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This might be the worst advert I've ever seen.


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Blowjobs are fine.

Just not in the context of selling ground-up beef. .

Carl's Jr would like a word...


The burger itself isn't nearly as phallic as the one in the BK ad, but the whole attractive, scantily clad, young woman eating burgers thing has been done to death.


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Hmm, and not it doesn't show my quote within your quote (at least at the message screen).  

I'd agree its sketchy in general.  It's not a prank with me and the other friend.  It's legitimately "I'm sure he wants it like this," (which I'm sure is what a lot of well-intentioned date rape is) based on time together.  It's that lack of knowing she'd want it like (and in this case, the knowledge that she definitely doesn't) that which would stop me from putting anything in friend #2's drink without asking.  The desire doesn't come into play, IMO, just because you shouldn't treat another human being like that, let alone one you supposedly like.  

Buying someone an alcoholic drink isn't spiking their drink. Spiking a drink is adding a secret / extra / unknown ingredient. When I meet my wife at the bar and order her a G&T I'm not spiking her drink. If I threw a shot of whiskey in her Latte without warning her, that might be spiking a drink. Maybe not. Depends if it's obvious on first sip. If I threw a vodka in her beer, that's definitely spiking as the chance of her realizing is low, but it would affect her judgement.

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I'm talking more just pour booze into a coke and hand it to him (or eggnog in this case) without saying anything.  It's just implied through how we know each other.  It's still "extra," but we expect there to be something extra in there.  

That's IMO the best case scenario for the ad.  Absolute, 100% best case.  

But it is so easy to take it beyond that, and outside of the absolute best case, it's a "WTF are you saying" ad.

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That BK advert isn't "blowjobs are awesome". It's more like "stuffing this burger in your face is just like stuffing your cock in the mouth of a blow-up doll who in this case happens to be an actual human female". 

For the guys, anyway. For any chicks who choose to identify with the lady in the ad, it's more like "this burger will make you gag".

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Hmm, and not it doesn't show my quote within your quote (at least at the message screen).  

I'd agree its sketchy in general.  It's not a prank with me and the other friend.  It's legitimately "I'm sure he wants it like this," (which I'm sure is what a lot of well-intentioned date rape is) based on time together.  It's that lack of knowing she'd want it like (and in this case, the knowledge that she definitely doesn't) that which would stop me from putting anything in friend #2's drink without asking.  The desire doesn't come into play, IMO, just because you shouldn't treat another human being like that, let alone one you supposedly like.  

...well intentioned date rape? 

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I very seriously doubt that this brand (Bloomingdales) in that venue (a holiday print catalogue) was trolling for publicity. I'm much more confident that nobody thought very hard about what that display type implied. I'd even be willing to bet that someone just typed that into the layout (might have even been the designer, adding FPO copy that an editor should have changed), and everyone just went with it because nobody else had flagged it on the proofs as inappropriate. A sort of slow-motion bystander effect, as it were. I've seen this effect first-hand many times in my years as a magazine editor.

Yeah, the more I look at it the more it seems like it's supposed to be just a light-hearted "Give your friend a friendly surprise pick-me-up with a bit of booze in their drink. They'll be all 'Wow, that was so nice of you, I love a little hooch in my eggnog!'". You know, a bit of holiday fun by some people's standards.

And no one bothered to notice how the words they chose to convey this and the image they superimposed it on actually implies a completely different and much more disturbing context.


Like, the act itself could be harmless fun or horrible date rape depending on the context and the picture and language 100% pushes it towards date rape.

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You know, I'm not so sure it was all that innocent.  I think that one of the commentators was pretty astute in mentioning that the ad looked like the characters had stepped out of that Robin Thicke Blurred Lines video.  Somebody had to think about that.

I know, the resemblance is strong. The idea that it was deliberate is so mindboggling I have to assume it's a coincidence for my own sanity.

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Hmm, and not it doesn't show my quote within your quote (at least at the message screen).  

I'd agree its sketchy in general.  It's not a prank with me and the other friend.  It's legitimately "I'm sure he wants it like this," (which I'm sure is what a lot of well-intentioned date rape is) based on time together.  It's that lack of knowing she'd want it like (and in this case, the knowledge that she definitely doesn't) that which would stop me from putting anything in friend #2's drink without asking.  The desire doesn't come into play, IMO, just because you shouldn't treat another human being like that, let alone one you supposedly like.  

Man, I really have been feeling you up until this. But, and I'm hopeful this was just a careless choice of words - "well-intentioned date rape" is just an inexcusable turn of phrase. Really, jesus.

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I know, the resemblance is strong. The idea that it was deliberate is so mindboggling I have to assume it's a coincidence for my own sanity.

No, it's entirely possible. My earlier discussion was mostly reacting to Theda's assertion that someone chose to do this for bad publicity (e.g. all publicity is good publicity), and knowing what I know about Bloomingdales and its brand identity, I found that assertion to be less likely than just an editorial fuck-up. But, it could also be an in-joke gone way wrong (seen this happen as well). 

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Chalk that down to bad phrasing (sorry about the lack of quotes.  Still learning the quote function.)

I was trying to distinguish between date rape where they're intentionally taking advantage of the other person, and date rape where they legitimately thought the other person wanted what was going on.  "I'm sure he wants it like this" brought that on.  

I wasn't trying to ever say that intentionally date raping someone is a good thing.  I was trying (badly) to say that type of attitude could lead to date rape if it applied to sex, although that person legitimately thought they were doing what the other person wanted and assumed a lack of a "no" indicated they were fine with it.

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