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Persuade me to read The Darkness that comes before

The Prince of Newcastle

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Personally I cannot recommend this series enough. TDTCB is a great novel and the PoN trilogy is great, the overarching series (The Second Apocalypse) continues with the quality in TDTCB. One of my favourite series of all time. Complex characters with an incredibly complex plot which slowly peels away with added layers of revelation and the prose is gorgeous. The amount of speculation and fan theories on events within the novels and the ambiguity in the text is great and leads to some great content discussions.

Could not recommend this novel/series enough.

Please feel welcome over at www.second-apocalypse.com where we have some great threads and a good community.

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Anyway I'm only 100 pages into the second book and am loving it. It's one of the bigger, more fleshed out fantasy series, along with ASoIaF, Malazan, and The Wheel of Time. To me it feels like a middle ground between ASoIaF and Malazan. It's like ASoIaF in that there are several, well definied factions with their own motives. They're all intricately weaved together in a way that you can see how the actions of one will affect another.

It is fairly dry, however. Don't expect much humor, if any. I find the tone to be similar to Malazan, but without the humor of later books.

One complaint I've seen by those who don't like it is that the characters aren't likeable. I suppose it's true that most of them aren't very good people. But they are complex.

Oh and I avoid all arguments related to "Bakker and women," but if reading about a highly male dominated world bothers you, then you may want to stay away.

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If you can get through the first third of the first book, this series is the most intricate, challenging, unsettling, page turning set of books out there. I've done re-reads of each book, on a level with GRRM's books, except I haven't bothered with a re-read of ADWD. So it's slightly exceeding my second favorite fantasy series.

It's intricate and challenging. If you loved Dune, you should be OK.

It's unsettling. Bakker writes some scenes that will creep you out, and may give you a nightmare or two. Bakker is a terrible person in that regard, melding philosophy, social psych, Nietzsche and some Lovecraft peppered in.

If you can get past the confusing opening chapters, it's a really compelling read. It took me six months of putting down the book and starting something else to get through that fist half of TDTCB, and I burned through the rest in about a week.

So, if you like Dune and ASOIAF, you should love this.

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I got about 180 pages in and have placed it to one side, for now, I will definitely move back to it because i liked what i read so far but have just been drawn to several other things right now. Its definitely very interesting though!

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Your first read through of the first triilogy will include plenty of moments where you put the hold the book down, look away and say "Holy... shit.." or "What... the...?" or "Noooo wayyyyy!!!"

All in a good way.

My only beefs are that it can be rather overwhelming - these days I spend plenty of time on the subway trying to read in 20 minute blocks. This series does not lend itself to that. You'll be very rewarded if you sit and really dive in. Also, he could have had a few more moments of levity or humor for my taste.

Quibbles. You should read it already.

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the battle at the end of the prologue is really kickass, at the very least read that far and decide if you want to continue.

If you get bored in the next 300-600 pages though, ask, and I can give you a dramatically much more satisfying order to read the chapters that won't spoil anything within the book.

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I'm not sure if it's an "entertainment" or "literature" thread but I'm tempted to start one called "should I read this "should I read Malazan/Darkness that comes before thread""

I'm sure Bakker would appreciate the cyclical question/answers/arguments.

I'd give it a go as I think it's excellent. Your list of likes/dislikes doesn't really help in this case as I know people who have similar tastes to yours who love/hate this series. If you don't like the first one then leave it - especially if you find it offensive.

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