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Getting revenge: your favorite retaliations

Moon-Pale Maiden

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Some moments when I actually manically laughed and cheered out loud include:

Arya and the Tickler.

Jon's famous 'Edd, fetch me a block'.

Tyrion killing his father and Shae. I'm a bad, bad person.

Daenerys doing nothing when Viserys got killed. Oh yes, there was a time when I didn't hate her as much as I do now. That was one of the moments. After that, my hate grew and grew.

Lady Stoneheart and the Freys. Die, you murderous bastards!

The Martells regarding Gregor Clegane. Although Oberyn Martell died himself as well, Gregor's death was quite horrible and painful. Just like he deserved. I'm a really bad person I think.

Edit: Cersei and Jaime. Cersei refusing Jaime, Cersei needing Jaime and Jaime saying 'Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn'. Yep, I cheered. Good one, MrsManderly!

Sansa killing Littlefinger (This is going to happen, it is known. ;) )

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TBH, most of these give me the creeps.

A young girl engaging in rage enduced stabbing frenzy, a cold serving of cannibal pie, etc. Maybe I'm just not enough of a horror fan; to me these have always made me slightly less enamored with aspects of GRRM. I also hate most mob movies, btw, often for similar reasons.

Arya's in particular; she was already showing a lot of psychopathic patterns, and I haven't enjoyed her dehumanization. I experience similar lack of investment when reading about Ripley, for those in the know.

Oberyn's, though...that was cool, until it went othwrwise.

I go the other way. I think revenge is one of the most human of emotions. It would be a shame if Arya did turn into an inhuman, cold blooded killer but I don't think that has to happen. Everyone she's killed 'deserved' it. That she might take pleasure in killing people who deserve it isn't too bad IMO.

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All of the above (apart from the Walk of Shame).

Two little ones that I enjoyed were Tyrion feeding Nurse the soup with slices of mushroom in it, and Tom O'Sevens casually saying to Merrett Frey "Up you go, then."

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Mine hasn't arrived yet. It involves Ramsay being hunted and killed by a pack of direwolves, Roose being sucked to death by his leeches and the Freys being offered as sacrifices to the weirwood trees. But for now, I'm well satisfied with Jon offing Slynt (and him begging for mercy) and Arya loosing her anger on the Tickler

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Tyrion's finger clenched. The crossbow whanged just as Lord Tywin started to rise. The bolt slammed into him above the groin and he sat back down with a grunt. The quarrel had sunk deep, right to the fletching. Blood seeped out around the shaft, dripping down into his pubic hair and over his bare thighs. "You shot me," he said incredulously, his eyes glassy with shock.

me: http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mamrc3bvd61r5vha8.gif

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Tyrion's finger clenched. The crossbow whanged just as Lord Tywin started to rise. The bolt slammed into him above the groin and he sat back down with a grunt. The quarrel had sunk deep, right to the fletching. Blood seeped out around the shaft, dripping down into his pubic hair and over his bare thighs. "You shot me," he said incredulously, his eyes glassy with shock.

me: http://media.tumblr....bvd61r5vha8.gif

Cute mustache :cool4:

Mine are yet to come ( Littlefinger flying out the Moondoor, Cercei finding out Jaime abandoned her whileTyrion in all his glory and power laughs at her facae, Jon sending Wun Wun on brothers who tried to kill him...and so on ) me is bad person :leaving:

But there are some that are not so bad

Vargo Hoat being fed his own flesh by ever so imaginative Gregor Clegane

Gendry killing Biter (one of the smallfolk killing person who abused and terrorized smallfolk )

Gregor dying screaming

Frey pies


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Jon beheading Slynt was very satisfying, even if it was actually for insubordination. Joffrey's death was pretty fitting, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy watching the Freys go down. But I think some of the best acts of vengeance are still coming: Bowen's payback for Jon's assassination, the northmen getting their hands on the Boltons and Freys, the Brotherhood and/or other riverlords taking back Riverrun, Sansa's payback to Littlefinger when she learns the role he played in the war.

Sumed it up nicely for me here, but I want to stress how satisfying "Edd fetch me a bloc" was. It was literally the first time in a long time I felt that justice had been delivered in Westeros.

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Sumed it up nicely for me here, but I want to stress how satisfying "Edd fetch me a bloc" was. It was literally the first time in a long time I felt that justice had been delivered in Westeros.

First time in 35 years I cheered reading a book. Defo made all the better by Slynts groveling afterwards.

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Jon showing Slynt justice.

Arya taking out the Tickler

Frey Pie

Tyrion killing Shae and Tywin

ASOS Epilogue

One thing I love about fiction is that I can root for people to die without feeling bad. When Tyrion took out Shae (absolute murder) and Tywin (eh, he deserved it), I was laughed for 10 minutes straight because for once, I could actually hear Tyrion's thoughts in my head and feeling that same vengenace that he must feel. Then, I just remember thinking, "damn, this is how it must feel to be the Joker".

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When Manderly told Davos about the Freys, he made a point about explicitely ended their guest protection by giving them guest gifts (I think with a "maybe you understand what that means" or so). That was a pretty unambiguous announcement that he would hurt them in some way. Then when he (personally!) serves the pork (heh!) pies, he appears especially gleeful. There are three pork pies, just as there are three missing Freys. Added to the Rat Cook it makes a pretty strong case.

Not that I got it when I read the book. You are definitely not alone.

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