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If you could live somewhere in the world of ASoIaF, where would you live?


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Iron Islands. They have funny games like the finger dance. The people are polite and friendly. They choose their own leaders. Don't have to do hard work, thats what thralls are for. I like to sail and fish. Iron Islands is the best place to live.

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I'm going to put personal preferences aside and just say what area I think offers the best chance at a good life as a commoner in Westeros.

The Arbor.

There's a variety of goods, services, etc that would support a solid economy. These range from fishing, ship building, sailor, wine merchant, merchant ship, farming, bottling, glass making, etc. More opportunities = more money and a better chance of holding a job at all times.

It's an island, very deep in the Reach and far south of most of Westeros so invasion and conflict is rather unlikely, especially when you consider the addition of the Redwyne fleet which happens to be the largest fleet in the Seven Kingdoms.

Weather wise it's always warm but not desert Dorne hot where it chokes out farming and life.

All in all I can't imagine a better place in Westeros to be a commoner, or anyone for that matter.

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Why aren't more people choosing Asshai? As Lord of the neighboring area, I invite you all to come witness the myriad of marvels that are present for any traveler. Specifically those found in Stygai, the Heart of the Shadow.

You will see many..... wonders in Stygai. The Shadowlands are fraught with that which mortal men call mysterious, but none more so than my corpse city. Don't visit, and you'll regret the lost opportunity. Visit, and youu may regret far, far more. This I promise you

The Dark Lord always keeps his promises.

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Braavos. Weather may not be the best, but non-tolerance for reavers and slavers, religious tolerance, one of the few cities where commoners can carve out a decent life of their choice and talent, pro-euthanasia, with some exceptions most people are careful not to con you because if you're willing to pay the price there's always the FM to get some justice...

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