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TTTNE 435: There must always be a Baelish in TTTNE

Littlefingers In The Air

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Trying to send from the phone.

edith: can't do it. Apparently, I need to set up my gmail account to even email it to myself.

Y'all will just have to take my word that it smells delightful and has my dog dancing excitedly hoping for a bite :drool:

I do! I can smell it! :eek: :lol:

Morning Eira :)

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Good morning Sleepy Lannister :) Have a big [_]P of espresso. I steamed it special for you!

:lmao: Adara...I gave Wendy a few bits of the turkey and she keeps hurling her body at me wanting more :lol: My girl is so silly!

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*sets up the espresso machine on the SNACK COUNTER OF REQUIREMENT*

*fires up the griddle for pancakes, hash browns and panini sandwiches*

Today's specialty item is roasted turkey breast with apple smoked gouda :D

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See, that's what keeps me going during a migraine attack. The knowledge, that the pain will be gone next morning and everything left is a bit of a hangover.

Try to figure out your triggers, that's the first thing to do about it.

Good luck with the driving lessons :)

My problem is that I never know when it's going to go, mine are never set to a specific time (like say, lasting an hour or whatever) I just have periods where it's worse and others where it's mild. For the past few days, I wake in the morning and I'm fine, then it builds up gradually, and recedes again, but never completely disappears.

About the triggers, I'm working on those now, but my biggest trigger is probably too much direct sunlight. I remember I went to a football match last year and the sunlight was in my face the whole time and I had a severe migraine all day after that. The sun was in my eyes the whole time I was driving earlier and I can feel it coming on again D:

Waking up too early also triggers it, but I sleep plenty and well at night, around 7-8 hours when I have to wake at 6am, around 10 when I don't need to wake early. So it's not lack of sleep but probably waking early itself

I'm a terrible driver, apparently xD I really need some good practice. But I almost crashed into a lamppost last time I practiced in my mum's car t-t

ETA: Hello to everyone who said hello! :grouphug:

DS: That sounds HEAVENLY :drool:

I'm gonna put on.. um.. chocolate with nuts and fizzy vimto belts on the snack counter of requirement if anyone wants a sugar rush :laugh:

Oh and some chicken pasta

Oh and guys if you have a preferred name/nickname you want me to call you by then please tell me, I'm still getting to know everyone round here :)

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*sets up the espresso machine on the SNACK COUNTER OF REQUIREMENT*

*fires up the griddle for pancakes, hash browns and panini sandwiches*

Today's specialty item is roasted turkey breast with apple smoked gouda :D

Sis? Can I move in at your place?

I guess we'd have fun to cook... that above really makes me drool. Hard. Drooling very hard.

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Good day!

Too much spam to keep up with again. :whip: Congrats LITA!

I see there has been a troll. :blink:

Very glad you are enjoying it! The serpent attack was great. Maulkin and Sessurea :wub:

Interesting idea :D Spoilers...

but wrong :leaving:


And you tease with all those spoilers! :lol:

It's called the fifth here :dunno: I think we're the only ones we have this system, it's confusing.

Interesting. Here high schools are usually started at 14/15 and ended at 18/19.

I'm a bit nervous for a WorldCon, too. I've only been to two cons so far, and they were both pretty small. I enjoyed people watching and especially the informal BwB gatherings, etc.

Trying to get everyone together before lunch or something seems like it would be a near impossible feat at one of the big cons. Try a small con maybe?

Yes, it is pretty much impossible to gather even a smaller group that I really wished most to see. :dunno:

I have been told that. I do not really know. If I travel somewhere, I would rather do some sightseeing than sit in a con.

I haven't read GRRM's other stuff yet but I hear Dunk and Egg is good, gonna give it a try :P ASOIAF left me so emotionally drained and book hangover and all

Try Fevre Dream. :wub:

My first decent ear of corn


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Bucky: Will do :P How are you today?


High school starts at 11 here and finishes at 16 O_o then we have college from 16-18 and then university :P

we have middle school/junior high at 11/12 then high school 14/15 through 17/18. college and university are the same thing here. (a university might be made up of several colleges)

tired this morning. stayed up ready until 1:30am I am too old to be doing that :P

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TBB, did Adara get to you about the tesseract question from Thor/Capt. America/Avengers? She seemed to have unearthed a discrepancy in the story.

Yes she did. There's no discrepancy in the story, just a minor change from comic books to movies. She is thinking about reading the comic books (despite her age). But first, she's going to watch Agents of SHIELD just because

:commie: Coulson lives, yay! :commie:

But in fact, the Tesseract in the Marvel Universe did become my ice dragon. Can't get this thing out of my head.

The key thing is: Tesseract =/= Casket of Ancient Winters. They do have similar designs, but their powers are completely different. Just bear with it, the Tesseract will return and be very important.

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I have pics for you guys

Nothing exciting - just my veggies

My first decent ear of corn

Tatume Squash

And look at my poor little bell peppers

I dunno what happened to them but they aren't lookin so good. This is year 3 of the plant blooming on it's own, I hope it doesn't have any disease.

Love your veggie pics. The corn and green peppers look wonderful, and the squash too (though I'm not a fan of that veggie in general). We can't grow corn around here unless it is surrounded by an impervious wire cage - the raccoons would descend on it first.

Congrats LITA

Exactly ma first thought. It was in the news here yesterday. Poor girl.

Yes she did. There's no discrepancy in the story, just a minor change from comic books to movies. She is thinking about reading the comic books (despite her age). But first, she's going to watch Agents of SHIELD just because

Coulson lives, yay!

But in fact, the Tesseract in the Marvel Universe did become my ice dragon. Can't get this thing out of my head.

Might be, things are different across the pond. Around here, hipster judge you by first sight - wrong clothes, like OMG !11!!!!1!

Funny thing about plaid shirts, I always liked them. Few years ago I mentioned this in a conversation with my mother. She asked me if I was going lesbian now. So much for stereotypes.

(I just like straight patterns, ornaments and stuff, round forms make me sick)

Morning your grace, Lady O and Bex

Lady O, I had a bell pepper plant in a pot on the windowsill some years ago. Just handled it like a regular flower, there was one fruit. It was tiny but deliciouus I think Bex is right, they are annuals.

The key thing is: Tesseract =/= Casket of Ancient Winters. They do have similar designs, but their powers are completely different. Just bear with it, the Tesseract will return and be very important.

Well now that you got me hooked on this question, help me out with the timeline.


Odin took the tesseract from the ice giants and brought it to Asgard. Then at some future point put it down in Norway where the Nazis found it?

It's already proved to be a major force in the Avengers movie where Loki used it to open the portal for those bad guys from outer space.

How can Coulson be alive? We saw him die in the Avengers movie? Maybe the show is from before that??

TBB, you don't have to worry about any confusion on my part since I never heard of the Casket of Ancient Winters.


as I've said before - I too love those same plaids - as does my Chickee. But she's in fashion and loves all kinds of things.

Funny (from a distance) about your mother thinking you were making a statement about your sexuality. Was that before or after you had a kid(s) of your own?

Same here My mother asked what it was with me and tartan... I told her I'd been born in the wrong country Her response was to buy me a lacy white top with tartan trim. It was the ugliest thing she ever bought me

edith...KiD...I'm glad to see you got the French Press

I was going through my friends earlier...whatever happened to LozeldaDTM?

Tartan is great. Funny to hear of moms reacting to it that way.

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Good morning Sleepy Lannister :) Have a big [_]P of espresso. I steamed it special for you!

I went back to bed. It was an absurd time to be up.

Plus I talked to KM on AIM and he dind't respond, so back to sleep it was, eventually.

But that involves, like, ALL of the reading.

But in involves hanging out with the cool kids.

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