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Most Gross Moment in the Series?


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Î’asically anything that involves Vargo and the Bloody Mummers but this part especially:

I'd forgotten just how dreadfully the Brave Companions treated Jaime.

Also, Pia having her hair shaved off, and placed in the stocks, so that soldiers could rape her at will. I'm surprised that Pia has kept her sanity, given what she's experienced.

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I'd forgotten just how dreadfully the Brave Companions treated Jaime.

Also, Pia having her hair shaved off, and placed in the stocks, so that soldiers could rape her at will. I'm surprised that Pia has kept her sanity, given what she's experienced.

Αnd I had forgotten about poor Pia....Were the Boltons who did that or Vargo's men?

I also need to mention that anything about LF is gross, especially the fact that makes Sansa call him father and then kiss him :ack:

And Walder Frey. I know it is crackpot, but I am convinced that his wives killed themselves, preferred death to sharing their bed with him.....

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There's a ton of messes up shit in these books, but nothing is grosser than Twincest in the Sept.

Jaime fucked his sister while she was on her period right after she discovered that he had lost a hand while their murdered bastard son of incest lay a couple feet away in preparation for his funeral in the holiest place in the religion of the Seven.

There is nothing grosser than that.

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Yellow Whale's liquid faeces, the description of Tyrion's manhood via Sansa, Jaime and Cersei's sept sex (with Joffrey's corpse watching over them) Oberyn's head being smashed in and Tyrion throwing up, the Unsullied's nipple being cut out, and of course, our one and only Fat Pink Mast.

Not even gonna go into the whole myrish swamp thing right now.

Yeah, there were a few moments I had to skip.

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Hmm... Cersei shagging Lancel when Jaime is unavailable. Cersei making out with Teena Merryweather, Daenerys having Irri go down on her..

They're all pretty exploitative in their way, but not really gross in the same way that the other things are on this thread.

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They're all pretty exploitative in their way, but not really gross in the same way that the other things are on this thread.

Well, sorry this is my understanding of gross...

But okay, the most disgusting scenes:

Lady Whatshername eating her fingers,

Biter eating Brienne's face

Jaime's stump

Tyrion getting drunk and vomiting

most disturbing scenes:

Jeyne Poole's fate after her father died, especially the Ramsay's wife era. That makes me shudder and faint.

Reek scenes

Gregor Clegane smashing baby Aegon's had against the wall and raping Elia while his hands were still covered in her son's brains and blood, OMG I'm going to faint and sob and curl up to chew on my hair just typing this.

When Arya practically shits on the crying girl/Weasel 1.0

Rhaenys's death

Littlefinger pedoing Sansa (making her kiss him on the mouth while making her call him Father)

Does that suffice?

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None of it. There is nothing that Martin wrote I would consider "gross". You all have weak stomachs.

Hey, gross doesn't necessarily mean nauseated. Incestuous, blasphemous menstrual sex next to the corpse of your son is gross for sure, but I managed to read it without feeling uncomfortable.

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