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About alienarea

  • Birthday 07/28/1965

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  1. Hi all, nothing special, just logging in to check you're hopefully all fine.
  2. Maybe the house with the red door is the Black Gate? "I see a red door and I want to paint it black." :)
  3. Maybe we should write TWoW? Looks like we are all a bit bored. Maybe each of us could pick a character, but not the obvious ones. I would pick Sansa, because I don't like her at all, and make her a scheming, whoring Queen of the North. Like Cersei, but a Stark.
  4. Not really related to Heresy - or is it? Looks like a Game of Thrones is being played in Russia and Putin is the mad king.
  5. Currently thinking of Westeros and Essos as theme parks like Westworld, with the army of the dead being bots.
  6. The Citadel is a Netflix series featuring King Robb. I quit after three episodes.
  7. Just saying hi. Nothing new under the sun. Apparently, GRRM joined the writers strike. Twelve years ago.
  8. I haven't been following the thread as it's obvious we are going in circles since a year or two, maybe five. With every year passing by the chance of GRRM finishing the series is dwindling. A while ago I posted that it is perfect as it is, with lose ends everwhere and lots of uncertainties - because this is a mirror of our lives. I hope all of us live long, happy lives and move on peacefully. When we move on, there will be things we are not to sure about, like who shot JFK, for example, and things we'll never know (who will win the world cup in 2122?). I've decided to focus on other things for the time being. In case you miss my crackpots or want to keep in touch you can reach me at [email protected] Take care!
  9. It would be an ironic twist, and I think on GRRM would like, if people in Westeros blame not being faithful to the old gods, breaking the pact with the CotF, slaying parts of your family, or a combination of those, for the long night, ... ... when it is really caused by some huge volcano(s) blowing up in the Essos. Epilogue: the volcano(s) blowing up are caused by the Targaryen's creating dragons. The Targaryens caused the long night! PS: yes, he said it was magic and the moon split. Mountains of the moon became a volcano.
  10. Maybe we could feed ChatGPT with the five books by GRRM plus our heresies and ask it to write TWOW?
  11. I hope you are all healthy and safe. Just checking if there is anything new. Maybe a new crackpot? Nothing. In my book Westworld season 5 got cancelled because Dolores didn't want to migrate to the Planetos theme park and Hurley was too lazy to move the island.
  12. The White Walkers rose to go to Starfall to claim what's theirs?
  13. Dawn seems to be missing. Ned claims he returned it to House Dayne, but is this true? If Dawn is the sword of the Night King, maybe Ned picking it up after defeating Arthur Dayne triggered the rise of the White Walkers? And that is what Mance will do in the crypts - remove Dawn from the Night's King buried there and thus ending the White Walkers?
  14. I cannot contribute anything new at this point in time. In 2022, amongst others, we lost the Queen, Pele, and the former pope. I wish you all a safe and healthy 2023.
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