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Will Euron Become the Great Antagonist of Daenerys Targaryen?


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Euron is obviously going to be a central character in the winds of winter he has all of the qualities of a great villain he is just as ruthless as Joffrey Ramsay or Tywin but has the charisma which makes him more interesting. He clearly is going after Dany will he become a great enemy of hers or will he just be an enemy in the winds of winter? Will he survive until the last book or is he going to meet his end soon?
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Probably not but he is already an Antagonist in A sense. Saying he is her main antagonist is like saying Bowen is Jon's main antagonist in a sense. Heck Jon has had more contact with Bowen, though that is not to diminish his role in the story overall, just that other things are really going on. To understand Euron and his part and what he wants you first have to know what he is doing, he does lie. So I wrote an old post about this awhile back and I will cut and paste it for you. Now the post itself has been will call it "borrowed" a couple of times by a couple redditt fans and that's fine.


It's a small theory I wrote for a Greyjoy fan here on the forum.

So we look at Euron and it does not look like he has much of a chance against Westeros, Highgarden and the Lannisters could pretty much steam role them. I am not sure he is even after the dragons, he may be but the Warlocks want them dead and I think he is in tighter with them than we know.

So he sends off Vic and a lot of his best warriors and a decent portion of his strength to Essos. With the supposed plan of bringing back Dany and the dragons, here take this magic horn that will bind them. He would never give away that kind of power to the Incredible Dolt. I think he fully expects Vic to die in Meereen, the Horn is probably a trap, they want Vic to die and for Dany to try and use the horn, it looks like a trap. Though along comes Dark flame and he probably knows exactly how to handle that horn. But that seems his play in Meereen, kill Dany, you kill her and the dragons are out of the game. But why would you want to make sure the Dragons are out of the game?

Well what is he after in Old Town? A book? I don't think so, though that may be part of it. I think they are after the glass candles that would be a powerful tool in the war against the Others, you could use them to locate the enemy COG, find the heart, watch there movements the one thing nobody can do right now is track them. But they could be used as a weapon to find them and locate a weakness and help greatly with communication.

I think Euron is more than willing to use the Ironborn as a feint, he does not care if they die or about the shitty Iron Islands, I think he and the Warlocks want to help the Others. The Warlocks with all that cold, dead and blue symbolism, these guys are probably like there gods to them. Or he is just stupid enough to think he has a chance with his small army designed for raiding and not direct combat and thinks he can defeat all of Westeros and that Vic gets his most powerful weapon and will return with a Queen and Dragons for him. One is a trap and the Other is a diversion, they may also be after Dawn, Starfall is not far from Old Town by sea. The last thing is maybe the dragon binder does not do what people thinks it does. Maybe it binds another kind of dragon, you know like a Targaryen. But I still think the Warlocks want Dany out of the picture and they may just be using Euron. Now here is why I think that.


You see I don't randomly pick things out of the air like Glass Candles. Yes there are Glass Candles in Qarth, in a house. Who's house? The House of Urrathon the Night Walker. There are two things about this. One this is probably not a normal house and Qauithe seems to have access to said Candles, which means there is a Shadowbinder watching over them. As the World book points out, Shadowbinders are pretty much the last people you want to mess with. The Warlocks may not be able to get to them. Now here is the clue, "Urrathon", Urrathon is not an Essosi name, it is from Westeros, it is the name of an ancient King from the age of Heroes. Not just any king, Urrathon IV The Badbrother, King of the Iron Islands. His sigil is a black horn that is Gold banded, kind of like the dragon binder, in fact it looks just like it.

So the clue literally gives me a King of the Iron Islands who was elected in a Kings moot known as Badbrother. He did betray his brother after all. a Black and gold horn, glass candles, Qarth, and the Night. There is a clear association between the Nightwalker, the Bad Brother and the Crows eye.


Other things you want to look at are the association between the Warlocks and the Others, look at the symbolism, start with the share of the evening trees, and the weirwoods. In this world black and white and blue and red are inverse parallels. Black and Blue tree and a white and red tree. But we see that the sap has by and large the same effect. It seems to stimulate visions. Blue sap and red sap. With the warlocks you can get into all the uses of the color blue and black and the cold and the dead, and the heart. The heart of the undying and the heart of winter. Do you remember how Drogon felt about the heart? You can draw parallels to Euron and Bloodraven, again you will probably find an inverse parallel like how one wears a patch on the right eye and the other the left, one has a blue eye and the other a red eye.


Anyway I don't want to write than much tonight about inverse parallels, and symbolism. You also may want to follow Dany and crows. Lets see she already has a Crow in her life, he has blue eyes right? Now there is a second crow in her life, but only one eye is blue and the other is black, if there was a third crow I wonder what color his eyes would be? Maybe both would be black, where can I get a crow with two eyes that look black? Probably have to be important too, hmmmmm? It would kind of be like one to bed, one to dread and one to love. Hmmmm?


Anyway Euron is important but I don't think he will be the real issue with her. In fact he probably won't make it out of act two, really close to the end but probably not out of it. It's not really his story.


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Euron will become the great antagonist of Westeros. Long before Dany arrives, the Crow's Eye will show why he was crowned king. The difference between him and characters like Ramsay, Joffrey, and Gregor, is that Euron isn't a puppet for other people's schemes. Roose/Ramsay, Cersei/Joffrey, Tywin/Gregor, there is a pattern for the baddies throughout the novels. Euron has no strings, and he'll be the greatest villain of the series (other than the Others, who are the real antagonists of Westeros). 

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No. He will die long before Dany comes to Westeros.

Yeah, he didn't even earn a spot in the HotU. Also, the Iron Fleet is basically going to be Dany's along with the dragonhorn being sabotaged and out of his hands, so he won't be getting a dragon, and he wouldn't be able to pose much of a threat to her.  

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It's likely Victarion and his fleet will take Dany and her people to Westeros. That's around two months of Victarion telling Dany how his brother wants to make her his wife and how he is selling slaves. There is no way Dany lands without wanting to torch him.

Didn't Vicatarion say how he was going to try and marry Dany himself?  I can't remember. 


I've always suspected that Victarion would demand that Dany marry him, in return for using his fleet.  Right after she has Drogon eat Hizzy for treason.  That would make him the mount she would "fear" (I can't recall the prophecy exactly). 


Somewhere between proposal/extortion, and acceptance, Victarion could/would mention what a dick his brother Euron is. 

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Didn't Vicatarion say how he was going to try and marry Dany himself?  I can't remember. 


I've always suspected that Victarion would demand that Dany marry him, in return for using his fleet.  Right after she has Drogon eat Hizzy for treason.  That would make him the mount she would "fear" (I can't recall the prophecy exactly). 


Somewhere between proposal/extortion, and acceptance, Victarion could/would mention what a dick his brother Euron is. 


He wants to steal Dany for him because Euron gives for granted that he's going to take her for him. But if they ally, a marriage doesn't need to happen.

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He wants to steal Dany for him because Euron gives for granted that he's going to take her for him. But if they ally, a marriage doesn't need to happen.

It certainly doesn't NEED to happen, but would Victarion LIKE that to happen.  I think he's gotten it into his head that it WILL happen:




had heard talk of the beauty of Daenerys Targaryen from the lips of pirates in the Stepstones and fat

merchants in Old Volantis. It might be true. And Euron had not made Victarion a gift of her; the Crow’s

Eye meant to take her for himself. He sends me like a serving man to fetch her. How he will howl when I

claim her for myself. Let the men mutter. They had sailed too far and lost too much for Victarion to turn

west without his prize.



him.—“the only way to do this is to take the slavers

unawares, as once I did at Lannisport. Sweep in from the sea and smash them, then take the girl and

race for home before the Volantenes descend upon us.” Victarion was no craven, but no more was he a

fool; he could not defeat three hundred ships with fifty-four. “She’ll be my wife, and you will be her

maid.” A maid without a tongue could never let slip any secrets.


The iron captain had no time to wait for laggards.

Not with his bride encircled by her enemies. The most beautiful woman in the world has urgent need of my axe.


But I shall make the dragon queen mine own. She will share my bed and bear me many mighty sons.


Victarion has a lot of leverage, a fleet to finally take Dany and army to Westeros.  Dany has shown that she is not against political marriages that bring her what she needs, and after Hizzy is...... "set aside"..... she will probably have a different view on the "permanence" of marriage. 

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