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The Knick (tv show) (Clive Owen/Steven Soderbergh)


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How great was that last shot in S1?... the slow pull back with that look of bliss on Clive Owen's face with the reveal that they're treating his cocaine addiction with Heroin.... what a fucking great show.


That was a great end.  I cannot rave about this show enough.  What is our man Thackery going to get into now?


Funny factoid about drugs (that may or may not end up being relevant):  what is "addictive" is somewhat debatable as there is for most people both a physiological and psychological component to it, but one might argue that substances that contain a physiological component are trickier because they all contain the psychological piece.  Well, opiates/heroine have a much tougher physiological piece for most people (i.e, actual physical symptoms during withdrawal) than does cocaine, so our Thack who is kicking cocaine by being medicated with opiates might be in for one hell of a ride.  I also wonder to what extent the show will use the fact that opiates absolutely do contain a medical utility in certain cases that most pros will tell you far exceeds whatever cocaine's is.  I could see Thack using this as some kind of justification for his own romps.  We shall see.


I confess I did not realize that our main actress Eve Hewson was Bono's daughter until I saw mention of it on a magazine cover today.

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  • 2 months later...

Is anyone still watching? I have just caught up with the last three episodes and damn that ending to the previous episode was unsettling as hell. I really don't know why, perhaps because the threat is different from the usual death and destruction, but the whole eugenics schtick Gallinger has going is probably the best piece of horror in this show since that tense scene that almost cost Algernon his eye.

What makes it even worse is how I actually got to feel Gallinger's character a bit more. Like, he was borderline sympathetic the previous episodes. I even thought he wasn't at all sure about the whole eugenics thing when it came up at his reunion for the first time. And then he pulls that shit, what he does to those poor innocent boys is just vile. I hope someone takes a stab at him for that. I'm also wondering how long it will take him to dump his wife and bang the sister. 

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The eugenics storyline is a really interesting one for them to take on.  Fits very well with the historical period and is rooted in real history.  There really was a big push to sterilize "defectives" for the sake of allowing the allegedly superior "Nordic" races to thrive.  Incredibly, the laws allowing doctors to do this stayed on the books in many US states until recently even though I believe the practice largely disappeared after WWII.

Those scenes with the open brain were crazy.  Wondering what they're going to show us that Thack has done to that patient. 

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There is not one bad/boring storyline/subplot going on right now... my only complaint is that they're not giving everything the time its due...

-Cleary getting Harriet out of jail by strong-arming the rich uptown ladies

-Lucy getting dumped by Thackery, beaten by her father, and now potential romance w Henry

-Bertie, his mom, &the reporter... Gallinger & Eugenics... detective Cornelia trying to find out who killed Inspector Speight...  Algy's awesome wife... Thack & Eleanor ... Dr Grabby Hands lighting his face on fire...

But my favorite storyline this year is watching Barrow dig himself deeper and deeper... and now Tammany is involved... what a hateable douche 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Brilliant episode. The ballroom direction and cinematography was absolutely to die for. Cornelia's discovery that her family is behind the plague-infested immigrants making it to New York, and at the same time the fact that they're on the verge of financial ruin if she makes any missteps with that information or with creepy Daddy Showalter, is so well done. Lucy's ruthlessness in pursuing her ambitions is pretty breathtaking.

Love this show.

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Great episode. The Knick has something with the number seven, because last year, the seventh episode had that marvellous attack on the hospital. Some rather surprising twists and turns. Oh, and Gallinger is a piece of shit. Two questions immediately came up after the episode


First question Is the Captain Algie's father? We speculated about that last year, but now that the Captain called him son it seems even more plausible. Personally, I hope they aren't related, but they do seem to be fitting everything neatly into place for such a reveal.

Second question: Will Harriet start Planned Parenthood in the future? I mean, the organisation was founded in 1916, but the show can and will play loose with the facts if it makes for a better story
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I don't think he's Algernon's father. I think he does seem himself as a bit of a foster father, or at least a very fond uncle, so his use of "son" showed his feelings.

Dubious about Harry founding it, but maybe they can show her getting involved. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...


Yes, Henry... sorry.... But I don't think it's obvious at all...  Especially if it was Henry who had the inspector murdered, the fire could be a frame/cover-up...

I agree. The Barrow scene felt like a red herring imo :) 

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This last episode was insane all around, it felts like a series finale(and i hope it isn't).

If it was, it might be the saddest i can think of so far, almost everyone of the good side, ended up in a mess, and Gallinger is "living the dream".

I had my suspicions but still was shocked by Henry, and Cleary's revelation was crazy as well. I really hope there is a season 3.

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