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The Finest Films of 2014

The Killer Snark

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:lmao: The Honest trailer for Boyhood is brilliant XD I really liked the movie, but it's still very funny. Red, I think you are the commenter at 02.05 min. under another name :P

I do think that This is the End was their greatest yet. That shit is funny. But I am a HUGE Danny McBride fan too. Basically love everything he has done...haha especially fan boys. Rogen was so good in that too. The Jar Jar Binx tatoo brings me to tears every time. :rofl:


This is the End is great, but it lacks a Katy Perry song imo :P Haven't seen fan boys yet. I'm glad someone else like Your Highness as well :D

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The whole love-is-the-answer-schtick was handled especially poorly on the film. Subtlety really isn't for Nolan.

Well, my wife has cried like a baby, and usually she doesn't cry that easily, so that means something. Happy end was unnecessary and kinda stupid, agreed, but that didn't change the overall positive impression for me. There were much more good things in this movie than just pictures and MM acting. But I won't litter the wrong thread, even in my case Interstellar would probably not make it into the top ten of 2014.

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I've now seen Whiplash too so now I think I'm pretty well-filled for the Oscars. Of course I've not seen every movie nominated, but I've seen quite a few, and the main contenders for best picture at least. So Whiplash... yeah another great movie from this year, and I needed some time to melt it before I wrote down what I thought about it. And yeah, it's definitely among the 4 best pictures of the year, and after thinking about it I might even put it equal to my number one, Boyhood, or maybe just a little bit behind. Although I would say this is a movie that definitely will be easier to rewatch than Boyhood, and maybe even surpass Boyhood after another viewing. My only complaint is that I wanted to know more about the characters, but so much other stuff was going on that I guess that had to take kind of a backseat. They didn't feel very developed in the movie, but it didn't really matter either to be honest.

I read online though that the movie isn't really depicting jazz faithfully, so that might be one of its bigger flaws. Jazz is a very improvisational genre of music, where its all abuot the small flaws and quirks and characters in the playing. It isn't really a style of music where you have to nail every single note for it to be good. So someone else said that it should be better to use classical music as the music of the movie, but then again, jazz is (for me at least) much more interesting to listen to in this kind of movie, so I dunno how it could have been done differently, and it's a movie, so it doesn't have to be hundred percent faithful to the music its using either I suppose.

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I've now seen Whiplash too so now I think I'm pretty well-filled for the Oscars. Of course I've not seen every movie nominated, but I've seen quite a few, and the main contenders for best picture at least. So Whiplash... yeah another great movie from this year, and I needed some time to melt it before I wrote down what I thought about it. And yeah, it's definitely among the 4 best pictures of the year, and after thinking about it I might even put it equal to my number one, Boyhood, or maybe just a little bit behind. Although I would say this is a movie that definitely will be easier to rewatch than Boyhood, and maybe even surpass Boyhood after another viewing. My only complaint is that I wanted to know more about the characters, but so much other stuff was going on that I guess that had to take kind of a backseat. They didn't feel very developed in the movie, but it didn't really matter either to be honest.

I read online though that the movie isn't really depicting jazz faithfully, so that might be one of its bigger flaws. Jazz is a very improvisational genre of music, where its all abuot the small flaws and quirks and characters in the playing. It isn't really a style of music where you have to nail every single note for it to be good. So someone else said that it should be better to use classical music as the music of the movie, but then again, jazz is (for me at least) much more interesting to listen to in this kind of movie, so I dunno how it could have been done differently, and it's a movie, so it doesn't have to be hundred percent faithful to the music its using either I suppose.

I've heard the same criticism, especially about how the "work hard" part is done.

I have to say, I can understand why this would be frustrating but I still thought that the movie was excellent at signalling what it wanted it's jazz-blind audience to see. Perhaps it would be worse if I actually knew anything about it.

As for the characters, yeah. It's all pretty economical. And works perfectly.

The story was contrived, boring and predictable. Worse yet it went on for 20-25 minutes after it should have stopped, all the provide us a sacharine, sappy Hollywood ending. The whole love-is-the-answer-schtick was handled especially poorly on the film. Subtlety really isn't for Nolan. Also, the movie criminally wasted Cassey Affleck, which should be punishable by law.


Well, my wife has cried like a baby, and usually she doesn't cry that easily, so that means something. Happy end was unnecessary and kinda stupid, agreed, but that didn't change the overall positive impression for me. There were much more good things in this movie than just pictures and MM acting. But I won't litter the wrong thread, even in my case Interstellar would probably not make it into the top ten of 2014.

It was a good movie, Nolan just has to be taken as what he is.

If you put aside all the talk of him being "deep" from the fanboys he makes well executed blockbusters that have flaws.

He's getting a little self-indulgent though. Inception should be the model, not Interstellar. Or, at least, not the ending of Interstellar.

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I finally got around to seeing American Sniper during the week. It was, objectively, well acted, well paced, occasionally thrilling and well made, and I did genuinely enjoy it. I'm not going to put it on my list of best movies, though, and it's not among my lesser favourites of last year. The problem is to do with approach. It would be wholly disingenuous to accept Chris Kyle as the uncomplicated everyday Joe hero that the movie makes him out to be because it's easier that way than dissecting his psychological motivations. It takes a certain type of person to do the line of work he was involved in which escapes such black and white classification as a hero or villain consideration, even if you take the point of view that he was fighting purely for the right side. Exploring the character from a more psychonalytical perspective wouldn't have been the opposite of a whitewash so much as it would have made the character come across as more interesting than he comes across as in the movie. The point of seeing a biopic of this character is not to get an uncomplicated picture of an everyman taking the moral high route to justify what he does on every mission, while being unquestioning about his own motivations for his specific fight for his side.

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Just saw A Most Violent Year and loved it. Oscar Isaac is one of the best actors going right now, I'd see anything he's in. The pacing was great, besides maybe starting a little slow, but it was just a really good overall movie with tremendous acting. Besides seeing the trailer a few months back, I went into it not knowing what exactly it was about and it was pretty refreshing.

Also, a couple actors from other shows I love were in it also which was a cool little surprise.

Errol from TD, Nucky's nephew and one of Dany's blood riders.

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Ok making my list

1. Birdman

2. Guardians of the Galaxy

3. Big Eyes

4. X-men Days of Future Past

5. Grand Budapest Hotel

6. Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

7. Captain America Winter Soldier

8. The Hobbit: Battle of the 5 armies

9. St. Vincent

10. Mockingjay Part 1

11. Theory of Everything

12. Whiplash

13. Godzilla

14. Gone Girl

15.Magic in the Moonlight

16. Foxcatcher

17. Boyhood

18. ninja Turtles

19. Edge of Tomorrow

20. Malificient

What can I say? I like CGI and comic books :)

Also this is the order of movies I want to watch more than once, which is not always the 'highest quality' movie, but for me, the most entertaining.

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Just saw A Most Violent Year and loved it. Oscar Isaac is one of the best actors going right now, I'd see anything he's in. The pacing was great, besides maybe starting a little slow, but it was just a really good overall movie with tremendous acting. Besides seeing the trailer a few months back, I went into it not knowing what exactly it was about and it was pretty refreshing.

Also, a couple actors from other shows I love were in it also which was a cool little surprise.

Errol from TD, Nucky's nephew and one of Dany's blood riders.

Glad you liked it. Really horrid that this isn't getting its due. The year is just to good, plus the academy is being as dipshittery as ever nominating shit that doesn't deserve to be there.

If you put aside all the talk of him being "deep" from the fanboys he makes well executed blockbusters that have flaws.

He's getting a little self-indulgent though. Inception should be the model, not Interstellar. Or, at least, not the ending of Interstellar.

Serious flaws in case of Interstellar. TDKR and Interstellar were pretty crappy.

OK...I finally saw Edge of Tomorrow...I went in expecting very little...and I came away really liking the movie. So now I can say I have seen ONE movie on Veltigar's list.

Only 29 to go now :) Glad you enjoyed it :)

You just liked seeing Emily do those sweaty push-ups....

:drool: Truly the Angel of Verdun :cheers: We need more roles for women to kick-ass in and Emily Blunt should play them all!

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I have seen many of the movies that people have positively reviewed on here and I agree with just about everything. I also plan on seeing some that are mentioned on here that I may not have seen otherwise. However, I completely disagree with overall appreciation of the movie Boyhood. Is it all because of the unique way the movie was produced? Standing on its own entertainment merits, I thought it wasn't anywhere near as good as people say. I certainly wouldn't recommend it to anyone.

I thought it would be cool to see the movie span several years while keeping the same actors but I found that it added nothing for me. It had the dull qualities of a documentary without the additional benefit of being educational.

Sorry for the hate, am I alone on this?

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I just thought of 2 movies which I think are great, but never in a thousand years do I want to see again: Requiem for a Dream (I dont have to explain, do I?) and 12 Years a Slave (that camera shot of the woman getting whipped for 5 minutes straight was the last straw).

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I knew what to expect from Requiem for a Dream because I'd already read the novel. If they'd adapted another Hubert Selby Jr book that hasn't been adapted yet, The Room, the results would have been even more soul-destroying. 12 Years a Slave never really upset me that much, but I've seen a lot of really ultraviolent films.

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