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Are you a Male Sansa fan? Please come and tell me why? and is your a female fan also come share the love.

The Weirwoods Eyes

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I think I enjoyed her when I revisited and started to study more closely. The subtlety of her character development is very interesting, as are her contrasts with Arya. Considering those two as yin-yang foils was interesting to me, when i first began to realise how deep that connection went on through the books.

Her resilience makes her admirable as a character, and also the way she still has room to help others despite being a hostage. I hope she moves out of the hostage role somewhat - from my first read i remember thinking it had gone on a bit too long and would like some fresh dynamics to take root.

Overall, she's very cleverly written, somehow different from other 'main' characters, and is so empathetic as a character as to be deserving of some herself.

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I think I enjoyed her when I revisited and started to study more closely. The subtlety of her character development is very interesting, as his her contrasts with Arya. Considering those two as yin-yang foils was interesting to me, when i first began to realise how deep that connection went on through the books.

Her resilience makes her admirable as a character, and also the way she still has room to help others despite being a hostage. I hope she moves out of the hostage role somewhat - from my first read i remember thinking it had gone on a bit too long and would like some fresh dynamics to take root.

Overall, she's very cleverly written, somehow different from other 'main' characters, and is so empathetic as a character as to be deserving of some herself.

This. Eminently said.

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I'm a male and I like Sansa as a character.

I always liked Arya more than Sansa (like them both), but now on a reread I'm not so sure I like her as much as I did before.

I liked Sansa since Lady died, because I thought it was unfair and i felt sorry for her. She was whiny in the 1st book, but I didn't pay it much attention. I started liking her even more when and after Ned was killed because it showed just how an innocent child and realistic character she is. Also, the "head quote" :cool4: Her KL chapters were interesting and I liked how she secretly hated everybody but had to pretend - it shows her will and resistance. I thought her twisted relationship with The Hound was very interesting. Her view of the Battle of the Blackwater was cool. I liked her relationships with Tyrion, Cersei and the Tyrells - here you can see that she is written differently than all the other characters. After she was spirited away to the Eyrie things got even more interesting and I believe she will make it to the end. She still has a lot to learn, though.

She is the character who went through many changes and saw all sorts of crazy sh*t, while keeping her hopes, dreams (unlike Arya) and will to survive a priority, and I think that's what makes her an awesome character. She is among my favorite characters and I think she deserves a happy ending.

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I'm a female Sansa fan, but have come to share the love.

I enjoy Sansa's chapters a lot, partly because the King's Landing stuff were some of my favourite chapters it the earlier books. I think Sansa is a very "normal" person, in that she is not this perfect infallible human being that people think she should be (mostly those who constantly critique her). Nobody in real life is perfect, and as Sansa is only an adolescent girl, her mistakes and faults are both realistic and understandable. I'm very much looking forward to where her arc will take her, and look forward to her chapters in the Winds of Winter :)

Also, Sophie Turner does a stunning job imo. Season 4 spoilers

She had very few lines in E1 and E2, yet her facial expressions got across the emotion that was needed.


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Sansa is one of my favourite characters. I also love Sophie Turner, I think she has portrayed the character perfectly.

When I first started the series I wasnt fond of Sansa, and I had a few "someone slap her" moments. But the fact of the matter was, she was an innocent young girl with a fairy-tale mindset, and I think it was heartbreaking that her innocence was taken from her. Her worldview was completely shattered. Under Joffrey's tyranny she was isolated, with no friends, no one to confine in, no one to protect her. She was at the mercy of Joffrey's evil whims and he took advantage of his power to have her beaten and tormented. Joffrey's treatment of Sansa is the number one reason I hated Joffrey and why I was so glad when the little s**t finally got what he deserved.

But, what strikes me most is how, even throughout all this torment, she remained strong, hiding behind her "lady's armour." How many grown men and women have that capacity, never mind a 13-year-old girl! She is, I believe, one of the strongest female characters in the series. She'snot up there with badasses, the Dany Targs and the Obara Sands, and she's even stronger than Cersei. Cersei lost her son and she fell to pieces; Sansa's father was executed in front of her eyes and she's still stable!

Once she's away from the viper's nest that is King's Landing, I think she really begins to develop. The pomegranate scene I think is significant, a sign that she's finally asserting her independence. She doesn't want to be a piece in the Game of Thrones, she wants to be a player. And I think that they way things are going she will be.

So yeah. Sansa FTW.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Female Sansa fan here, for some of the usual and not so usual reasons. Her POV was both the most frustrating but most rewarding ones to read, and I have a sneaking suspicion she may get to cross paths with more people and develop her character arc in TWOW.

I ship SanSan as much as anyone, but by itself, it's not enough to keep me fully invested in her. A major part of my shipping could be due to me being a military veteran (never marched more than a city block or 2 in The Hounds boots tho), but still remembering my desires to be a Disney princess as a little girl, and the thrill of dolling up for my senior prom. So I see myself in both characters.

A major part of what keeps pulling me to Sansa is she's the most musical of the Starks, and I have been a working musician myself. Her courtesy armour and other aspects of her character arc have been explored in more depth than I have the skill for, but I'm also hoping to see her develop as a singer, or even one of Those Who Sing.

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  • 2 months later...

I dissent!

I will never forgive the deceitful lack of character she displayed when she simultaneously threw Arya under the bus and caused the death of Lady by refusing to acknowledge the truth of Arya's testimony over the

swordplay/river incident.

Shameful and cowardice on Sansa's part.

Notice Arya had no difficulty

"speaking truth to power" in that moment, while Sansa chose selfish self interest

over simple truth and decency.

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I only really began to become a fan of Sansa when she got to the Vale. Before that she just wasn't that interesting to me. I still felt bad for her when she was put into those shitty situations but I wouldn't call myself a fan of hers at that point. However I am kinda annoyed by how overzealous some Sansa fans are, and how some of them hate on Arya for dumb reasons.

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I'm a male and I hate Sansa. She is one of my least favorite characters. I cant forgive her for accidentally betraying her dad (Ned had to die, but still). She's a horrible player of the game and spends too much time whining. It took her way too long to accept her circumstances (a reason why I love Arya).

But I have no idea if the reason I don't like her has anything to do with me being male. I'm excited for the rest of her story and I hope she finally kills the kid (herself, not Robin) and becomes a better player.

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  • 3 weeks later...

At this point I'm definitely more for Arya, but only because I think Sansa's plot is hasn't gotten interesting yet. She has just recently discovered the power she holds over Littlefinger (and all men, for that matter). When you think back it's amazing what all Cersei and Littlefinger have taught her without fully realizing it. When they were in Magor's holdfast waiting for Stannis to invade from the Black Water, Cersei explained to Sansa that the most powerful weapon a woman holds is between their legs - I think Sansa has just had a revelation about this.

Littlefinger has also been giving her lessons on deception and manipulation to get what she wants. In the Season 4 finale of the show Sansa tells Littlefinger that she knows what he wants, to which he responds with something like, "And what is that?" She just looks at him without answering. I think the silence says everything. In the last chapter of ASOIAF so far Littlefinger reveals to "Alayne" his plans to wed her to the Harry the Heir, heir of the Vale "if" Robin Arryn dies.

I really feel this will be the turning point for Sansa and she's on the verge of doing something huge. The only question is what?

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  • 2 months later...

I'm not male and am a huge Sansa fan, I really liked her character she seemed like a spoiled princess in the beginning of the series but we soon find out that her nature is very sweet and compassionate. I think the first time I really started to like her is when the hound told her the story behind his burns and she tries to comfort him in her own way. Another good scene was when she helped a wounded Lancel even though he was a douche to her. I really enjoyed her plot line as well during ASOS and AFFC, I feel like something big is going to happen in the Vale..

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Didn't like her at first. Actually ENJOYED Not liking her. Starry eyed and stupid and I was hoping something would smack her in her face. This was before I realized what this world was like! LOL

But, because of that beginning, and what she had to go through at KL... Saw her start learning, lying, acting... learning the political trade in all it's nastyness.

I'm liking her more now. She's a player, or will be, and is going to put all the old hands flat on their backs... metaphorically/politically.

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I connected early on because she reminded me of my little sister. That simple. I am still a bit angry at Robb for not attempting something concrete to get his sister back. :angry:

It also helps that her chapters are cool because we see an interesting perspective on the Game of Throne. Also, I like how she is one of the more realistic character.

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