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The Big Bang Theory 5.0: "An honest kiss, a little kindness,"


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Yeah, I guess I want to keep talking about this...

re Sheldon & Amy - It is a really, really slow plotline, but on the other hand, they wrote Sheldon as apparently genuinely asexual for, like, four seasons. Thats a tall tree to climb down from. This is the first actually interesting will they/won't they I can recall seeing in...ever. To go to the question of where the funny is coming from, I also think it's a plotline that is comic gold, even while being pretty sad in a lot of ways. My favorite TBBT moment ever might be when Amy negotiates him into cuddling - awkwardness raised to an art form - but it works because you know where both characters are coming from.

(Well, ok, second favorite - my favorite is when Sheldon makes Leonard agree that if he time travels it will be to 5 seconds hence. It's still a sad moment thought.)

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My favourite moment is "Oooooooh, it's a tiara. Put it on me put it on me put it on me...." Pretty happy moment. (Unless you count it sad for Sheldon having to give her a hug)

I love that too, and it's hilarious, but it also works on evolving characterization of all parties involved - Sheldon trying to fix things, but being clueless enough to do it with jewellery and then getting the girl an apology-tiara, and Amy being in a sufficiently weird place wrt the way she views femininity and herself to be blown away by a tiara, contrary to seemingly all reason - which is something that had been built up with her for ages. That wouldn't have worked if it wasn't part of the whole arc thing. (...and I do think it's kind of a miserable moment, in some ways - Amy's desperation and need to feel-pretty-just-this-once and Sheldon's aloofness and their general inability to communicate are still all there, they just kind of fumble through anyway despite themselves, so it comes around to being happy.)

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Yeah, I guess I want to keep talking about this...

re Sheldon & Amy - It is a really, really slow plotline, but on the other hand, they wrote Sheldon as apparently genuinely asexual for, like, four seasons. Thats a tall tree to climb down from. This is the first actually interesting will they/won't they I can recall seeing in...ever. To go to the question of where the funny is coming from, I also think it's a plotline that is comic gold, even while being pretty sad in a lot of ways. My favorite TBBT moment ever might be when Amy negotiates him into cuddling - awkwardness raised to an art form - but it works because you know where both characters are coming from.

No its when she got sick and he had to rub vapor rub on her chest, then she kept acting sick so he would do it again. She really in need of some physical affection. I just don't think that he needs to be this drawn out.

He has gotten drunk before, just have him drunk, her take advantage of it.....in a sweet Amy kind of way, and have to deal with happens next. Again I think it would be really funny that after they do get together, that he will wanted to do it again and she won't.

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He has gotten drunk before, just have him drunk, her take advantage of it.....

Um, reverse the genders there for a sec and see what you get. Even the episode where she's sick is a bit creepy, if you take Sheldon's responses there at face value and assume he really has no idea there's a sexual component to what Amy's doing.

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I think they build Sheldon's asexuality pretty strong and a bit too much even considering that he's the same guy who in pilot episode went to sperm bank to wank for money and was checking Penny out with Lennard the first time we see her. I suppose they wanted him a bit weird but they got carried away.

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Tiara scene is the winner IMO. Great little bit of writing but more so brilliantly performed.

I can't see any drunk/drugged situation where Amy doesn't come off as awefully creepy. If Sheldon does ever come under the influence Amy going to the edge of taking advantage, but stepping back from it is as far as the writers should take things on the creep-o-meter.

I just want to say they handled Raj finding his voice with pretty women very well. It'll be interesting to see where they go with it.

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I thought the D&D scene was actually pretty sensitively handled, all things considered. There were some potentially cheap, creepy laughs in there, and they didn't take them.

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I thought the D&D scene was actually pretty sensitively handled, all things considered. There were some potentially cheap, creepy laughs in there, and they didn't take them.

It was a brilliant advancement of the two characters. I admit to thinking that the game and the rolling of dice to see what happend next would go where the show hadn't gone before. It did, it just turned this idea on its head.

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I thought the moment during the D&D game where they were all teasing and then Amy got seriously upset was really well done. It was one of those lose-lose situations where no one was really being mean but she was legitimately and understandably upset. Nice serious moment there in between the amazing Wolowitz GMing!

ETA: I am glad the Sheldon/Amy arc is going slow. It means that they're actually considering Sheldon as the character they've created. And no, the pilot doesn't count, they hadn't really established where they were going with him. A lot different to change him after the pilot than to change him after five seasons!

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Starkess, I like that it's going slow...but this is pretty nutso-slow. I think a kiss on some level would have been an in-character amount of growth, as well as a touching cap to the season.

A kiss!?! Actual exchange of body fluids? Hell no! A truly affectionate holding of hands would be a big step for Sheldon. I think working the way up to a kiss will take the whole of next season, and that's if they start out with hand holding in episode 1.

When you combine Sheldon's lack of interest in sexual intimacy and his germophobia any act which combines sexual intimacy with the exchange of bacteria laden body fluids his a huge deal and isn't even close to the first voluntary intimate contact in which he should be willing to engage. Given the ability to have a pyjama barrier during, and the ability to wash everything after I imagine an evening of spooning will come before kissing in Sheldon's order of acceptable intimate contact.

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Seems like a rock and a hard place, narratively - going slow is more in character, but the more things drag out, the bigger and more dramatic any eventual move is - only big romance drama is also out of character. Well, hopefully they know what they're doing and have a stock of things to progress with that are small and awkward and in-character, building up to whatever. It's such a delicate, unusual story, i'd hate to see it burn down or peter out.

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A kiss!?! Actual exchange of body fluids? Hell no! A truly affectionate holding of hands would be a big step for Sheldon. I think working the way up to a kiss will take the whole of next season, and that's if they start out with hand holding in episode 1.

When you combine Sheldon's lack of interest in sexual intimacy and his germophobia any act which combines sexual intimacy with the exchange of bacteria laden body fluids his a huge deal and isn't even close to the first voluntary intimate contact in which he should be willing to engage. Given the ability to have a pyjama barrier during, and the ability to wash everything after I imagine an evening of spooning will come before kissing in Sheldon's order of acceptable intimate contact.

We're just going to have to disagree on this one, I guess. Three years seems like enough time for his character to accept that kind of contact, that kind of intimacy. Leonard's mom kissed him in season 3, with no negative consequences beyond surprise and disappointment.

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We're just going to have to disagree on this one, I guess. Three years seems like enough time for his character to accept that kind of contact, that kind of intimacy. Leonard's mom kissed him in season 3, with no negative consequences beyond surprise and disappointment.

Seems more like an emotional issue more than anything purely physical (is that even a real thing?) or even medical-psychiatric - crippling germ phobias or whathaveyou. He didn't freak out when Amy kissed him either, but it's a big jump to making a move himself.

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am i the only one who considers sheldon's statement he doesn't rule out intimate contact any more as a significant breakthrough for his character?

Penny thinks so too, and Leonard as the bruised arm to prove it.

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