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Tommen has been recast

Patchface Targaryen

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I'm not sure if they actually mentioned his age in the show so far;

Unfortunately (for continuities sake) they did. Loras says "Tommen is eight" in the shaving scene of season one to Renly. But they maybe can retcon this as Loras was a tad "exaggerating" here.

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I'm looking forward to Cersei and Tommen's scenes post-Joffers. Also, if they need some light-hearted character development, it would be cute to see Margaery and Tommen together, like playing with kittens and Tommen clearly seeing her as a cool big sis.

Totally nonsensical headcanon, but I always thought it would be cute if Tommen survived to adulthood because everyone saw an easily-manipulated, sweet-natured kid, and put him low on the priorities list, so low most of them died or changed allegiances by the end of it. And Tommen would totally know this and play it up as he got older. "I am like my grandfather, only writ cuter!"

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HBO have had actors playing multiple roles on shows before, for instance Garrett Dillahunt on Deadwood played Jack McCall and the geologist whose name escapes me. I don't think anyone will remember him greatly, and if he's right for the role then so be it.

exactly Dan Hildebrand who pefectly played Krasnys once played two different characters in an episode of Deadwood, he was Tim Driscoll , the guy who played the middleman for Al in a plot sale then Al had him murdered. He was also a regular as Shaughnessy the inn keeper who doesnt tolerate disarray.

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I suppose Tommen acting like a small child even if he looks a bit older could add some interesting depth to the character. They could play off his immaturity as a result of the poor parenting he receives and the abuse from Joffrey.

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More stupidity. It's one thing to recast someone who doesn't need to be recast; it's another to recast someone with an already used actor. Should I even be surprised anymore?

Yeah the casting for the show has been really week overall and given us no reason to trust them. Right...

I don't really like the idea but you're making it sound like Nina's a hack.

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I wouldn't recognise Martin Lannister in a million years. Neither will almost anyone who doesn't obsess on the show, re-watch the DVDs etc. Besides, if the new kid can act, they can use makeup and wig to make him look like little Tommen after a reasonable growth spurt. I do hope the newcomer can act and hold his own against a formidable cast. If he can, it should suffice.

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Honestly I think it'll work just fine. He'll have a little more gravitas than Robin Arryn

It's not possible to have less gravitas than Sweetrobin.

Anyway, I'm not too bothered by the age thing. I can't think of any completely awful casting choices; even the ones that I thought could have been better were at least serviceable and most of them were pretty good.

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Well, there are some rumors that Callum Wharry was acting like a pre-teenage ass (ad-libing etc.) on set, so this was an emergency recast.


It is clearly D&D deliberately trying to ruin ASOIAF and destroy any chance the show had of ever being a valid form of entertainment.

I hear the cast also regularly use the books to make a giant fire as they toast marshmallows and laugh about how they are destroying a great story.

*sarcasm. User not to be taken seriously

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