novels. Now, blaming Daario for that entirely would be ludicrous, but all he did was exacerbate the complete stupidity that her story had become. Of course this is just my opinion, but I think a fair amount of people feel the same way. One thing the show is probably trying to do is make it so that Dany's inevitably bad arc is slightly less annoying by giving her a love interest that is somewhat likable or relatable to the typical viewer. Of course, they could have made Daario still badass in an Oberyn kind of way, but I think they wanted to leave that to the Red Viper alone and make Daario more of a typical mischievous, romantic type.

We've also seen one episode. I didn't have amazingly high hopes for Bronn after his first couple of scenes and now I can't picture anything else but Jerome Flynn doing it.

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Daario's description:

Daario was fair where Jorah was swarthy; lithe where the knight was brawny; graced with flowing locks where the other was balding, yet smooth-skinned where Jorah was hairy...

His hands were large and strong, and there was something in his hard blue eyes and great curving nose that suggested the fierceness of some splendid bird of prey...

Dany found herself stealing looks at the Tyroshi when her captains came to council, and sometimes at night she remembered how his gold tooth glittered when he smiled. That and his eyes. His bright blue eyes...

Dany loved the way his gold tooth gleamed when he grinned. She loved the fine hairs on his chest. She loved the strength in his arms, the sound of his laughter... "You are beautiful," she blurted as she watched him don his riding boots and lace them up...

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