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TTTNE 403 - The Juicy Adventures of Lady Olenna

Zar Lannister

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So I made my mom, who hates gore and blood, watch The Walking Dead with me :lol: I can tell you that she won't be following the next episodes.

I am not a fan of gore and blood either, but I found the story compelling enough to watch it. (I would guess I am near your mother's age, or a bit older)

I love pictures of puppies. :P

I don't normally form attachments to animals either (ok, I did to Draco as evidenced the year he went missing for over 24 hours). I think part of it is a space thing with me. I like my personal space and humans generally will respect that, but animals don't. "Excuse me? I don't know you. why are your paws all over me and you kissing my face"

As for having pets, I like the low maintenance of cats. Dogs are just too much work for me to handle and don't expect my help if a pet needs to eat other beasties, just not happening (talk is Alex wants a lizard that would have to be fed crickets). Also, having an indoor cat, there is very little odor (unless I am being too lazy or too cheap with the litter box). Dogs stink (so do boys, but I learned to adjust to that (and boys are so much easier to bathe :P ) and so do many other animals cages. Damn, I am sounding as old as I am :lol:

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Do potatoes sleep? :idea: Good night!

@ Lany: she said she found the characters very real and the acting good, but it was much too "anguished" for her (I hope that's the right word) but she was curious to know what happened next. my dad loves the show, but he's two seasons behind me, so whenever he watches an episodo I rewatch it with him. Male bonding :P

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*crawls out of bed to find her Secret Santa recipient in her inbox* YEA!!!!!!!

Everyone went to bed? :lol:

Maid, I'm glad you had a great day :)

Shadow, you made me feel guilty there....

*goes to smoke one last lonely cigarette*

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Still up, but going to bed any minute now.

So there's a tv show called The River, and I just watched ep 2. Aaaand I doubt I can sleep right now. If you aren't a fan of the doll island weirdness, or creepy dolls in general, don't watch before bed when you are alone. I just did :uhoh:

Am watching the next ep just to clear my brain.

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5 hours of staring at spreadsheets and checking account statements trying to make the numbers match up (only about 80% successful).

Brain turns to sludge.

May have to do something rad and take a walk after dinner to get my blood flowing a bit.


You're only 21?! :stunned:

You come across as a very mature 25 year old. I'm not being sarcastic. There is a biiiiig difference between 21 and 25 for most people. Having employed people age 18 - 50 something, I have gained a big appreciation for maturity that I didn't have before becoming an employer.

the Juice:

Where we at on juice? Don't have time right now to read back and see all the juice suggestions, but I will. Hope to find some interesting things to try.

Anyone mix tea and juice?

Mint tea goes well with just about any juice. If you have mint tea left in the pot, put it in the fridge and take it out when you're having cranberry, orange or whatever your favorite is (I don't know about apple - sorry, Ak) and splash some in. I think you'll like it.

romanesco broccoli/cauliflower:

new veggie. Interesting flavor, but I was not floored. The main thing you notice about it is how geometric it is. the wikipedia article mentions fractals and fibonaci numbers. So if you like to have food that is a conversation starter - this veggie is for you!


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*yaaaaawn...scratch...scratch...yawn...blink blink...scratch...scratch...yawn...blink*

Morning all,another day another glorious day.

Today kids have water play...that means me wet :)

I see I'm not the only one super excited for Secret Santa reveal,soooo who's mine? CMON! I'll die not knowing for weeks :lol: anyhow...I have me some thinking to do. Also I must have a tree. Here in dorn we have plastic ones. That or palm tree...Can't wait. :D

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wow, you are up early. I haven't gone to bed yet. Almost finished one horn*, then I have to finish cleaning the kitchen. Fun times. :)

*I am going to make 2 of the small hats and send them to my grandsons. I realize they may not need them much in Texas, but maybe they can play in them.

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I see I'm not the only one super excited for Secret Santa reveal,soooo who's mine? CMON! I'll die not knowing for weeks :lol: anyhow...I have me some thinking to do. Also I must have a tree. Here in dorn we have plastic ones. That or palm tree...Can't wait. :D

The real agony will begin when you actually receive your gift and attempt to wait for Christmas. :D

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