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About straits

  • Birthday 02/17/1992

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  1. It will be an interesting study in motivated reasoning, but so far it looks like the main issues are treating the AI output as a human decision, and then allowing disturbingly lax parameters on top of that. The choice of target and acceptable conditions for attack really seem to be the key issue, along with the generous tolerance for civilian casualties: We can put this in the "manmade horrors beyond my comprehension" category.
  2. https://prospect.org/infrastructure/transportation/2024-03-28-suicide-mission-boeing/ Rage-inducing
  3. I understand that you are referring to the post-WW2 period, but France does not belong in that sentence.
  4. It depends on who your allies are. In fact, magical thinking and special pleading is being used to carry out ethnic cleansing and settler colonialism as we speak.
  5. They could have easily stopped there.
  6. The lot of them ought to meet up at the Hague, to better continue their high-brow discussions on the shades of acceptable and unacceptable levels of ethnic cleansing and settler colonialism.
  7. I had a brief look at the wiki page for Avi Dichter, Bezalel Smotrich, Netanyahu, Yoav Gallant, and Itamar Ben-Gvir. The names of their official roles suggest that they are at the core of the operation of the state of Israel; not at the fringes. If I wanted to present its government's officials as cartoonishly evil, I would struggle to invent their personal backgrounds.
  8. They have not "embedded" themselves in an urban center. They grew up in the ghetto that it is. And all of their violence and resistance - organized or not - has adapted to the surroundings. There is no scenario where Israel will tolerate well-delineated army barracks and military areas without actually destroying them the moment they can be called a proper military institution. This outcome is entirely logical. Not recognizing this is an embarassment to your mental faculties. In a one-sided bombing campaign where over 60% of the 23,000 dead are women and children, you come up with this number? This is delusional. The assumption that every male of 18 and over - teens included - is a trained member of Hamas ascribes militant characteristics to Palestinian society which would be nonsensical for nearly any other ethnic group. It is taking the shape of a self-fulfilling prophecy, and the outcome will be an entire society at war, whose unifying factor is the oppressor.
  9. You'd think that not doing ethnic cleansing and apartheid were achievable standards, but here we are.
  10. Always. Although, the different edges of the blade cut to different depths.
  11. This tactic was employed in the Gulf war. "300 babies dragged out of incubators to die" by Iraqi forces. By the time a correction was issued, the lie had done its job, which is to silence disagreement in the initial heat which forms the the response to an attack. On October the 8th (or rather in the first few weeks that followed), denial of "beheaded babies" would have earned you a swift ban on some online spaces. It reminds me of a quote by Terry Pratchett — 'A lie can run round the world before the truth has got its boots on.'
  12. I almost agree! But ending up on the US sh*tlist is an experience which ranges from unpleasant to fatal.
  13. This is basically it. The only thing mildly surprising to me is that she did not expect it.
  14. It would be sensible for the international community to decide. The US did not wait for such a decision before they began bombing Serbia in 1999, due to the unfolding crisis in Kosovo. Watching over 22 thousand Palestinians die, over a million souls risking starvation in winter, and over 70% of the population ethnically cleansed - forced out of their homes with less regard than people give to cattle - I don't even see sanctions on Israel discussed as an option. In fact, American tax money is financing their suffering.
  15. Agreed, but this and most of your comment is applicable to the Yugoslav wars. It is disturbing to see a logic, laid out meticulously to identify and condemn genocidal crimes in the 90s, be thrown out entirely when a geopolitical ally is on the examination table. It sends the message that justice and accountability is applied to and demanded from countries not allied to the western sphere of influence. edit: it would only be honest to add that this is well-known. It is only being reaffirmed.
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