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Why is the show turning Stannis into a dick?

Salafi Stannis

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The ones where all that happens is we hear her many ridiculous titles repeated, over and over and over.

The scenes where her and Jorah awkwardly converse.

The council meetings.

The scene where Daario gives her flowers.

The scene where she and Missandei discuss Grey Worm.

Most scenes with Missandei.

Need I name more?

While I do think the Grey Worm/Missandei scenes are a bit much, you still need a good bit of these scenes. The Jorah scenes are especially important to his characterization. As much as I prefer Stannis to Daenerys, I don't think shafting one completely to bolster the other is a good idea.

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Have the Dany haters managed to take over a Stannis thread? (Again?)

Seven save us.

Not quite, but it's unsurprising that there's discussion about what people would want to be cut in order for there to be more airtime for developing Stannis' character - and Dany is an easy target, since there's (supposedly - I don't watch the show) some "filler" scenes with her, because she's a Main Characterâ„¢ and so needs a certain percentage of each episode's airtime, whether there's relevant things going on in her storyline or not.

I'm not sure if I count as a "Dany hater", I don't think I am one, but I am a vocal critic, so there's a good chance that qualifies me for that august assembly :)

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Not quite, but it's unsurprising that there's discussion about what people would want to be cut in order for there to be more airtime for developing Stannis' character - and Dany is an easy target, since there's (supposedly - I don't watch the show) some "filler" scenes with her, because she's a Main Characterâ„¢ and so needs a certain percentage of each episode's airtime, whether there's relevant things going on in her storyline or not.

I'm not sure if I count as a "Dany hater", I don't think I am one, but I am a vocal critic, so there's a good chance that qualifies me for that august assembly :)

Not nearly as august as the Book Snob Club, but whatever.

To be honest, I barely notice the Stannis scenes, ,mostly because everything on Dragonstone is shot in the dark.

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Not quite, but it's unsurprising that there's discussion about what people would want to be cut in order for there to be more airtime for developing Stannis' character - and Dany is an easy target, since there's (supposedly - I don't watch the show) some "filler" scenes with her, because she's a Main Characterâ„¢ and so needs a certain percentage of each episode's airtime, whether there's relevant things going on in her storyline or not.

I'm not sure if I count as a "Dany hater", I don't think I am one, but I am a vocal critic, so there's a good chance that qualifies me for that august assembly :)

Daenerys is also a target because she's so divorced from the main storyline in Westeros.

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No, in the books Mance was much more hostile and he even threatened to tear down the Wall.

In the show we are led to believe Mance and Jon got to a peaceful arrangement before Stannis interrupts

I was watching the finale with two of my Unsullied friends, and one yelled "Jon wouldn't let them pass in a million years". I don't think we are led to believe that, honestly.

Mance in the show has already sent 400 men to climb the Wall in case Jon refuses to take his offer. Mance was as hostile in the books as it was in the show. And he nearly cut Jon's throat as soon as he heard the horn, something he didn't do in the books.

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D&D never said they hated the Mannis they just said he would be a shit king.

If they hated the Mannis they wouldn't show in in a good light when he visits his daughter, defending her when her mother wants her beaten and actually being kind to his wife. He's also not sexist unlike his book counterpart and doesn't insult the Ned.

The actor who plays him is brilliant and they made Stannis look seriously badass in S4E10.

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Yeah I don't know what people have against the S4 finale in that regard, Stannis gets big cheers in all the reaction vids I've seen to that, and he saved Jon Snuuuh. The only thing missing was cavalry vs giants and mammoths, but I guess it could look enough like Pelennor fields as it is.

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Stannis is a dick.

He wants to be a good king, but he is a dick.

Seriously, calling a "dick" someone that burn people alive and cut the fingers of the one that saved him, because of a distorted sense of "justice", while being the moral responsable for the murder of a brother is the least we can do.

Yes, Stannis is a dick.

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I don't dislike Dany so her scenes don't bother me as much as others. Season two was the absolute worst, though. All that nonsense with XXD, the warlock, Qarth... I hated it.

But, yeah. I don't think they are doing that bad a job adapting Stannis. If you're a fan it's because you like him despite the fact that he is a dick.

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I believe he said he was a righteous man in the sense that Stannis feels his actions are morally justifiable. Thinking something doesn't make it so. I'll make an example with Robert Mugabe--the most righteous leader in Southern Africa today. Are his actions what he believes them to be? No. But is he a righteous man still? Yes.

This is kinda off the subject but Robert Mugabe the most righteous leader in Southern Africa today? lol! You should have gone with the most racialist corrupt leader in Africa today

But back to the subject, lets put it this way tv series and book Stannis is not really a guy you would go and have a beer with. He will have your back but he is not the most pleasant guy to be around. I guess D&D try to make him a conflicted character but it makes him look weak to people and indecisive, and make people think this guy cant rule Westeros because he cant make up his own dam mind, while book Stannis while also listening to people can make his own decisions

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Stannis is a dick because he doesn't sugarcoat anything. He doesn't not say something because he's afraid it will hurt someone's feelings. In the same sense he doesn't want people to sugarcoat anything with him, he wants them to be honest.

Stannis is a dick because he's honest with people (for the most part), and doesn't spare their feelings. What the show did was different. They went above and beyond and more or less made Stannis a villain, which he isn't.

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How is proposing peace a treason?

What Florent did was treason - if you're going to attack Stannis' justice attack the fact that Septon Barre was thrown in the cells for protesting his sept being burned down or attack the burning of Guncer Sunglass

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Stannis IS a dick. I didn't know that was up for debate. The strange part is, he's that friend you have that always complains and kills everyone's buzz. Still when crap hits the fan he's the first guy you call because he's loyal without question, and the most trustworthy person you know. He'll always have your back, and will never talk about you behind your back, you'll always know where he stands. He's a pill to take but a smart man knows he's worth 10 other friends. The world needs more Stannis'.

Stannis is not a dick. He's blunt and brutally honest, if abrasive. Being a dick would be Stannis belittling and bullying other people for his own amusement and that is not his personality.

I agree with the rest of what you said. It's just your first sentence that's wrong. Stannis is a hardass. To some, that's a good thing. To others, the opposite.

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Dealing behind your lieges back and betraying his trust is treason.

How is this any different than Robb executing Arnolf?

(You meant Rickard, I think.) Well, for starters, Karstark's execution was as quick and painless as possible in that universe. Florent was burned alive. Two, Karstark had actually murdered defenseless people, which is kind of irreversible. While Florent had made blots of ink of paper, and any actual effect they could have was negated the moment Stannis learnt of them. Apples and oranges, to put it very, very mildly.

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How is proposing peace a treason?

Dude, he wasn't proposing peace. Proposing peace would be going to Stannis and advicing him to make peace with the Iron Throne. Florent knew what he was doing the minute he decided to follow the most stubborn man in Westeros, instead of Mace Tyrell.

What he did instead was go behind Stannis' back, talk with the enemy and offer them Stannis' daughter so they could get Brightwater Keep back.

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