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[Spoilers] Rant and Rave Without Reprecussions - Season 6, Tally-Ho


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7 hours ago, Alayne's Shadow. said:

Westeros 2.0, new and improved with all the extra violence you wanted!

I like most actors, to be honest. None bug me really, except Maisie, but she's always been disrespectful to the books.

Yep, she's too young to realise that the reason she is famous and has a great job is because a guy called GRRM wrote an brilliant book called A Game of Thrones. It's not just because her and all the other cast are just amazing people that everybody wants to know about and interview, it's because they act as characters created by GRRM, everything they have now is derived from him, and those pesky books he wrote! It bothers me when they underrate the books and the importance of them!

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Really?! I mean freakin' seriously? She fell from how high and hit a stone pavement or at least really hard packed earth. Just a few bruises that's all! I mean it's not like we all heard her hit the ground with an audible thump. She should have been disjointed like a puppet and her skull cracked open like an eggshell and her brains leaked out like strawberry jam. Nice job of patching her up, the Winterhell coroner did there!


(Somebody please link to any YouTube footage of Martin Sheen's character  hitting the ground from a comparable height in The Departed? The audible splat when he hits the pavement is particularly instructive.)


*************Guys--I'm done ranting the next few days, have to take a break. I'm hugely bummed out. My favorite band all my life, from the 80s when I was a kid, is U2 and it still is. Guitarist Edge's father just died and I saw pics from the funeral. When you are a fan this long, even the family of the guys in the band gets to be like your family.

More important, Prince has died. Anybody who remembers him from the 80s and 90's..but his influence never went away really.  He was only 57 and still in fantastic shape! They don't know what happened yet, but he was battling a nasty train of flu in recent weeks, he was already admitted to the hospital once with flu. I mean how does somebody in this day and age and with his access to good health care die of the FLU!?! This is a TRAGEDY! HOW MANY more great musicians have to die this year!!!!


I guess a little GOT nihilism will actually be escapism after this. Have to go put on When Doves Cry and Nothing Compares 2 U...oh wait, I'll cry all over again...

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10 hours ago, LazyBazooka said:

Bastard Bowl. Fight Night. The greatest gladiator match in the history of the world.

Action Hero vs Villain Sue

Day vs Night

Ned Stark's Cardboard vs Super Ramsay

And the winner is...Batfinger. 

That's right, folks. The man who killed Ned and gave Sansa to the Boltons (although apparently he had no idea Ramsay was evil, and "omg you guys it was Sansa who decided to marry him, she made a choice, it was her fault!" - who was the prick that said something along those lines? Was it Cogman? I'll bet it was Cogman...) is the one to save the day and take back the North. That's really dramatically satifsying. I can't wait for the scene where they're 'negotiating' in the courtyard, with Sansa rolling her eyes like a Boss Ass Bitchtm and giving Ramsay evil looks as her official, empowering revenge for him raping her, with Littlefinger breaking out the Broken Men speech, with the audience being forced to sympathise with Ramsay as he mourns Myranda, and Jon looking as clueless and confused as ever - while a giant is knocking on the door. The dramatic satisfaction levels should go through the roof.

I don't know whether to laugh or cry.  Heck, I'll just do both.

8 hours ago, Stannis is the man....nis said:

On fb people are begging they don't go the necrophilia route

Which just goes to show how distrusted the show writers are ...

5 hours ago, LadySoftheart said:

I've been rereading Adam Feldman's essays at The Meereenese Blot (the essays that GRRM says showed he "got it") and I found this particularly striking paragraph:

It strikes me that this is EXACTLY what is missing from the show. We have tons of characters "progressing from innocent naïf to awesome badass" (or in some cases they don't progress but we are told that they did) but almost every conflict on the show is *external* and the outcome is heavily loaded towards pragmatism (of a certain variety.) This is why the characters are so two-dimensional; they really are characters in a video game without believable internal conflicts (e.g. Tyrion's self-loathing, arrogance and vengefulness coexist in the books with his very real virtues but on the show he's a great guy who is constantly being told by most people - other than his father and sister - how awesome he is. His conflicts are all external, not internal.)

The tv characters not real people who react with real, believable human emotions; they're Magic: The Gathering cards with certain fixed attributes who exist to service an increasingly nonsensical plot. 


Absolutely spot-on!


2 hours ago, Le Cygne said:

You can't just straight up show the horrors of the world without commentary, but they do that all the time.

The villains are the ones doing all the talking, and they don't take time for the victims to speak back.

Where's the sympathy for the victims of Ramsay and Littlefinger? That's got to be explored in depth.



30 minutes ago, Morna The Maid said:

Really?! I mean freakin' seriously? She fell from how high and hit a stone pavement or at least really hard packed earth. Just a few bruises that's all! I mean it's not like we all heard her hit the ground with an audible thump. She should have been disjointed like a puppet and her skull cracked open like an eggshell and her brains leaked out like strawberry jam. Nice job of patching her up, the Winterhell coroner did there!


This was my thought on seeing that photo too. 

But, yes, I agree - we need to treat this season as comedy - it may be the only way to deal with it.

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3 minutes ago, Ser Quork said:

I don't know whether to laugh or cry.  Heck, I'll just do both.

Which just goes to show how distrusted the show writers are ...

Absolutely spot-on!




This was my thought on seeing that photo too. 

But, yes, I agree - we need to treat this season as comedy - it may be the only way to deal with it.

Bad comedy as well, as we are laughing at them, not with them, Tywin would know the difference!

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After going though the five pages of comments over night, I had a thought [STAND BACK, I DON'T KNOW HOW BIG THIS THING IS GONNA GET! - Robin Williams]: if we're seeing BR in his visions, why the hell would he want to be missing an eye?  It's a vision, how he want to see himself while teaching Bran...I'd be damned if I would be happier without the eye, or was BR so proud of losing it?


Sorry, been a bad couple of days - perfectly timed for this pending disappointment Monday night (Germany, we get it later :-()

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10 hours ago, Sir Drew said:

OH NO: https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/13062320_10153665739072734_5454215518522865888_n.jpg?oh=5e5abdf962a121544e014f69cfe0fcf2&oe=57B86574


She's dead but never forgotten, the integral character of Myranda, Ramsay's lover. Gee whiz, crickey, holy cow, omigod. They're not actually trying to produce pathos here, I hope?

Unbelievable. Honestly, what the fucking fuck. 


9 hours ago, sweetsunray said:

:lmao:Poor poor Wamsay... I feel so compelled now to set him in my lap and hug him... NOT

To paraphrase Larry: "You don't get to choose who you love." :lmao:

Maybe I should consider watching full episodes as soon as possible. It looks like the best comedy ever.


I've been saying that since s 5 was on: s 6 will be the best comedy on TV.

7 hours ago, Cas Stark said:

It's going to take me a long time to get tired of boss.ass.bitch.  So here I go:  

Myranda was a boss.ass.bitch, there was an Empowered Woman!!  No wonder Ramsay is so distraught, of course, I recollect, he basically told her to fuck off, I'm marrying Sansa get over yourself and don't ever bore me bitch, now bend over....but no matter.....bad boys like kinky rough sex, I'm sure he really did luv her.

If only poor Sansa had been a boss.ass.bitch in season 5 maybe she and he could have made beautiful torture together. I'm sure he could have figured out something interesting to do w/mini needle.  LMAO.  


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I also thought it was odd that Myranda's corpse looks fine despite falling like 80-100 feet and landing face first, her head should be a cracked open red mess, but no, just a few little bruises, like how Gwen Stacy just got a little nosebleed after her death. We can't have women looking ugly, that's just not realistic, even in gruesome death they have to look pretty.

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30 minutes ago, LazyBazooka said:

I also thought it was odd that Myranda's corpse looks fine despite falling like 80-100 feet and landing face first, her head should be a cracked open red mess, but no, just a few little bruises, like how Gwen Stacy just got a little nosebleed after her death. We can't have women looking ugly, that's just not realistic, even in gruesome death they have to look pretty.

Theek and Fansa survived a jump from even higher up, totally unharmed, as it seems.

Maybe Myranda isn't even dead ? She just has a concussion and Ramsay sits by her side day and night until we are sucessfully forced into sympathizing.
Someone sitting next to someone in a coma in winterfell is basically a book scene, and with no books left they just start over again at the beginning with different characters.

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Ramsay mourning girlfriend Myranda is too much for me. But maybe it has something to do with what Mr Cogman said in that EWwwww interview we quoted yesterday, that s 6 is not "as dark" as s 5 was. I mean, it seems Rickon Human Porcupine is on, since one of the trailers has Rheon's voice saying, "Do you like games, little man?", and that seems plenty dark for me. But then we also have Gillen saying something about LF's atonement and the other article where we were told we'll be "forced to sympathise" with Ramsay. So maybe the "not as dark" remark has to do with these things, with being shown that LF is not all bad, and that Ramsay is a poor misunderstood boy who never felt his daddy loved him. 

Yeah, sounds AWESOME. 

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6 hours ago, Neds Secret said:

When Khaleesi is under threat the dragons sense it and it activates super growth hormones that cause rapid growth. It's so they can avenge her,it is known!

You mean, like Pokemon? :D

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2 minutes ago, kissdbyfire said:

Ramsay mourning girlfriend Myranda is too much for me. But maybe it has something to do with what Mr Cogman said in that EWwwww interview we quoted yesterday, that s 6 is not "as dark" as s 5 was. I mean, it seems Rickon Human Porcupine is on, since one of the trailers has Rheon's voice saying, "Do you like games, little man?", and that seems plenty dark for me. But then we also have Gillen saying something about LF's atonement and the other article where we were told we'll be "forced to sympathise" with Ramsay. So maybe the "not as dark" remark has to do with these things, with being shown that LF is not all bad, and that Ramsay is a poor misunderstood boy who never felt his daddy loved him. 

Yeah, sounds AWESOME. 

If the show tries to redeem itself by trying to redeem those characters then I believe that the D$D have actually jumped the shark themselves. I was going to say it's like trying to make us empathise with some modern day terrorists but I just cannot go there. I will not go down to that level, characters like Wamsay and Batfinger are beyond redemption, and only a severely troubled mind would try to convince somebody otherwise IMO!

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3 minutes ago, Neds Secret said:

If the show tries to redeem itself by trying to redeem those characters then I believe that the D$D have actually jumped the shark themselves. I was going to say it's like trying to make us empathise with some modern day terrorists but I just cannot go there. I will not go down to that level, characters like Wamsay and Batfinger are beyond redemption, and only a severely troubled mind would try to convince somebody otherwise IMO!

I think it may be the show's take on 'grey characters', in the sense that no one is totally good or totally bad. But it's a misunderstanding of sorts, imho. It's the show's version of 'serious and complex drama', which makes me want to cry, honestly. This is not 'the human heart in conflict with itself'', although it may be an attempt at sneaking 'Ramsay's suffering' under that umbrella. Will anyone buy it? Maybe, but I'm certainly not. 

Martin's characters are indeed mostly grey; some are a darker shade of grey, and some a lighter shade. But that doesn't mean there are no irredeemable characters. Ramsay is one such, and he's a minor character for a reason. And show wise, Ramsay is given much more weight as a character than Roose, which is absurd on so many levels... 


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2. Will Daenerys Targaryen finally make her push toward Westeros?

The whole Slaver’s Bay thing just isn’t working out. Even if Daenerys (Emilia Clarke) escapes her Dothraki captors and soars into Meereen on the back of her big and angry dragon Drogon, she’ll never be fully welcome there – even with the brilliant tactical mind of Tyrion Lannister (Peter Dinklage) at her disposal.

(St Tyrion FTW!)

8. Who will die?

<...>Cersei and Jaime are interesting possibilities. Yet, Cersei is such an intriguing antagonist; it would be a shame to eliminate her before a potential showdown with Dany and perhaps grown-up and lethal versions of Sansa and Arya. Jaime, however, makes sense. He’s increasingly become a man with nothing to lose, and it would be interesting to see a character known for being dishonorable eventually sacrificing his life in some honorable way.

(Dishonourable AND a monster, let's not forget) 

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5 minutes ago, kissdbyfire said:


2. Will Daenerys Targaryen finally make her push toward Westeros?

The whole Slaver’s Bay thing just isn’t working out. Even if Daenerys (Emilia Clarke) escapes her Dothraki captors and soars into Meereen on the back of her big and angry dragon Drogon, she’ll never be fully welcome there – even with the brilliant tactical mind of Tyrion Lannister (Peter Dinklage) at her disposal.

(St Tyrion FTW!)

8. Who will die?

<...>Cersei and Jaime are interesting possibilities. Yet, Cersei is such an intriguing antagonist; it would be a shame to eliminate her before a potential showdown with Dany and perhaps grown-up and lethal versions of Sansa and Arya. Jaime, however, makes sense. He’s increasingly become a man with nothing to lose, and it would be interesting to see a character known for being dishonorable eventually sacrificing his life in some honorable way.

(Dishonourable AND a monster, let's not forget) 


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Dan and Dave seem to have only one way of "improving" characters and that is taking villians and making them nicer.

Cersei in the book is undoubtedly a demented villain, but she is still an extremely complex and well drawn character, IMO.  Turning her into Carol The Tiger Mom isn't adding any complexity its simply stripping away the majority of her negative qualities and all but a handful of her immoral actions.  She hasn't done anything on the show awful since she had Lady killed, I'm not seven sure in the show it's clear that she was behind Bob's death.  She frames Tyrion but she thinks he's guilty.

Ramsay now capable of deep and true emotional attachment to his 'partner'.  So, I mean, seriously, is he getting more screen time to mourn an imaginary character than Loras got to mourn Renly?  Oh yeah, I forgot The Gays drown their sorrows promiscuous sex.....no time for sober reflection.

And for Shae, they didn't make her more complex they only traded one stereotype for another.  At least Martin's Shae, as bad as she is, we understand why she is hardened.  Shae the Funny Whore with the Heart of Gold, how to understand that mindset?

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They just focus on the wrong guys or want just forget us the horrible crimes they have done. And then I mean the two greatest psychopaths of the story (LF and Ramsay) or more correctly the two psychopaths with the most horrible crimes. Like I said before, you can make them interesting, you can make us understand why they are that way, ... but you cannot force us into making us care about them by telling thousand times how poor Petyr was mishandled by the big Bad Wolf

(Let just say they would never be able to do that beter than Prokofiev - okay, Peter took the wolf captive but it is still a story with a Peter and a Wolf)

or by giving us sad scenes with Ramsay and his dead lover, ... 

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I'm confused. Maybe *someone* can explain this to me? 

Bryan "cog in the wheel" Cogman says this season isn't going to be so dark. 

Yet, Lena Heady, a main cast member that I assume has a large part to play in the series, says this, " Headey told EW, adding that the new season is “juicy” and “so fucking dark.”


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Yes, from rape and sexual abuse to Boss. Ass. Bitch (Who's Afraid of Water). So very realistic. /s

Doesn't anyone involved realise how deeply offensive and unrealistic this is? And I didn't see her in armour, did I miss it? 


<...>It was out of the frying pan and into the fire for Sansa, who soon after the wedding was raped by Ramsay while Reek was made to watch. The torture continued and Sansa tried to escape with help from Reek, but the man was so broken that he was too terrified to go against his master and reported her plans to her new husband.

Sansa just could not catch a break, but despite all the rape and torture she managed to portray a sense of strength and even Reek was willing to help her. He even confessed that he never really killed her brothers, but burnt two other orphan boys instead.

What to expect in season 6

We have seen Sansa as the quintessential young lady, the harassed fiancée of Joffrey, the sceptical niece of Lord Baelish and the sexual plaything of Ramsay Bolton. But now we will get to see her is a more powerful light.

The girl is gone and in her place is a young woman who is hungry for revenge. In the trailer for season six she is seen wearing armour and talking about retribution for those who have harmed her and her family. Let the payback begin!

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3 minutes ago, kissdbyfire said:

Yes, from rape and sexual abuse to Boss. Ass. Bitch (Who's Afraid of Water). So very realistic. /s

Doesn't anyone involved realise how deeply offensive and unrealistic this is? And I didn't see her in armour, did I miss it? 


<...>It was out of the frying pan and into the fire for Sansa, who soon after the wedding was raped by Ramsay while Reek was made to watch. The torture continued and Sansa tried to escape with help from Reek, but the man was so broken that he was too terrified to go against his master and reported her plans to her new husband.

Sansa just could not catch a break, but despite all the rape and torture she managed to portray a sense of strength and even Reek was willing to help her. He even confessed that he never really killed her brothers, but burnt two other orphan boys instead.

What to expect in season 6

We have seen Sansa as the quintessential young lady, the harassed fiancée of Joffrey, the sceptical niece of Lord Baelish and the sexual plaything of Ramsay Bolton. But now we will get to see her is a more powerful light.

The girl is gone and in her place is a young woman who is hungry for revenge. In the trailer for season six she is seen wearing armour and talking about retribution for those who have harmed her and her family. Let the payback begin!

I will laugh myself stupid if Babs appears in armour.

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3 minutes ago, The Fattest Leech said:

I'm confused. Maybe *someone* can explain this to me? 

Bryan "cog in the wheel" Cogman says this season isn't going to be so dark. 

Yet, Lena Heady, a main cast member that I assume has a large part to play in the series, says this, " Headey told EW, adding that the new season is “juicy” and “so fucking dark.”


There are loads of things that seem to contradict Mr Cogman's remark. Maybe what he said was meant to appease those who felt s 5 took it a bit too far. We'll soon find out, I suppose. 

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