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Asoiaf invades WWE

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One of the main things that stuck out to me during my first read through of Asoiaf, is the story of Sandor being burnt at the hands of his brother Gregor. The story seemed extremely familiar, and I finally know where I had heard it before; in WWE. The relationship between the Hound and the Mountain parallels the relationship of Kane and the Undertaker almost completely.

- Both Undertaker and Gregor burn their younger brother, leaving them with hideous facial scars.

- Both Kane and the Hound wear famously menacing masks to hide their disfigurement.

- Both Kane and the Hound become obsessed with fire.

- Both Undertaker and Gregor killed everyone in their family except their younger brother.

- Both Undertaker and Gregor are "undead".

- Both Undertaker and Gregor are being controlled by someone else, Undertaker with whoever possesses his urn and the Mountain by Qyburn.

It is also interesting, if you subscribe to the hound = the gravedigger theory, and consider that Kane who parallels the Hound, buries his brother alive.

It's funny to see that one of my favorite story lines as a kid was possibly inspired by my favorite novel as an adult.

Is anyone aware of any other popular show/game/novel that was possibly inspired by Asoiaf?

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Good to know! This means not only WILL there be a Cleganebowl, but there will be dozens of them spanning decades until everybody is incredibly sick of them.

ETA: I do really like this idea though. I'm thinking Triple HHH/Stephanie has to be Rhaegar/Lyanna, even if it's a stretch. I like this because (a) it makes Shawn Michaels - my favorite wrestler ever by far - Arthur Dayne and (b) makes Robert Baratheon test, which is just funny to think about.

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Thinking back, IIRC, the Undertaker and Kane seem to have become brothers around 97-98... which would indeed have been after AGOT was already out. So while the Undertaker is certainly older than ASOIAF, it does seem as though it's possible after the books came out that they partially adopted Gregor and Sandor's storyline for the Undertaker and Kane

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Stannis will ally with the technical wrestlers like Daniel Bryan, Brass Ring Club(Tyson Kidd, Natty neidhart, and Cesaro)(the team are faces now), and with the Stinger(he is part of wwe know).

Lannister would join the authority.

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....wait....they say this stuff in WWE?....and there are people out there who still say it is real?....i have no words

"It's real to me, dammit!" ;)

I could buy this theory. It would make sense. And the Lannisters are completely the McMahons/The Authority.

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Sandor- Kane

Qyburn- Paul Bearer

Cersei- Stephanie McMahon

Jamie- Shane McMahon

Tywin- Vince McMahon

Robert Baratheon- Triple H

Jon Aryn- Ric Flair

Renly- Randy Orton

Stannis- Batista (I guess, I'm going with the whole Evolution thing)

Joffrey- Seth Rollins (this actually works if Kane is the Hound)

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