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TTTNE 377: January In Winterfell


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Hi everyone!

Pebble, that was hilarious! I did something similar once. There was this girl who always copied me during the exams, in highschool. I didn't really mind it, but it got annoying after started believing it was my duty to let her copy me. So, during a math exam, I wrote down all the wrong answers on, and wrote the correct ones in a draft, on a different sheet. Once she handed in her exam, I changed the answers and handed in mine. I got a 7, she got an 1 :lol: I smirked at her, and we never spoke again.

Ther, I hope everything works out for you! :D

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I tried to post this in the 2nd Pranks thread. but by the time I had writtne it it was locked. didn't want to waste my work

One Prank I do remeber, not sure if it went right or wrong, I'll let you be the judge.

Durring my apprentaship we all went to colleage one week in every three, and we would often share out the coursework between us. Let me be clear, we would all do our own assingments but check them against the shared work. Well one peron in our group would always want our assingments and would just copy / re-word them. however she would never provide anything or do any of the work herslef.

well we all got a little pissed off with this. So for one assingment (about the what caused the braket of a blackboard in an imagianary school to break) I worte a fake answers. I then gave real copies (not the fake )to everyone in our swapies group. I refused to give a copy to the intended victim because she would not share anything. Durring our break everyone in the group took thier bags out of the room (this was very rare) apart from me.

durring break she went down my bag, found my fake assinment and photocoppied it.

When it came to handing the assingment in, my victim had infact got someone elses correct assinment coppied everythign from that and my fake answers to the same question.

Now I didn't know she also had someone elses answers, but I really only wanted to waste her time a bit and not hand in something so worng so my fake assingment started out just havig the wrong answers figures to some sums, by the time I got to the end of the assingment I was writing about thermonuclear detonation, tackion emiotions creating holes in the matter-anitmatter containment field and the inevitable implossion of the space time continum. It should have been obvious. However she copied me word, for word, then copied the correct answers.

I still don't feel the slightest bit of guilt over this. My only regret is I don't still have a copy of that fake assingment, it was truely a work of art.

Am I a bad person?

Not a bad person, she needed a life lesson, and you gave it to her in a relatively harmless way.

You should probably send her a bill, lessons like that can be Really expensive!!

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People always wanted to copy my notes in hugh school. I seem to have a pretty, readable handwriting, and make sensical notes, so everybody copied it, and I never had the heart to say no ... which sometimes led to people not giving me the notes back and I was asking in the whole class who had this or another notebook of mine. And sometimes I saw people learning from copied copies of my notes, the ones I never gave anything to copy. That was strange.


But I usually did not allow anybody to copy anything that needed to be handed in. I only volunteered to read through their homweorks and correct them.

(They also want my notes on the faculty, but not that many, and it is more understandable now that there are overlapping lessons and whatnot than simply "I didn't feel like making my own notes". I need to borrow them more often now too.)

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My two friends and I had the absolutely best system for doing group homework. We always got group assignments in high school, for all the subjects. So we divided the subjects among the three of us, and, for example, I did the English assignment, one of my friends did the Literature one and the other one did the Biology one. We always got good marks and saved effort and time that way. :P Before handing it in, the other two girls would copy it, in case the teacher asked us for it. And everything was good, and we spared us many headaches :lol:

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Morning Spammers!

You do???? Then you are invited to join the Broads without Banners group for women of a certain level of experience. :D Not that we do anything. I have 20 and 23 year-old sons. :)

I'm in as long as it doesn't involve me filling out paperwork. We could meet out at the pool for detoxing yoga followed by retoxing alcohol?

Just got off work after trying to get permission for a diabetes conference in 8 days....kind of a last minute thing, but right now with the budget, its an issue. So I have to fill out a slew of paperwork just to get paid for the day and I have to cover all costs. Which is fine, I am going regardless because it benefits myself and my client population.

Thank you everyone for the 'Congrats'. I chose this theme as a wind down from the holidays and the Spamsmoot. Time to settle back down to our lives...

Its supposed to hit 65 F today in the GA/SC area. I'm out walking Wendy in shorts and a t-shirt this morning. Some of my lettuce and carrots from late fall are making a reappearance in my city picker's container garden. The Evil Dire-Squirrel population at least left some seeds. I'm looking forward to starting early this year instead of early June like last year!

Bought some 93% lean ground beef at an awesome price a couple days ago, but forgot to pat out burgers and freeze them. Everyone gets Manwiches with a slice of crispy maple bacon for lunch today on me!!!!


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I used to be in school for a very long period of time and then have extracurriculars in the afternoon and get home at night, moment by which I had little time to do other things. So I had a system:

The incumbent Lady Lannister would handle the Arts and Humanities

and Zar would Handle the Exact and Applied Sciences.

Exchange, and deliver.

The system worked, until I had no more Lady Lannister because the teachers figured out we'd be better in separate classrooms :lol:

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Morning all! Lany, great to hear. Fingers crossed on the job. Pebbles, you, as always, are my hero.

So, my successes this morning - I got the kids out of bed, dressed, fed breakfast and to school more or less on time, even though the husband person is traveling for business. I got myself dressed and the cats fed. I made it into work on time.

My failures - No makeup, hair barely brushed, there is some mysterious white substance on my coat, no coffee, the bed is unmade, there are puzzle pieces all over the living room room floor and I wore tennis shoes that, while both black, do not match (fortunately, I wear the tennis shoes just for the commute, so I'm happily in heels now).

Overall, I think it was a win.

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Why are people on this board so commited to completing home work?

I never did mine and never really cared enough to copy others work.

for me it was a complete waste of time.

This was me too, I hate that my teachers never drilled it into my head to do it. It set me in incredibly bad form for uni.

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Well I was a Latin teacher and I say you should all be ashamed of yourselves :P you must always do your homework.

That said,I was a devil of a pupil,I defied all the rules I could think of.

For some reason I genuinely think you're Lafayette. Imagining him teaching Latin is just odd.

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I give in guys, sorry but I like the Pitbull song as well. Still a very creepy man though...

Which of the many Chiqui-Chiqui BOOM BOOM songs of his do you like?

BTW My sister loves the will.i.am song, but she notoriously loves dance songs.

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I regret my extreme procrastinating. I really do. Fucking hell, I have to do some much in so little time. Fuck.

Can't say I'm stressed, not at all, but I don't like to do so much the next couple of days.

EDIT: Still no word of L_T? :(

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