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Comics X: The Great Ten


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Finished the Green Lantern New Gods story. Sadly things wrapped up way too quickly in a cliched manner. Of course Hal is right morally, of course Darkseid's threat is suddenly background noise in the face of Hal's magical ability to get through to certain New Gods.


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If you are interested in hilariously bad comics, Earth 2: World's End finally made the leap from "enraging" to "so goddamn bad it's hilarious" today, and is probably best compared to Countdown and Ultimatum. Especially Ultimatum. The bonus aspect is that every week Blastr has an interview with the lead writer, so you can see him be smug about what he thought he was putting on the page (and also being utterly cavalier about fridging a woman to motivate a male character).

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Another light week for me. East of West #16, Deadly Class #10, and The Fade Out #4. All were pretty good.

The essays in the back of The Fade Out about old Hollywood continue to be one of my favorite parts of the book. I've enjoyed every one of them.

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xmas and new year have made it pretty light on comic releases. It doesn't look like anyone's buying into Marvel's movieverse with no mention of Agents of SHIELD or Ant-man?

I also noticed that Inhumans are now stealing "uncanny" from the X-men as well. I wonder how long it'll be before they are protecting a world that hates and fears them?

My LCO tried to get me to check out the DC Burbank move titles. I didn't bite - I 'm looking forward to saving 2 months of DC books.Maybe more if some of the titles don't return.

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This week I ended up reading more books than usual, probably because I barely read any the previous two.

All-New X-Factor #19 and Storm #7 were as entertaining as usual, but somewhat frustrating because they could be so much more than Marvel will ever allow...

Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #1 is already the biggest regret of the year. Seriously, it's like Marvel is trolling us at this point, publishing whatever trash they want just to prove that people will still buy it. They repeat the same formula that has worked so well in Ms. Marvel and, to a smaller degree, Nova: young person who loves being a superhero tries to manage school, friends, and a secret identity while saving the world with the help of a cute animal companion. And it just doesn't work here. Squirrel Girl is great as a cameo character and source of jokes, but when there's nothing but SG singing "her" theme song? Unbearable. The art doesn't help either.

Ant-Man #1 was actually fun, and a good use of inverted Tony, but, as much as I might like Scott Lang, I don't think I'll keep buying it.

Also read Amazing Spider-Man, which is just another proof of how Spiderverse is the best Marvel event of the past ten years. The "surprise" at the end wasn't that unexpected, but I'm wondering if that means Marvel will finally break the last rule and prove nothing is safe anymore.

Wolf Moon #2 was as consistently fun as the previous issue, but less scary.

And then I read Mortal Kombat X #1. As someone who hasn't read any MK comics since I was seven, this felt like a return to the good old days, but with a lot more gore, and a much improved art. Just amazing. But now I want to play it and don't have any of the games with me :crying:

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Sounds like Squirrel girl is Marvel's attempt at Harley Quinn which is DC's attempt at Deadpool.

I think I'll read through spider-verse when it's finished. It does sound fun and is lucky in that it doesn't involve every single marvel book. The reveal isn't that big a deal as it's an alternate reality version of the character much like spider-gwen. Speaking of, is that the character's codename???

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The reveal isn't that big a deal as it's an alternate reality version of the character much like spider-gwen. Speaking of, is that the character's codename???

It isn't; I think she's Spider-Girl? Spider-Gwen certainly sounds better, though. And while I liked her when she first appeared, I must say my favorite Spider-person at the moment is probably Lady Spider, the steampunk one. :bowdown:

On the reveal, the question remains: will it be kept around, or are they just pulling the same old story yet again?

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It isn't; I think she's Spider-Girl? Spider-Gwen certainly sounds better, though. And while I liked her when she first appeared, I must say my favorite Spider-person at the moment is probably Lady Spider, the steampunk one. :bowdown:

On the reveal, the question remains: will it be kept around, or are they just pulling the same old story yet again?

Spider-Gwen is a fun, not actually used name but I'm glad she doesn't go around by that name!

I really don't see what having another old mentor around could bring to it. Or are they going to try and make out that he also had spider-powers? I do recall there was that guy in white during JMS' run where Peter said he reminded him of the character.

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Just a couple of days after I picked up the first trade of The Wicked + The Divine it's included in a Humble Bundle. But I figure it's probably worth it for the issues of Saga alone, plus there's bound to be other readable ones in there as well.

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And then I read Mortal Kombat X #1. As someone who hasn't read any MK comics since I was seven, this felt like a return to the good old days, but with a lot more gore, and a much improved art. Just amazing. But now I want to play it and don't have any of the games with me :crying:


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Not really. I am glad that Marvel are giving it a push and putting some of their top talent on it. Newsarama likes it but that's not saying much.

I'll be interested to see whether long term star wars fans are on board. I can imagine some will feel burned after the Dark horse canon was thrown out the window. If I were to read it I'd go in treating it as fanfic as I doubt, even with the marvel Disney merger, they'd allow the comic to be canon.

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Marvel are hyping up the announcement to end all announcements next tuesday. They are off to a bad start when you know they are lying from the get go as I doubt they'll never announce anything afterwards.

I doubt it's a reboot and more likely suspect they'll just give us a whole slew of pointless number one issues.

The best rumour I read was them putting x-men and FF into a separate universe/timeline. I think that could actually be good if it wasn't for the fact they'd slowly bury the franchises.

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Marvel are hyping up the announcement to end all announcements next tuesday. They are off to a bad start when you know they are lying from the get go as I doubt they'll never announce anything afterwards.

I doubt it's a reboot and more likely suspect they'll just give us a whole slew of pointless number one issues.

The best rumour I read was them putting x-men and FF into a separate universe/timeline. I think that could actually be good if it wasn't for the fact they'd slowly bury the franchises.

Marvel, or should I say, Marvel comics, can't really get rid of the X-men and NOT go bankrupt. That's the one thing saving them right now.

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Marvel, or should I say, Marvel comics, can't really get rid of the X-men and NOT go bankrupt. That's the one thing saving them right now.

Really? I thought the Avengers franchises were their strong sellers these days? It would look like financial madness to ditch the X-men which are solid sellers across multiple titles.

The thing is I get the impression it's the same core of x-men readers who've been around since the 90s. They'll still read the x-men if they were in a separate universe.

Ultimately, I think Marvel would like us all to think the Inhumans were the X-men. That's why I said it would be a slow process. It's been going on ever since the Inhumans movie began development 2 years ago. I'm guessing Scarlet witch and Quicksilver are the only characters they can de-mutant but I could see them testing the water with unused film mutants down the line.

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Anyone interested in the new Star Wars comic from Marvel? It seems to be set between Episode V and VI, right?

Fuck no! As a fairly big Star Wars fan I have absolutely no interest in reading about Luke & co in the between-movies-period. Mostly because I have already done it before many times.

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