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Arthur Peres

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  1. Doran is one of the most incompetent players in the books. He simple can't win. He should had entered the war during the time of the five kings, now is the time he should not be sitting on the table. He can lose everything and he has nothing to gain in this game.
  2. From worst to "best": Euron>Ramsey >Slave masters>Gregor>Qyburn>Roose>Craster>Littlefinger>Cersei>Joffrey>Lorch >Tywin>Varys>Vargo Hoat > Mellisandre > Balon > Black Walder > Walder Frey> Kevan> Lothar Frey>Jaime> Sandor> Stannis> Sand Snakes.
  3. Well Aerys also spared Dontos for being too young at the request of Barristan. Maybe Ethan was also seen as too young at the time. Aerys was also called mad, his actions cannot be understood by using logic.
  4. Except he won't... he did find out about her and did none of the things you decribed... he used her as a prostitute and as witness to screw Tyrion. Bring Shae was a terrible idea and that is the reason why Tywin forbade him. Tyrion gets into a piss contest with Cersei and end's up threating Tommen over a whore. I don't like Tywin let's make this very clear. Well he is. Jaime never gets punished for his actions because of big daddy Tywin. He is protected and shelter from his crimes, erros and everything else. Jaime gets a Valyrian steel sword, a golden armor, Tywin cleary sees him as his heir, places him in command of his army and so on. Jaime of the three is the most rebel against Tywin and the one that is treated the better, he is cleary the favorite and by Jaime's own words Tywin is one of the few people that he cares about... Yes, he is no diferent than Doran or Mace pushing their daughters into matches they probably do not want. This is Westeros. The reason why Tywin wants her to marry again is to end the rumors of the bastards. She is given her choices and let's her make the final call on the matter and even lets her stall a bit. Cersei needs to be controled. When Tywin left her to her own devices she started a war with several regions, executed their best hostage, and let Barristan be kicked out of the KG while replacing him with Sandor. Of course he does not trust her with any real power, look what she did as regent, she ended up losing control over the council, the city and being imprisoned by the faction she raised to power. By Cersei's own security she should not be allowed to make the big calls. You talk like Tywin is trying to impose his will on a normal person. It's not the case. Had Cersei proven herself a decent regent Tywin would never send Tyrion of all people to take her place. Of course Tywin is a horrible parent, he is cold, distant, judmental, hypocrite and a general asshole. Every single topic about worst parent Tywin is always among the top 5 of the list and I agree with the majority. The thing is that being a parent is just part of the problem of Tywin and Cersei.
  5. They were made a example, and he moved against his father because the man was weak. The action is also not seem bad in Westeros, so much so that Tywin uses that for PR... something he would never do with the RW for example. He really doesn't. He send his army to pillage the smallfolk to force Edmure to make a bad move in splitting his force trying to defend everything, and it worked. The other time he let his dogs into the smallfolk was the sack of KL, and he also did that with a clear objective. Both Tywin and Kevan saw that woman as a harlot that took advantage of their weak father and took possessions she had no right, she also "helped" Tytos in ruling the Westerlands and by the state of things there before Tywin it was a poor job. No before you start I don't find that okay, but by westeros standarts this action is not nearly as brutal or bad as what Cersei does to Alayaya. He would definily not. Tywin unlike Cersei has the common sense to read into Robert. He knew the man had no taste for killing children and he is not dumb enough to threat the daughter of his best friend. This is beyond cruel, but he also used that to turn Tyrion into a cynical and made Tyrion start to see things his way. Tywin did gain something from that mess. He does not do such thing. He is hostile to Tyrion and hates the dwarf, but he does not treat him poorly. He goes to war to rescue him, he let's the dwarf travel and spend his money on whatever he wants. He let him into his war council, made him hand, and when he goes after Tyrion is because the BS Tyrion said against Tommen, and for the murder of Joffrey. Tywin is beyond nice towards Jaime that it's cleary his favorite. Tywin is not great to Cersei, but he is far from terrible. He never goes after her, even when he sees her bs (when she puts the blame of Joffrey's words into Robert's) ...please stop jumping to the worst conclusion every single time... That giving birth to that kid, would push her into a path directly oposed to the prophecy, and the kid would be also a shield for her bastards. But you will... And once again you go on and presume the worst and attack me...What should we do about this behaviour sir?
  6. He really isn't. Kevan took part in all of Tywin's crimes and then later on took part on his niece humiliation and had the gal to say that Tywin would do the same... when is more likely that Tywin would kill every single person in KL before letting his daughter be put to through that.
  7. I agree, but Tywin reacts to the incetives that Westeros give him. If being nice, polite and honorable was rewarded he would go for that route. He does not take pleasure in cruelty. Cersei does. She doesn't. She has emotinos and lash out like a animal, goes after minor players for petty pride. Some of her actions are for that reason. Framing Margeary, ordering the death of thousands of dwarves, demanding that Myrcella return to KL while ordering a hit on Tristane... none of the actions I mention have any relation with the prophecy (maybe the killing of her friend). Going after the baby of Bronn for the name was pointless cruelty. Going after Jon Snow had nothing to do with the prophecy. demanding Arya to be maimed was pointless cruelty and had nothing to do with the prophecy. aborting Robert's kid actually lets her closer to the prophecy and is also made by pure stupidity and petty pride. Sending women to be tortured by Qyburn has no relation with the prophecy. Cersei makes one enemy after another, part of that is because she is dumb sure, but a lot of that is just pure evil being self destructive. Yeah, I never said otherwise. Tywin is selfserving, and his evil actions are made to give him something. Cersei, like Joffrey does evil because she likes it and will keep doing evil even if is counter productive. She gains nothing by that, it's just pointless cruelty.
  8. Why keep making excuses for Cersei and Jaime ? They are worse than Tywin. Say what you want about Tywin, the guy does not do pointless actions of cruelty . He always has a cause and something to gain from it or it's punishing something that he perceived as a insult. He is very pragmetical and lack any sort of ethic and moral boundries but he is not a pure evil. Jaime and Cersei are closer to that. Jaime made fun of a mother after telling her that he threw her child of a tower and made him cripple, he also mocked her husband death , he had no reason to act like that, nothing to gain and he actually had something to lose there(If I was in Cats place he would be a eunuch and later a cripple.), but he did it anyway. Jaime tried to kill Arya and Jaime ambushed Ned and was smilling when Ned's men died and he had nothing to gain by doing that, so much so that he had to flee the city after. The only good deed this monster did in the whole five books was rescueing Brienne from the bear. Everything else is the guy being self serving, cruel, pushing the blame on others. I dont get this bs about redemption. Jaime never says that he was wrong, he resents the judment that he received for his poor actions but he keeps inflicting injustices wherever he goes. Cersei is cleary more evil than Tywin and probably worse than Joffrey. She has just as much attrocities on her resume as him, but unlike Tywin she does not have any result to show for it, and neither has a reason. She sold kids into slavery, she mocked a victim of rape, she ordered a hit on a baby because she didn't like the name, she send several people to be tortured by Qyburn, she raised Joffrey, tortured he baby brother, killed her friend over paranoia, she kept tauting Ned and Robert for no reason, she wanted to have Arya maimed, she aborted Robert legit kid(that would be to her advantage if it lived), she ordered Alayaya to be tortured... I'm just putting the ones she had no reason to do that and were pure cruelty for no gain... Maybe even the plot to kill Tristane can enter on that list, and I'm sure I am forgeting plenty. Cersei> Joffrey> Jaime> Tywin> Kevan> Tyrion>Genna>>>>>>>>>Lancel>>>>>>>>>Myrcella>Tommen.
  9. Not just that, it could change the whole war. If Joffrey is killed by a mob, what does that tell the Tyrells about the strenght of the Lannisters when they cannot even protect their king from a bunch of hungry peasants? With KL starving and Cersei in charge sending threats to the smallfolk, that would also show that the lions are not untocheables, KL could rebel against the Lannisters as whole, there were people calling for Stannis and Robb after all.
  10. Here my sugestion for people that are still not mentioned: Halfhand, Squire Dalbridge, Donal Noye, Yoren and Courtney Penrose.
  11. Viserys would for sure be dumb enough to turn that into public information. Daenerys herself tell us that.
  12. I don't see why Doran needs a Targeryan to go after Tywin... I don't even see why he would prefer Viserys over Stannis or Renly. I don't buy that Doran hates the Baratheon and wants to end their dynasty. He cleary hates Robert for refusing him justice, but Doran goes out of his way to make it clear to the sand snakes that Myrcella and Tommen are not Tywin, I don't see why he would blame Renly that was 6 and trapped in Storm's End for the murder of his family. Stannis and Renly are not guilty of Robert's wrong doing, just like Viserys and Daenerys are not guilty over Aerys and Rhaegar's actions. His family was wronged by the Targeryans just as much if not worse than by Robert, it was the dragons that public humiliated his sister and used her and her kids as hostages to drag them into a war they caused, and them when everything was lost kept her in the city to be sacked while left Daenerys and Viserys safe at Dragon Stone, the castle where Elia should have been. Renly has a huge army, and two regions at his command while Viserys is a cast out without a single sword to command. The only point if supporting Viserys over Renly is if Doran was a legalist like Robb, which he isn't, or if he was just like Tywin and wanted his family to be part of the royal family which seems odd and out of character.
  13. I don't think that it would go well. Jorah still reported to Robert at that point, if anyone from the Martells makes a public visit there it would be no diferent than declaring open rebbelion. Even if Jorah fails to report, Viserys would be for sure dumb enough to make it public knowloge.
  14. Targs are more to blame for the demise of Elia and her kids, than Stark, Tully or Baratheon. It was Rhaegar that started the mess and public humiliated his wife, Aerys that started the war, Aerys that brought Elia to KL to use her as hostage and Tywin that killed them. Renly was 6 when everything was going down and trapped in Storms End. Blaming him for what happened is not diferent from blaming Viserys or Daenerys.
  15. Yeah. There is no way Theon would ever think that his father hates him and blames him for his own failures.
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