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Next POV character to die?

Mr. ASoIaF

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Agreed with Barristan in the Battle of Meereen.

Nah. He's got to stick around to meet Septa Lemore, so we can find out if she's Ashara Dayne. It's Tyrion who will die during the Battle of Meereen.

But, if not: Brienne.

Too late. She's already dead. And raised. And no longer a POV character.

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Personally I wish it would be Stannis. He doesn't defeat his enemies honorably ... he uses "black magic" too much. Blech.

Dany relies on the threat of her dragons too much. Jon Snow relies on his dire wolf too much. The Lannisters rely on their gold deposits and caches of wildfire too much. What did Stannis really use as far as black magic during wars that resulted in more innocent deaths than people with more "honorable" tactics? Was it his 2 assassinations that ended what could have been a large scale fight resulting in countless deaths quickly? Or was it Melisandre killing that one bird that somebody else was using magic to scout them with?

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Sam's a possibility.

The long-term plan was for him to be the next Maester for the NW under Jon, but long term plans that we read about almost never come to be, the NW might not survive much longer and Jon is either dead or no longer in the NW, so that leaves Sam...oh, right, sharing study space with a Faceless Man, a Sunsnake and an impending Viking Invasion.

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I don't think Areo Hotah has been fleshed out enough to be killed. Plus he's basically the eyes of Doran

And he is just about to start his own journey with Swann and Obara, to find the Darkstar. It is a good chance to show us other parts of Dorne, and also to make him more interesting. They can even find out significant misteries about the Dayne family, who knows. Though I have a feeling sooner or later Hotah will have to face Swann in a fight, and this time he might lose.

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Sam's a possibility.

The long-term plan was for him to be the next Maester for the NW under Jon, but long term plans that we read about almost never come to be, the NW might not survive much longer and Jon is either dead or no longer in the NW, so that leaves Sam...oh, right, sharing study space with a Faceless Man, a Sunsnake and an impending Viking Invasion.

And personally I do not want Sam and Jon to reunite ever again. Not that I do not like them, just it is simply not that kind of story. But I feel that Sam have to make something of great importance yet before dying.

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if he's bringing together characters and then has the ability to kill some and let the narrative flow, i would think at least one out of each of the following groups is possible (if not probable):

  • Tyrion, Barristan or Victarion;
  • Areo Hotah or Arianne;
  • Jaime or Brienne;
  • Theon or Asha;
  • Melisandre or Jon;

If he's not introducing more characters:

  • To describe the next two battles we need Victarion, Tyrion and Barristan to see it enough from different sides to describe it well enough to understand. Maybe one of the ironborn leave with a dragon making Dany follow and Vactarion available to describe that side of things. Tyrion still has to meet Dany so he's done for after that but Barristan might die once he's described something and in a fit of chivalry somehow die.
  • Areo and Arianne leave too many POVs together. Areo to go, Arianne to stay as more interesting but Areo is more the survivor really. No idea to be honest. Can someone lend a better light?
  • Jamie and Brienne cant continue together with 2 POVs surely. Maybe this is the end for Jamie as Brienne continues the needless attempt to save Arya and Sansa however, I kinda hope Brienne lives to lead the Kingsguard which makes me think she will die, so maybe Brienne is done for and Jamie continues until he gets to Cersei. Part of me thinks Brienne wll die saving Sansa from Littlefingers plots and Jamie will take over until he dies leaving Sansa safe.
  • Asha and Theon need to survive enough to get a good description from their relatively poor vantage points up north so may be executed afterwards or maybe even escape if Stannis loses (in the case of Asha). Theons probably done for unless Asha leaves and allows for later description of the ironborn.
  • Melisandre and Jon depends totally on what happens with Jon. If Jon stays and lives, one must go. I dont think he will stay after latest shinanigans even if he lives.
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It's Tyrion who will die during the Battle of Meereen.

If Tyrion died during the Battle of Meereen, it'd be for shock effect, and that's not the way GRRM goes. Besides he said that Tyrion had a large role to play in TWOW, and dying in the beginning battle doesn't seem like a very large role.

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Victarion and The Damphair. Followed by Mel. They're living life on the edge.

Jaime, Davos and Brienne are also too close to the edge. Way too close.

And Jon Con. That greyscale.

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