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Which Tyler

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About Which Tyler

  • Birthday 02/19/1976

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  • AKA: Aidan
  • Gender
  • Location
    UK - West Country
  • Interests
    My name's an homage to the grammatically incorrect Wat Tyler, who led the Peasant's Revolt a mere 640-odd years ago. The avatar is the Monty Python crew having a bit of a moan about Pedants like myself. My pedantry is keen, but unskilled I'm afraid.
    My principal hobby is rugby, from which I retired (hurt) just over a decade ago; though I still follow the game, and support both the grass roots level, and Bath in the English top flight. I seem to be a much better supporter than I ever was as a player. I'm a fan of historical fiction and comedy, with Terry Pratchett and Bernard Cornwell as my favourite authors.

    Beyond that.... I'm a chiropractor, and I work alongside Ali (massage therapist) as just the 2 of us in a small town that seems to spend half it's time under water since we moved here. We have 2 cats, 1 dog and 0 offspring are confirmed generation X-ers; and one of those lame-arse couples who got engaged a decade ago, but still haven't gotten around to actually getting married. My humour is generally inappropriate, but I enjoy bickering as well; so all's well that ends well.

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  1. And another https://sotn.newstatesman.com/2024/05/britainpredicts CON ..... 23.0% ..... 124 LAB ...... 45.2% ..... 417 LIB .......... 9.3% ...... 64 Ref ......... 11.5% ........ 0 Grn ......... 5.6% ......... 1 SNP ......... -.-% ....... 22 Plaid ........ -.-% ......... 3
  2. My local candidates are: Conservative - held the seat since it became a seat. ERG nutter, lives locally but has never done anything for the area, unless you ARE Cheltenham Races, or a gambling lobby. Labour - local councillor in Kent (180 miles away), as far as I'm aware is yet to set foot up here. Lib Dem - local councillor locally, who has been active in politics here for about a decade. Green - local councillor locally, who has been active in politics here since before I arrived (so 20-odd years). MRP polling has it neck and neck between the tory and the labour candidates (which is miraculous given how safely blue it's been); but a couple of recent polls have put Lib Dem ahead of labour here (to come 2nd to tory). I'm waiting for the pollsters to get busy and give us some more, and more up-to-date data points. I'm happy to vote for whichever of my 3 options is most likely to unseat Laurence. None fully represent me, but all are a huge step better than the incumbent.
  3. Four nations became five in 1947. You might be thinking of four points for a try? In the 1980s, lifting was not allowed in the lineout; the jump had to be entirely your own. You weren't allowed to support the jumper, but everyone did anyway (it's only cheating if the ref spots it, everything else is just playing cute). By my memory it was more the 90s than the 80s when supporting the lifter became a thing, but that could very easily be my memory. ETA: We're both right (I thought 1947 was a bit late). looking beyond the first result in google, they joined in 1920, were ejected in 1932, allowed to rejoin for 1940, but world events kinda got in the way until 1947.
  4. Essentially the same as an optical illusion, but for different aspects. The brain is convinced that the world is the way it perceived it to Bez whether or not reality agrees with it. Pain works the same way as well, btw (to an extent).
  5. For anyone interested - I can highly recommend this documentary
  6. I mean, it's not like there's anything actually worth talking about in UK politics for the next 5 weeks...
  7. Isn't that why god created Kleenex?
  8. Make sure you're registered for postal voting
  9. Always worth posting this site up. Here's my MP - everyone's is on there. Actions (voting in Westminster) are always more important than words (campaign promises). https://www.theyworkforyou.com/mp/10505/laurence_robertson/tewkesbury/votes
  10. Yep, Cameron, Shapps and Hunt all cancelling engagements already. GE? or "just" a reshuffle in a futile attempt to delay the inevitable?
  11. 2 things can both be true. Which doesn't make it a bad initiative, just bad motives.
  12. Or knowing more than you do. Trisomy of 23rd pair, exists (XXX, XXY, XYY). Intersex-at-birth exists. It's almost like... there are more than 2 biological sexes. Or do you also agree that there are only 2 elements in the universe, because approximately (apologies any physicists / chemists if I've got this wrong) 98.3% of all elements are Hydrogen or Helium; so the "everything else" is just a statistical abnormally... a rounding error... not worth bothering about, anyone teaching about them needs to be fired for incompetence. Please note, trisomy and intersex =/= trans.
  13. Look, I've found ASOIAF, I've found a rugby forum, and I've found pornhub. What else would I need the internet for?
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