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Is Myrcella really out of danger? (Spoilers all)

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It wasn´t bad acting, Nikolaj was just as dumb faced as myself when Myrcella said she loved that he was her father... okay you didn´t interact much with Robert, but Jaime "he was only my seed" Lannister, at least in the books, interacts even less with the kids, if ever... but that's the books and this season and said books are, you know... divorced

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Doran will probably hand Ellaria and all his nieces to Cersei or whoever rules at KL in exchange for the return of Trystane.

I just can't buy that the ship is just going to continue on to KL and things are going to go as planned sans Myrcella. that would be soooo dumb. Tyene slipping Bronn the antedote is possible. Perhaps either way, Trystane was betrothed to Daenerys 18 some odd years ago, that's gotta be it. Removing that plot element without removing Dorne altogether would be too egregious.

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Ellaria and Sand Snakes are not responsible for anything what can possible happen with Trystane. He is on his ship, he can return. To continue as if nothing happened would be stupid. If he continue to KL to be taken hostage or murdered by Cersei, well that would be completely idiotic writing, you can not blame any character, just the writers for that.

I am curious what will happen, but i have not much hope it will be logical. Even between the second and the third season supposedly smart Tywin was not able to count 1+1 and figure out that the Northern cupbearer was missing Arya.

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I just can't buy that the ship is just going to continue on to KL and things are going to go as planned sans Myrcella. that would be soooo dumb. Tyene slipping Bronn the antedote is possible. Perhaps either way, Trystane was betrothed to Daenerys 18 some odd years ago, that's gotta be it. Removing that plot element without removing Dorne altogether would be too egregious.

Yep, I forgot the ship is Dornish or at least hired by Doran. Plus Trystane should keep a sizeable retinue.

But anyways, Jamie will demand Ellaria's head, and Doran should be willing to give it to him.

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I am so confused as to where the Dorne portion of the show is going from this point.

I mean, did Ellaria just condemn herself to death?

Rationally speaking, there is no reason for Doran to willingly allow Trystane to leave with Jaime knowing what was about to unfold. Clearly Bronn and Trystane will immediately recognize that Myrcella had been poisoned by Ellaria/the Sand Snakes. I don't think Jaime will execute Trystane or bring him back to Kings Landing as a hostage because he knows that Trystane had no part in her death (maybe the old Jaime would have). Where is this plot-line going?

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it seems she's gone for good

But i want to ask a thing, I see in every forum people saying Trystane is risking death or captivity or whatelse...

The bloody boat is dornish, right? so dornish soldiers inside, maybe 5 or 10 to protect the prince, whilst Jaime and Bronn are on their own. too much even for one good killer as Broon and a halfhand

The boat did about 50 meters away from the harbor when she died. The voyage to KL will take at least 1 week if not 2, right?

Jaime is smart enough to understand Trystane has no fault at all but even if he want to bring him to KL hiding her body from Trystane so they arrive and he's put to arrest, Trystane want for sure to see her even within a day, there 's no PSone no xbox inside the vessel i suppose nothing of nothing to prevent and occupy him instead to go to ''enjoy'' her and he will know she's dead..and return back home even if the ship is halfway

If instead Jaime tell immediately to him she's dead, he will turn back the boat and got to daddy to inform him what happened in order to put Ellaria to death, he's not stupid to thing Jaime killed her

Really, unless I'missing something, if next season start with Trystane at KL...the authors deserve a sarcastic nobel price

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someone on the main thread mentioned something i totally hadn't thought of, and that is if even one of the Sand Snakes has a slight change of heart (Tyrene), knowing what Ellaria was going to do, there is a tiny chance she could have passed Bronn a tiny vial of antidote when she bit his ear... the look that he has on his face could have been for that reason, and not just the obvious. Bronn is smart enough to play along, and it saves Myrcella to be killed another day, as per prophecy.

I was kinda hoping Bronn had sense enough to filch a vial while she was distracted.

Ellaria's going to wind up wishing she HADN'T taken the antidote once "No Third Chance" Doran gets through with her...

Any "official" word from HBO whether Myrcella is dead or it's a cliffhanger?

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it seems she's gone for good

But i want to ask a thing, I see in every forum people saying Trystane is risking death or captivity or whatelse...

The bloody boat is dornish, right? so dornish soldiers inside, maybe 5 or 10 to protect the prince, whilst Jaime and Bronn are on their own. too much even for one good killer as Broon and a halfhand

The boat did about 50 meters away from the harbor when she died. The voyage to KL will take at least 1 week if not 2, right?

Jaime is smart enough to understand Trystane has no fault at all but even if he want to bring him to KL hiding her body from Trystane so they arrive and he's put to arrest, Trystane want for sure to see her even within a day, there 's no PSone no xbox inside the vessel i suppose nothing of nothing to prevent and occupy him instead to go to ''enjoy'' her and he will know she's dead..and return back home even if the ship is halfway

If instead Jaime tell immediately to him she's dead, he will turn back the boat and got to daddy to inform him what happened in order to put Ellaria to death, he's not stupid to thing Jaime killed her

Really, unless I'missing something, if next season start with Trystane at KL...the authors deserve a sarcastic nobel price

I wouldn't put it past them(the show producers). Either way, whetever Trystane becomes a hostage at KL as retribution for Myrcella's death or they turn the boat around back to Dorne, Ellaria and the Sand Snakes have signed their death warrants.

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wasn't she supposed to be a queen?

Maggy said to Cersei about her children that gold would be their crowns, I don't think she just meant they will be blonde...

Cersei: Will the king and I have children?

Maggy: Oh, aye. Six-and-ten for him, and three for you. Gold shall be their crowns and gold their shrouds, she said. And when your tears have drowned you, the valonqar shall wrap his hands about your pale white throat and choke the life from you.

I'm assuming this means Cersei will live to see all her children pass, looks like we're two thirds of the way there... poor Tommen as he seems like a gentle fellow, not strong or ruthless enough to be leader and born with a name and a family that will ultimately lead to his undoing.

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Debatable, crowns could mean the childrens' hair color.

It's a double meaning in the books surely. But it seems like a bit of a cheat for it to just refer to their hair in the show. Not a huge plot hole, but sloppy. As usual.

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It's a double meaning in the books surely. But it seems like a bit of a cheat for it to just refer to their hair in the show. Not a huge plot hole, but sloppy. As usual.

They picked one and went with it. When Myrcella is crowned queen than you will be happy. If she dies soon after Tommen and does not get to be crowned than you be pleased. If she dies before Tommen than it was the color of the hair and people jump to all them being crowned rulers.

It's on the petty side based on unfished material.

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