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TTTNE 441 - In honor of PISSED!

KJR the PR of TaFW

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Hi all, I've been busy doing this: http://imgur.com/qTxJ3Pr

Yep, just a little bit OCD this week ....

Hi spamfam. :grouphug: and :kiss:

OMG, this is me! :crying: :crying: :crying:

I am.so glad that I am not alone in my weird ways :rofl: :rofl: :p

Haha weirdos!

*goes back to building tricorder replica*

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Share the picture when it is finished, LadyQ! ;)

What do you do with it when you are not working on it and need the table for something else? Valonqar and I usually did them on the floor and covered it with the carpet when not working on it, so there was still place to walk on the floor/to put something else on desks or tables.

In other news, -2°C! RB, your weather came here! Now please I want some snow! :wub:

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It's 4C here right now, damn that feels cold!

Why does everyone love the cold? I get sick in the cold :crying: I'm sick now :bawl:

Morning all!

It didn't snow where I live last year and I highly doubt it will this year too


Listening to Korean songs now :D only discovered it because I was listening to an indian one and people in the comments were saying how it was copied almost entirely off a Korean song. Seriously, this happens way too much.. not long ago I was listening to a different one and found it was copied off an Indonesian song. Sheesh

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Share the picture when it is finished, LadyQ! ;)

What do you do with it when you are not working on it and need the table for something else? Valonqar and I usually did them on the floor and covered it with the carpet when not working on it, so there was still place to walk on the floor/to put something else on desks or tables.

In other news, -2°C! RB, your weather came here! Now please I want some snow! :wub:

So that's where it's gone! Hahaha! We had 4C this morning. Fingers crossed for your snow, Buck! :D

Qat, OMG that looks amazing :o when I worked on a puzzle it was like a white board on which I did it and the pieces where randomly in the box. No wonder it took months to finish ismét :lol:

Nym, get well soon! It snowed for about a day or two here last winter. I hope it'll snow now.

Dog problems: William is sick. I spotted a lump on his side, on his ribs when I visited home at the weekend. About the size of a larger pea. Since he was off... Ummm.. How to put this appropriately... Chasing after lady dogs for a while we thought he might have hit it and the lump would go away, he also limped a little, there was probably some competition around the lady dogs, so his dogprince'ness was a little battered. He usually gets over these little injuries in a couple days but my sister says he's still not well and the lump is still there so now I'm worried. I told my mother she should call the vet but she doesn't want to pay for it. :rolleyes: so I'll either have to convince her to call the vet anyways and I'll pay for it when I get home or persuade my father to tell her to call the vet in which case they'll have a fight about who should pay for it :rolleyes:

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Oh Rhae, that really does sound like a predicament.. hope William is better soon though! :grouphug:

The weather forecast now says 2C and rain and snow mixed. It's not's snowing/raining :lol: but it is 2C. I misread the weather forecast earlier. It is FREEZING

I think I need to wear two pairs of socks and leggings under my pyjamas and stuff now

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Hello :)

Today is a buy day at work so I'm just flying by. Thanks for the good night wishes, I slept well but could almost not get up this morning. Could easily have had a few more hours.

Nym, I don't know how you do it, we get some intense cold here sometimes (in my area we get down to -25C at most) and I still don't have to wear that much clothes inside, just normal clothing. Plenty of heating (we get it from a plant that burns waste) and insulated houses is necessary and it works. I'm glad you don't get that much cold where you live.

Good luck finding a sitter, Lady O ;)

And good luck with the puzzle Qat!

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Morning my sweeties :kiss:

Got a call about a job I applied for in Texas last night, while I was at karate. I'm a little worried. Not sure if the husband realized where the call was from :uhoh: (I want to move, he doesn't)

But karate was great, again :)

I need to find a babysitter for my husband. Maybe if I found a really hot one he won't bitch about it.

:rofl: I have had similar thoughts

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Lol, Nym sorry you are freezing! Do wear socks and leggings to keep warm, the one draw back of cold weather is that it's pretty easy to catch a cold. :grouphug:

Thanks I hope he'll be okay too

Eira, same here! I had such a good sleep and I could barely get myself out of bed in the morning.

By morning it's usually kinda cold in my room too because I switch off the heating for the night (because I'm paranoid and because I can't sleep in heat anyways)

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