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Stephan Dillane reflects on Stannis

Mr Smith

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50 minutes ago, Ran said:

Liam Cunningham and Iain Glen have both indicated that the showrunners discouraged actors from reading the novels.

Why would they do that? It's like they had something to hide, by not reading the books the actors would be ignorant about the source material and therefore unable to discern if their characters were being portrayed properly by the scripting, education is always a good thing, isn't it?

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10 minutes ago, White Harbors Wrath said:

Or they don't like being questioned like they were by Barristans actor.

It must be a bit difficult when the actor has read the books and then gets killed at a different time in the show if they are expecting to work for 'x' amount of episodes but actually only get 'y' amount. (Although I'm sure that's all part of contract negotiations anyway)

I'd guess that Stephen Dillane still made some good money from the show, he has a right to dislike it the same as anyone else, it was obviously just a job to him which is fair enough...Unlike someone like Liam Cunningham who seems to have so much joy for the whole thing which is nice to see.

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12 hours ago, TheKitttenGuard said:

I liked the comment from WIC that Dillane stating not liking playing Stannis is so Stannis (paraphrasing).

Since reading that interview I can't stop imagining him on set beeing all ike

Dillane *frowning while going over the script*
Director: "Mr. Dillane, next take in 2"
Dillane: "Hmh" *grinds teeth*
Director: "Kerry, are you ready ?"
Ingram(uncertain): "Yes, but ..."
Director: "Great, let's go"
Ingram(whispering to Dillane): "Steve, why am I getting burned again, it doesn't make sense"
Dillane(unenthusiastic): "I know, just go with it*
*get's up from his chair*
Dillane(staring into the void): "We must do our duty child, big or small, we must do our duty"


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It wouldn't be past them to be lying though surely. I'm not convinced he is dead in the show. Everyone is saying Jon is dead too, but we know that is not the case.

They haven't shied away from showing other character's deaths, so why would they with Stannis?

For me Dillane fits the look perfectly and there are moments where Stannis is awesome. Book Stannis is still much better however, but when I read his lines they are in Dillane's voice.

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^He's been bad mouthing the show and the people in charge of it. There is no way he is coming back now. 


They purposely left his last scene open ended in case they wanted to bring him back, like the Hounds. They just choose not to. Still strange we see the corpses of people who were flayed living, Oberyn getting his eyes popped out and Sansa being raped on screen but we don't see Stannis being beheaded. They obviously had some idea he wasn't coming back but wanted to be able to write him back in if they wanted to. That does show how badly the show is written. 


We know he has a much bigger part to play in the books and that a large part of his story is being given to Jon this season. 

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I don't believe they ever intended to bring Stannis back, it was part of their plan to keep the Jon Snow is really dead thing going.  "See, Stannis, we didn't see him die so he could be alive, and Jon we did see him die so he must be dead" when, they were going to do the opposite.

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Just now, Cas Stark said:

I don't believe they ever intended to bring Stannis back, it was part of their plan to keep the Jon Snow is really dead thing going.  "See, Stannis, we didn't see him die so he could be alive, and Jon we did see him die so he must be dead" when, they were going to do the opposite.

Yeah, I agree.

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2 hours ago, Neds Secret said:

Why would they do that? It's like they had something to hide, by not reading the books the actors would be ignorant about the source material and therefore unable to discern if their characters were being portrayed properly by the scripting, education is always a good thing, isn't it?

The writers want the scripts and the show's versions of the character to be first-and-foremost in the minds of the actors. Iain Glen has also remarked (doubtless half-jokingly) that when actors come to them pointing out how something is different from the books and would it be neat if they did it more that way, they get a "glazed over" look in their eyes. They just don't want to deal with it.

That said, it seems in the case of Dillane, the showrunners simply failed to convey to him an understanding of the character he was playing via the scripts, direction, and/or direct communication, leaving him pretty unengaged with the character. That's a shame.

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I think we all got incredibly lucky with Stannis in the show.

D&D tried their best to make him out to be the villain, to shun his story and really screw over his development. However despite this, Dillane gave a great performance. Even though the showrunners clearly dislike Stannis and his plot (and gave Dillane little-to-no direction) he did a stellar job- and he didn't even fully "get" Stannis! Imagine if he'd had real direction, and a good explanation of what Stannis is supposed to represent in the story. 

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The fact that Dillane had no real sense of the character or even the story and yet managed to in many scenes embody a perfect Stannis shows what a great actor he is, intuitively, and what a huge missed opportunity for the show to have failed to give him a little more to work with in terms of his character......of course I'm not at all surprised by this.

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Every time I read anything about show Stannis, I can't help but picture Dillane's portrayal of the character in scenes from TWoW Theon I. And in this imaginary scenario, he's been given all the imortant info on the character or has read the books. :bang:


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2 minutes ago, Tianzi said:

I'm not one bit surprised, I didn't get Show!Stannis either. He was not there to be understood, he was there to be hated.

It certainly feels that way to me. 

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3 minutes ago, Tianzi said:

I'm not one bit surprised, I didn't get Show!Stannis either. He was not there to be understood, he was there to be hated.

I get the same feeling. The showrunners wanted him to be a villain (just read or listen to their commentary: their preference for Renly, Stannis being all about ambition, etc.), so they took the worst facets of his character and jettisoned the rest. The only thing that redeemed Show!Stannis was Dillane's performance.  

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56 minutes ago, Lord Fauntleroy said:

I think we all got incredibly lucky with Stannis in the show.

D&D tried their best to make him out to be the villain, to shun his story and really screw over his development. However despite this, Dillane gave a great performance. Even though the showrunners clearly dislike Stannis and his plot (and gave Dillane little-to-no direction) he did a stellar job- and he didn't even fully "get" Stannis! Imagine if he'd had real direction, and a good explanation of what Stannis is supposed to represent in the story. 

Imagine that, imagine that Dinklage had the chance to play real Tyrion Lannister, imagine that Vince Gilligan was in charge of Game of Thrones and not Weiss and Benioff...

An impossible dream now, but as a pie-in-the-sky thing, it's nice.

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15 minutes ago, Channel4s-JonSnow said:

Bizarre that anyone could hate Stannis, when his situation is set up to be so tragic, by the end all you have is sympathy for the guy who's entire life has fallen apart and he's lost anything. Yet dies in a stoic fashion. 

At no point is he set up as a villain at all. Missing the point if you think this.

Not a villain? Listen to his theme music. And it's pretty widely accepted that they mutilated his character and arc. This shoop sums it up pretty well. 

Click here since I'm retarded and can't figure out how to post an image.

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2 minutes ago, Lord Fauntleroy said:

Not a villain? Listen to his theme music. And it's pretty widely accepted that they mutilated his character and arc. This shoop sums it up pretty well. 

Click here since I'm retarded and can't figure out how to post an image.

yeah rather than actually pay attention to what happened on the show.. I should just listen to the theme music.. 

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I would argue that they sped up his arc but I don't think it will be much different than the books...tragic hero doomed to die and never reach the throne.  I got that from the TV series (although I had read the books) but so did the others in my group who have never read anything or been on a fan site. 

Maybe if they had an actor who didn't really want to be part of the show/cast and was not happy with the whole thing they decided to speed up his death?? (I don't think that's really the case but just a quick thought)


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