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Watch, Watched, Watching: Blame is safer than praise


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[spoiler] I used to have a similar vague impression that the internal Viking politics were often not compelling. Ideally things would now be better because there are external enemies, when they're not doing random shit.


It's a vague impression, one I'll have to go back to the series to flesh out again.



Speaking of period shows: I'm currently rewatching Canal's Borgia- not the Jeremy Irons one- and am enjoying it immensely once again. I still find that Cesare Borgia's and Louis XII's relationship is one of the more amusing ones in historical fiction. 


[spoiler] Bromance  for days[/spoiler]


Cesare's generally insanity is hitting its stride now and, while it seems to have taken everything positive from Machiavelli's characterisation of him (this also feeds into the Louis XII relationship) and just added even more to it, it's too entertaining to be goofy.


Once I'm done I'll probably  rewatch the Showtime version, for comparison's sake, even though from what I can remember I enjoyed it less.



If I had thought of it earlier I might have watched one episode from each at a time, or at least do one season for each show. Alas. 


I liked this Borgia very much as well.


Though there was one thing, though it was probably authentic historically, whether or not it was intentional of the writers and producer Tom Fontana -- the latter of whom by the was are David Simon's mentor via the brilliant Homicide: Life On the Streets series also set in Baltimore --


[spoiler]the enthusiastic salacious, lascivity with which overweight John Doman, Rodrigo "the Pope" Borgia -- he who played the treacherous, corrupt William Rawls in The Wire -- leaped into naked sex scenes with those very young gorgeous women -- though surely authentic it was also creepy, very much so.[/spoiler]

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I fucking hated Seinfeld.
Loved South Park when I was younger and I still like it.
Simpsons used to be awesome too, still love the episode where Bart studies all night and then cries when he fails the test. Heartbreaking, yet beautiful.

All your future opinions now mean nothing to me. :P
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And so do the majority of the people that bitch about it. :rolleyes:

Who doesn't wanna see how they ruin Euron?

So I rewatched Carnivale season 1 and it holds up. I haven't seen it since if first aired in 2003 but I enjoyed it all the same. The music, settings and visuals are great, as is the whole cast basically. Clancy Brown and Amy Madigan are brilliant, their creepy relationship and motives really make the show. It is a slow burn and, unfortunately, only got 2 seasons so I can see why some people don't give it a chance but it is another HBO gem. I'm well into season 2 again, awesome show.
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Who doesn't wanna see how they ruin Euron?

So I rewatched Carnivale season 1 and it holds up. I haven't seen it since if first aired in 2003 but I enjoyed it all the same. The music, settings and visuals are great, as is the whole cast basically. Clancy Brown and Amy Madigan are brilliant, their creepy relationship and motives really make the show. It is a slow burn and, unfortunately, only got 2 seasons so I can see why some people don't give it a chance but it is another HBO gem. I'm well into season 2 again, awesome show.

Funny that you mention that, cause the only way I was gonna go back to watching it is if Mads played him. Oh well.


Will check out Carnivale, heard great things.

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Who doesn't wanna see how they ruin Euron?

So I rewatched Carnivale season 1 and it holds up. I haven't seen it since if first aired in 2003 but I enjoyed it all the same. The music, settings and visuals are great, as is the whole cast basically. Clancy Brown and Amy Madigan are brilliant, their creepy relationship and motives really make the show. It is a slow burn and, unfortunately, only got 2 seasons so I can see why some people don't give it a chance but it is another HBO gem. I'm well into season 2 again, awesome show.

I really liked Carnivale. Wouldn't quite put it up there with the HBO greats like Sopranos, Wire, Rome, etc, but it was a really good show. Damn shame it didn't get a longer run.
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I really liked Carnivale. Wouldn't quite put it up there with the HBO greats like Sopranos, Wire, Rome, etc, but it was a really good show. Damn shame it didn't get a longer run.

Agree on all counts. I read that they originally wanted a 6 year run for Carnivale which seems a little long. I can maybe see 3 or 4 years but I don't know how they would've stretched that for 6 seasons.
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Yeah and I said I wasn't watching it, so that basically means the Iron Islands dont apply here.

Yes and I was saying you should because of the Iron Islands. You're more than welcome to wait for ADoS though (it's never coming). You also don't like Seinfeld though, so...

Anyway, looking for a good horror movie to watch. Recently seen It Follows, Occulus, You're Next, The Crazies, and Trick 'R Treat.
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