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a wooden chair

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You are a marathoner, Chats! And you will straight up wreck that time in Miami. You've inspired me to get off this ass of mine that I've been sitting on for 2 weeks. My work stress is full on right now which means I need the miles more than ever.

Enjoy your time off. You've earned the rest. Take it and come back strong for your next one.

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I always start with a few laps of breast stroke. Then it's freestyle until the last six which are backstroke. I hate the kickboards. And it took me *much* longer than 20 minutes for my mile today.

I love to swim. I swam all through both

pregnancies. In fact I swam a mile two days before my son was born. I just haven't been in the pool for a while. I go to the pool at work, which is the one they use for the college swim meets. It's well maintained and quite large with its own separate diving well (not open for diving but you can take an aqua aerobics class or play water polo.) Today two of the lanes were being used for Aqua Zumba. That was a strange sight to see!

I don't know how to breast stroke. I've been watching videos to try and learn and sometimes while I'm kick paddling I watch people do it. My friend has explained it to me as well. It's the dipping the head in the water part that has me.

Oh and thanks to Jade and Chair for the swimmer's ear advice. Luckily the clogging has gone away so it looks like it's not an infection. I do have the dry ear stuff but I have it at home. I'm gonna try to remember to stick it in my gym bag so I can use it at the pool to avoid any further issues!

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congrats chataya, that's a rather good time.

and now you're a marathoner for life!

@ Tammy:

it's not as hard as it seems (i'm talking about half-marathon)

try it out and see for yourself ;)

half-marathon preparations take 3-4 months if you're starting from scratch, less if you are already running.

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Chat: Wow! Good job. A marathoner! Enjoy your beer mug. :)

Tammy: I can't do the butterfly stroke. It's that damn dolphin kick that does me in. Of course I'd feel too stupid trying to learn in now. Old dog, new tricks and all.

Work overwhelmed my life on Friday so I did not get to the pool. (I am trying for M/W/F swim) but I have plans to go today.

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@Tammy, I never could do breast stroke either. the I always ended up doing a scissor kick which is a disqualifier. I think I just am not coordinated enough! lol

good luck today Lady getting to the pool!

I'm trying to get my schedule down for this new gym. its amazing how much it throws my schedule just because its a new place and its slightly farther away. Also, I don't have a locker there yet so I'm back to being a bag lady! but its getting better.

I was getting a tiny bit better at running, but this weekend I tweaked my knee a bit doing squats and I really felt it this morning. I guess I should be careful and not push it too much.

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I would like to do a half-marathon one day. I've never run more than 7 miles at once though. I was running 5 miles at a time pretty regularly, but I stopped for several months and then injured my calf soon after I started back up. I'm working on building back up to 5 miles right now. I'm at 3 right now, so I figure it won't be too long before I back to where I was.

My calves are the biggest issue and why I have to add distance a little slowly. Cardio-wise I could run longer, but I'm very prone to shin splints and tightness in my calves, no matter how many different stretches and preparations I make.

I'm very excited though. This morning I swam a continuous 1000 yard swim in 22 minutes. I know that is still slow compared to a real swimmer, but I just started swimming in July (and didn't have access to a pool during the month of August). When I started it took me a half an hour to do a 500 yard swim - I spent most of the time at the end of the pool catching my breath ;) - so it's really nice to see some real progress.

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I'm very prone to shin splints and tightness in my calves, no matter how many different stretches and preparations I make.

100 meters each, before you run - walking on your toes, on your heels, on the inside of your arches, and on the outside of your foot.

But I don't think there's any particular virtue in moving up from the 5k to the HM or marathon.

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I've never heard this advice before! How does one walk that far on the inside of their arches though?

I do the calf stretches, calf raises, tap dancing taps, various other regular leg stretches and walk for five minutes. I'll have to try doing the walking in various ways bit.

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Congrats Chataya! You're a marathoner with a nice PR!

Very impressive, especially with all the hills in the second half. That sounds brutal. You could always do Chicago. Its flat nearly the entire way, the only significant hill being near the very end, and its not that bad. (though a pain to do with less than 400m to go)

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I've never heard this advice before! How does one walk that far on the inside of their arches though?

Just turn your feet in as far as they'll go.

Calf raises have never helped me with shin splints (or as far as I can tell, anything else) a single bit. But if you're going to do them, do them on the edge of a platform where you can stretch your heels all the way down.

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I'm very excited though. This morning I swam a continuous 1000 yard swim in 22 minutes. I know that is still slow compared to a real swimmer, but I just started swimming in July (and didn't have access to a pool during the month of August). When I started it took me a half an hour to do a 500 yard swim - I spent most of the time at the end of the pool catching my breath ;) - so it's really nice to see some real progress.

Good for you! I am a super slow in the pool. Think turtle. There was someone in the lane beside me who was slightly faster than me and I was trying to keep up. *gasp gasp*

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freakin' candy dishes...hate them. Congrats on your marathon, Chataya. Love that one of your "prizes" is a beer mug.

Just think of all the gross, dirty hands that reach into those candy dishes and you probably won't want to touch them. ;)

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Alg - the hills weren't only in the second half, they were all over the course. It's just that by the second half, I got tired of running the damn things :) So did a lot of other people around me :)

Ohh, sorry missed that. Damn. Hilly course the whole way? Brutal.

I almost cried when I saw the 4:30 pace group go by, somewhere around 23, and I knew that I couldn't make it enough to run with them. I tried to kick it into gear, but they were just going too fast. (My legs were clearly shot).

Ugh. I know how you feel. Mile 21-25 are the worst.

You also know how it is, somewhere in the 20's, that people can become REALLY FREAKING ANNOYING? OMG. If I had a weapon, I would have had "runner's rage" at the idiots who were "commenting" on my 4 hour pace group tag. Fuckers. Yeah, I 'lost' them. No, I don't think I was overly ambitious; I had several races and training runs (10k, 13.1 races, and a 23 mile run) to support a 4 hour time potential, with the races having been on hilly courses.

I would have murdered them with my mind. I HATE people who make comments like that. Just let me run my damn race.

You know, my friend was telling me that apparently you lose the ability to think clearly after your body has consumed all its carbs (read: toward end of marathon), because your brain needs carbs to function properly and if it doesn't get them, starts to function on a lower, more emotional level. Don't know how true that is. However, it would explain how, for me, after running 23 miles, mentally the three miles I had left felt like 5000.

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