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GoT: Season 5 – New Cast Members (Comic Con)


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Meh, fans of the books and certain characters have a right to feel concerned or annoyed a character they like might not be included in the show.

I don't know how anybody could have read AFFC/ADWD and expected each POV character to make it into the show, especially after it was made clear that the show would end at 7 seasons. I have been preparing myself for major cuts for sometime now. Disappointment with omissions is fine, but we're talking about extreme outrage and hyperbole, which has become pretty typical around here. I can only read so many "fu*k D&D" comments before I grow bored with it all.

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Oh, excuse me for wanting my favourite characters PORTRAYED in the ADAPTATION of the books where they appear. I'm obviously the wrong one here for believing that they will USE THE BOOKS to make an ADAPTATION out of them...

You should know that AFFC/ADWD expanded the story into a much larger scale than what a TV series can adapt. Cuts have to be made, it's reasonable to want to see your favorite characters on the screen, but remember that D&D know the endgame. Your beef may actually be with GRRM that created even more compelling characters that get wiped out before they heavily influence the endgame.

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You should know that AFFC/ADWD expanded the story into a much larger scale than what a TV series can adapt. Cuts have to be made, it's reasonable to want to see your favorite characters on the screen, but remember that D&D know the endgame. Your beef may actually be with GRRM that created even more compelling characters that get wiped out before they heavily influence the endgame.

The cutting of characters cause of adaptation difficulties wouldn't have been an issue with me had they not included every single damn character in Dorne EXCEPT THE IMPORTANT ONE. So I'm guessing we'll get heaps of sexposition with the Sand Snakes (and I'll love it, but still), a dumb and cheesy romance between Trystane and Myrcella, and even Area Hotah FFS! yet no Arianne, the heir of House Martell and a princess of Dorne who is currently the most viable marriage prospect in Westeros, and about to meet a new king in the coming book.

Yeah, totes not important at all, cut the bitch.

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Arianne will be there, and Jon and Aegon and all those, I don't think there is cause to worry.

You don't think there's cause to worry that Arianne is absent from what otherwise appears a comprehensive Dornish casting announcement, her brother Trystane is in that same announcement referred to as the heir to Dorne, one casting video for Trystane suggests his participation in the plot to crown Myrcella, and another casting video indicates that the plot to crown her is being hatched by Ellaria and the Sand Snakes with no sign of her being present?

Aegon and Jon are probably be there, as to reach Yezzan, Tyrion has to be Aegon and Jon.

No he doesn't.

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The cutting of characters cause of adaptation difficulties wouldn't have been an issue with me had they not included every single damn character in Dorne EXCEPT THE IMPORTANT ONE. So I'm guessing we'll get heaps of sexposition with the Sand Snakes (and I'll love it, but still), a dumb and cheesy romance between Trystane and Myrcella, and even Area Hotah FFS! yet no Arianne, the heir of House Martell and a princess of Dorne who is currently the most viable marriage prospect in Westeros, and about to meet a new king in the coming book.

Yeah, totes not important at all, cut the bitch.

And replace her with one dimensional "badass" deadly women with weapons.

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I like Aero and I like the actor playing him, he seems nice. But come one... he's just THERE to tell us what happened. Well, we don't need him, we ARE SEEING what's happening.

Now, it's not only that Arianne will be or will not be important. Was Ros important? Olly? Why not cut Ygritte entirely if at the end, Jon learned nothing (really, he hasn't actually learned anything from her except to have sex and 'uhhh, the wildings are dangerous!'). Is that Arianne is important to deliver the plan of Dorne: we first meet her mad for two main things: Dorne is doing nothing, and her father wants to replace her with Quentyn as ruler. The Myrcella plot is POINTLESS if we don't have a PRINCESS who might feel identified with her cause because she can be a ruler instead. I mean, why the crowning of Myrcella? Because in DORNE, WOMEN CAN RULE. Why we know this? Because they have a FEMALE HEIR, a princess who wants to claim HER RIGHTS to be the Princess. Apparently, this is too much complicated to Unsullied to show in TV.

Instead, we have three girls who are "badass" and "sexy". Because in their first introductions, we have Tyene undressing herself in front of some guy who is probably trying to kill her because "uuh... am not beautiful enough?". If they wanted teats, why not Arianne's teats? Instead of having her being sexually confident and also talking with her father about politics and rights, let's better have three sexy girls parading naked around with epic phrases and weapons.

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At the end of season 4 we were discussing which ones of Euron/Victarion, Griff/Aegon, Manderly/FArya/Val, Arianne/Quentyn they were going to cut.

Looks like they cut all of them. Hoo yeah.

So what will we be having in S5? Dornish T+A , something in King's Landing, something with Dany and Tyrion? I have a feeling they're going to ignore the North and Stannis ( as usual ) - or fit everything into 1 epsiode, and the ironborn will have some useless filler like in S3/S4 ( if they appear at all ).

Edit: and of course, non book material ( either filler or tWoW spoilers ) for Sansa, Brienne and Bran.

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I like the look of all the casting - and I especially agree with ppl saying that Jonathan Pryce is a real coup. He is the kind of actor who will make a huge impact in a couple of scenes every few episodes, and his presence will fill a large part of the void left in King's Landing by all those departed. Lena and he will give us passive-aggressive exchanges a plenty.

Another note - and I hate to be negative - is that the actor who plays Trystane seems very much a.... Vain, preening fop. But perhaps this fits the character fine, and it is the resulting performance that is important of course. I just felt that unlike the other actors he seemed insincere and poser-ish.

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You don't think there's cause to worry that Arianne is absent from what otherwise appears a comprehensive Dornish casting announcement, her brother Trystane is in that same announcement referred to as the heir to Dorne, one casting video for Trystane suggests his participation in the plot to crown Myrcella, and another casting video indicates that the plot to crown her is being hatched by Ellaria and the Sand Snakes with no sign of her being present?

Aegon and Jon are probably be there, as to reach Yezzan, Tyrion has to be Aegon and Jon.

No he doesn't.

Gah I meant meet Aegon and Jon...

I don't think there is cause to worry because to cut a member of a noble family (besides Garlan and Willas, who admittedly don't do an extremely large amount, and are more supporting). But to have Arianne, a POV character and player cut makes no sense. Perhaps she speaks of crowning Myrcella but is promptly sent off to Aegon for marriage because of this, Trystane wanting to be king perhaps, or to impress his sister, then goes with his sisters plan, and trys to crown Myrcella.

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At the end of season 4 we were discussing which ones of Euron/Victarion, Griff/Aegon, Manderly/FArya/Val, Arianne/Quentyn they were going to cut.

Looks like they cut all of them. Hoo yeah.

The most important players all cut? Quentyn I can see being cut, and possibly Val :frown5:, but FArya and Manderly are huge in Stannis upcoming battle. FArya is one of the reasons that the battle is happening, and Manderly will likely have a huge part to do with the battle. Euron/Victarion, Griff/Aegon and Arianne can all work into S6 and this season be full of stuff.

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I've usually given D&D the benefit of the doubt when it comes to changes, they know the ending and I don't after all. But there is NO WAY those characters they've cast so far are going to be more important than the one's they haven't. Not a chance. 3 of the missing ones are POV's, while none of the characters they've cast are ffs.

The casting video they did for S3 didn't have all of that season's new characters in it, so there is still some hope that S5's casting isn't done. I certainly hope so, because if they really do cut Aegon, Connington, Euron, Vic and Arianne while keeping Yazzan, ALL 3 Sandsnakes and freaking Hotah.... :tantrum:

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I like the look of the new cast members. There are some good actors in there.

As for the ones that didn't make it in, yes it's a disappointment, but be realistic about things. There is no way that absolutely everyone is going to make it on screen. Cuts have to be made. D&D know what the endgame is - something that none of us do - you just have to have faith that they know what they're doing.

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Storylines that will now be significantly altered, because this IS the main casting announcement, unfortunately:

Dorne obviously.

The Iron Islands. The dragon horn is a game changer but I guess not to D&D.

Stannis, the Boltons, and most importantly Ser Davos. No "the north remembers Ser Davos" line.

Dany/Meereen. No Ironborn, no Quentyn, no Brown Ben Plumm (no old, bold sellswords. another great line ommision.)

Tyrion. How exactly he and Jorah will be sold into slavery now seems up in the air. No Griffs, the Aegon reveal is another game changer that is going to be omitted.

Varys. If there is no Aegon, WTF is he planning for?!?!

Jaime and Bronn. Apparently they are going to Dorne, another big deviation.

Brienne and Podrick. If no Stoneheart, another wtf are they doing now?

Arya. No mention of the kindly man, which is highly disappointing.

Almost every plot in the story will now be altered. I would love to hear D&D's explanation, and given the overwhelmingly negative response so far, they will need to answer. I feel like they are dumbing the show downs for the unsullied viewers who won't bother to pay attention to the details. Aesthetics over substance seems to be a priority which is a real shame. I expect many more useless action scenes, watered down book dialogue and a good season that lost it's chance to be one of the best seasons the show has had.

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I've usually given D&D the benefit of the doubt when it comes to changes, they know the ending and I don't after all. But there is NO WAY those characters they've cast so far are going to be more important than the one's they haven't. Not a chance. 3 of the missing ones are POV's, while none of the characters they've cast are ffs.

The casting video they did for S3 didn't have all of that season's new characters in it, so there is still some hope that S5's casting isn't done. I certainly hope so, because if they really do cut Aegon, Connington, Euron, Vic and Arianne while keeping Yazzan, ALL 3 Sandsnakes and freaking Hotah.... :tantrum:

Actually it's four missing POV's: Arianne, Victarion, The Damphair, and JonCon.

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To me, this is only an official HBO announcement of the rumored list from a month back. Obviously not all castings are going to be in this Comic-Con video (just like S3's), and I don't believe you can interpret cuts from it just yet. Although Trystane's character description is the strongest singular evidence for anyone being cut, maybe Trystane is heir, because Arianne will be revealed to be secretly betrothed to Aegon, maybe Obara is secretly Doran's bastard child who he legitimizes into Arianne Martell...my point is, wait and see mode.

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I like Aero and I like the actor playing him, he seems nice. But come one... he's just THERE to tell us what happened. Well, we don't need him, we ARE SEEING what's happening.

Now, it's not only that Arianne will be or will not be important. Was Ros important? Olly? Why not cut Ygritte entirely if at the end, Jon learned nothing (really, he hasn't actually learned anything from her except to have sex and 'uhhh, the wildings are dangerous!'). Is that Arianne is important to deliver the plan of Dorne: we first meet her mad for two main things: Dorne is doing nothing, and her father wants to replace her with Quentyn as ruler. The Myrcella plot is POINTLESS if we don't have a PRINCESS who might feel identified with her cause because she can be a ruler instead. I mean, why the crowning of Myrcella? Because in DORNE, WOMEN CAN RULE. Why we know this? Because they have a FEMALE HEIR, a princess who wants to claim HER RIGHTS to be the Princess. Apparently, this is too much complicated to Unsullied to show in TV.

Instead, we have three girls who are "badass" and "sexy". Because in their first introductions, we have Tyene undressing herself in front of some guy who is probably trying to kill her because "uuh... am not beautiful enough?". If they wanted teats, why not Arianne's teats? Instead of having her being sexually confident and also talking with her father about politics and rights, let's better have three sexy girls parading naked around with epic phrases and weapons.

I agree completely, but as a sidenote: I found it kinda "funny" one of the most sexualized shows on tv didnt cast the most sexual character in the books. But anyway, what was the point in pointing out to everyone Dorne was different JUST to have them be pretty much the same?

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