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Weeping Sore

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Clearly, you would use this: :unsure:

Hey grasshoppers, you can use quotes and emojis (what happened to emoticon?) if you toggle the icon all the way to the left of the "font" icon at the top of the posting box. I would explain what that does, but I'm an old fart and don't understand this new-fangled computer business. :cool4:


Oooh la la!

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When you say "extra" emos, what you talkin' 'bout, Willis?

You can use the "Full Editor" I think it's called that will allow you access to all the "smilies" as I prefer to think of them.


ETA: In fact I'm going to do it right now and see if I'm talking out of my arse or not.

Okay. Under the list of head-banger, punching, sunglasses guy, cheers, etc., there's a "show all." That should do it.

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I clicked the extra emos and nothing happened. The extra emo list covers the icons to the left of "Font", so I reduced the page, so the extra list was left on it's own, re-opened the page to click on the far left icon, then reduced the page again and then clicked on one of the extra icons, then re-opened the page and found the written instructions read. I assume when I post this it will turn into the emo.

Awfully convoluted way to get am emo. I'll probably just switch to Chrome when I want to use one of the extra emos.

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Awfully convoluted way to get am emo. I'll probably just switch to Chrome when I want to use one of the extra emos.

Or you can just always keep this thread open in a separate tab and retype/copy-paste the smiley code every time you want to use one. ;) The smileys are ruined in that thread, but the codes are still the same.

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I read an article this morning about heterosexual civil partnerships. In the UK, long-term, co-habiting couples get no legal benefits. This is something quite relevant to me, as, although my parents were together for 18 years (more's the pity), when my dad died, he was classed as single, and my mum received no government support.

Keen to hear what you fine people think. A lot of the comments on the article are saying "why not just get married?!", but I feel they are missing the point. And I didn't know the father's name goes on the marriage certificate. What's the bloody point in that? Mine's long dead, and I wouldn't want his name on it anyway.

Article: http://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2014/dec/02/couple-challenge-ban-heterosexual-civil-partnerships?CMP=fb_gu

Drac here it is called "common law" marriage and it is defined by the length that couples have cohabitated. Some states recognize it in under a year. Every state has different laws, but most recocnize it. I,t can be really scary when you're thinking about letting someone move in to your house.

Edit: most states require 3-7 years of cohabitation.

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