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NFL Suberb Owl: Evil Empire vs Legion of Boom

Manhole Eunuchsbane

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There's 32 teams and I don't know how many people at least semi-regularly post in this thread, but there's no way its close 96. So, even three fans is disproportionate.

True, but I don't think all franchises are represented (Jags, Titans, Chiefs for example). Also quite a few teams have at least 3 fans posting here (Colts, Pats, Bears for example).

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It's not a car, it's a VAN, DOWN by the RIVER!

The thing is, Jim Tomsula actually did live in his car for awhile.

I'm not sure the precise timeline of when he stopped living in his car. My understanding this is part of SF's radical plan to help the homelessness problem in that city by giving them jobs with big responsibilities to rebuild their sense of self worth, like 49ers headcoach or Giants relief pitcher.

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The thing is, Jim Tomsula actually did live in his car for awhile.

I'm not sure the precise timeline of when he stopped living in his car. My understanding this is part of SF's radical plan to help the homelessness problem in that city by giving them jobs with big responsibilities to rebuild their sense of self worth, like 49ers headcoach or Giants relief pitcher.

Alright, there needs to be a Jim Tomsula thread. This Super Bowl chatter is overshadowing important issues.

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It's like 4 syllables. If 'Friscans don't want us to abbreviate, then they can fuck right off.

'SF' is fine for those with small mental buffers.

'San Fran' is for those who think being mistaken for a sailor on leave is a good thing.

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True, but I don't think all franchises are represented (Jags, Titans, Chiefs for example). Also quite a few teams have at least 3 fans posting here (Colts, Pats, Bears for example).

I think the Jags are represented just fine. Nary a thread page goes by without a joke at their expense.

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The thing is, Jim Tomsula actually did live in his car for awhile.

I'm not sure the precise timeline of when he stopped living in his car. My understanding this is part of SF's radical plan to help the homelessness problem in that city by giving them jobs with big responsibilities to rebuild their sense of self worth, like 49ers headcoach or Giants relief pitcher.

Hey, you laugh, but instances of "Soup Kitchens" and "Spite Shits" are down over 40% in the Greater Bay Area since these programs have been implemented.


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/rant, first ever, inspired by Rock

I want to state up front that I neither root for, nor root against, the Patriots. I’ve always respected and admired Brady, Belichick and the Pats origination. But that said, I do have a lot to say, and point out, about deflategate (places prosecutor’s hat on).

The Balls

(going forward in this section, all my speculations will be in italics)

I played football from age 8 through high school, and I must admit, I never once checked or cared about the ball’s pressure (psi) (though tbh, I always played defense, so the ball’s condition mattered not to me).

Going into the game, the Colts had notified the NFL that in a past game played roughly 2 months earlier, the Colts believed the Pats were playing with under inflated balls (the belief stems from a Colts’ player intercepting the ball and giving it to an equipment manager).

We’ve been told that all 12 balls for both the Colts and the Pats passed a pregame inspection.

What we don’t know for sure is how exactly this was done. Personally, I believe the refs probably just gave the balls a squeeze and they pasted the eye test (this does go against what Belichick said in his second press conference, when he insinuated that the refs inflate the balls and not the team).

After a Colt’s player intercepted Brady, the Colt’s equipment manager noticed, again, that the ball seemed underinflated.

At half time, 11 out of 12 balls the Pats were using were underinflated (claims ranging from 10.5 to 11.5 psi, or 1-2 psi under the minimum allowed). (THIS HAS CAUSED ME TO WONDER IN THE 12 BALLS INSPECTED WERE THE 11 THE PATS STILL HAD AND THE INTERCEPTED BALL OR THE 11 REMAINING BALLS AND 1 BACK UP BALL (hence why 11/12 failed, pure speculation, and it’s a question I’ve never heard or seen anyone ask)).

The balls were inflated at half time, and passed inspection after the game.

Many have claimed that the Pats doctored the balls after inspection, thus causing, in my view, a major violation of the rules. For me, this would be the equivalent of corking a bat in baseball or playing with a “hot ball” in golf, and if true, deserves massive fines and suspensions, as well as other punishments (draft picks, lower cap salary). Others have claimed that the Pats submitted completely legal balls, and that various events caused the balls to deflate (yet the Colts’ balls did not, at least to a point where they would be deemed illegal). As stated above, I believe the Pats probably submitted underinflated balls (just like Rodgers and the Pack submit overinflated balls hoping the sneak past inspection), and the refs did a half assed inspection, even though the Colts notified the NFL that the air pressure of the balls was a concern of theirs. I believe the NFL is trying to save face.

The Press Conferences

Full disclosure, I worked as a Press Secretary for a U.S. Senator for two years (both her senate office and on a reelection campaign), so I know how to conduct a proper press conference/press release, and can easily identify the good from the bad (having both had good and bad ones myself).

Belichick #1: This was an OK presser, probably the second best of the four given. Belichick for once seemed like a believable and decent guy. He made two big mistakes though. 1, he claimed too much ignorance (likely seeking plausible deniability), and this has sprouted numerous internet memes and parodies in the media. 2, he really did throw Brady under the bus, whether he intended to or not.

Brady: That was god awful. The worst of the four hands down. He looked scared, unconvincing, and said way too many contradictions. From what I’ve read and heard, it seems like Pats fans are defending his presser and said it was good, while everyone else has said it’s bad to awful. Pats fans, on this one, you’re too deep in the forest to see the trees. Your love from Brady has blinded you. He did not do a good job, at all.

Also, when asked if you’re a cheater, answering passively with “I don’t think so,” is a fucking joke. You give a strong “No” whether it’s true or not. Not to compare the two, but do you guys and gals remember Sandusky’s response to are you attracted to children? Brady’s wasn’t that bad, but it wasn’t good.

Belichick #2: This one was a real mixed bag. At times, he looked great, and at other times, he sounded like a clown. Never say “I’m not a scientist,” then try to discuss science, some of which seemed like junk science. But man, that My Cousin Vito reference worked like magic, because that’s what got people talking (besides the science). Frankly I think this one is playing out like the Brady presser, Pats fans loved and everyone else rolled their eyes. That being said, if my teams’ coaches told the media and the NFL to fuck off, I’d probably love it too.

Kraft: THIS IS WHAT SHOULD HAVE HAPPENED UP FRONT. Why they sent out B&B I will never understand. Kraft said roughly what I would have said. If you’re innocent, you stand up and say so with fervor. If you’re guilty, and sneaky, you do the same. If you’re guilty and a dolt you, you do what the Pats did at first (perception is everything).

Kraft could have come out on Monday and squashed this by saying, “The Patriots integrity is paramount to our brand, and if any member of our organization committed foul play, we will root them out, regardless of their position or rank in the organization. We fully support the NFL’s investigation, and we will be conducting an internal investigation as well, and will turn over any findings to the NFL.” Bam. That’s how it’s done!


If the NFL is saving face, and the refs did a spotty pregame inspection, then shame on the NFL. Even if the Pats submitted underinflated balls, no punishment can be handed out, because the rule enforcer failed to enforce.

If the refs used an air pressure gauge, and determined the balls were legal, and the Pats did indeed doctor the balls after inspection, then a severe punishment is warranted. Max fine for the organization, loss of a high draft pick, and other possible punishments would be more than justified.

If it’s proven that Brady and/or Belichick (or any other member of the team) directly or indirectly ordered the balls be deflated, then they also must receive max fines, and some suspension time would be fair (not a whole season, but a few games). That said, you would literally need to find a notebook with the title, “B&B’s strategies for cheating and skirting the rules of the stupid NFL officials.” This of course, will not happen, so I doubt they will be punished, and again, if you can’t find direct evidence involving them, then they shouldn’t be punished.

If evidence exists that B&B were actively involved, and they’ve been doing it for a long time, then idk what the punishment should be, but it should be very painful.

Again, I personally believe that the Pats submitted underinflated balls and the refs failed to notice. And if that’s really all they did, then a $25,000 fine per ball seems fair, just so people can say something happened for posterities sake.

Ultimately the rules committee needs to fix this in the offseason. The NFL should supply all the balls, or at the very least, have better control over what is currently happening.

/rant over

Also, I'm impressed how Boston fans can unite quickly and circle up and point a finger in each others ears and collectively go "LALALALALA"

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That's a pretty good post Tywin but i think you weigh the violation too heavy. Lets assume that it could be proven that B&B systematically under inflated balls. Say that the equipment guys caved and admitted they were paid by Brady to under inflate them. Even if that happened I still don't think the violation rises to a level of significant punishment like a multigame suspension. A small fine should suffice because it is really nowhere near the level of corking a bat. There is way too much variance in how a slightly under inflated or over inflated ball benefits teams. Aaron Rogers would be at a severe disadvantage with an under inflated ball while it gives Brady an advantage and vice versa. Even the NFL accepts a variance because they segregate their rules to allow for the variance by treating balls used by kickers as different from the ones used by the QB's. Kickers get no variance but QB's do get a variance. It makes no sense.

At the end of the day this will end up coming down the NFL just being too loose in how they handle these inspections and quite frankly i don't even fault the refs. Its just not that big a deal and would likely only effect such a small amount of plays its barely relevant.

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That's a pretty good post Tywin but i think you weigh the violation too heavy. Lets assume that it could be proven that B&B systematically under inflated balls. Say that the equipment guys caved and admitted they were paid by Brady to under inflate them. Even if that happened I still don't think the violation rises to a level of significant punishment like a multigame suspension. A small fine should suffice because it is really nowhere near the level of corking a bat. There is way too much variance in how a slightly under inflated or over inflated ball benefits teams. Aaron Rogers would be at a severe disadvantage with an under inflated ball while it gives Brady an advantage and vice versa. Even the NFL accepts a variance because they segregate their rules to allow for the variance by treating balls used by kickers as different from the ones used by the QB's. Kickers get no variance but QB's do get a variance. It makes no sense.

At the end of the day this will end up coming down the NFL just being too loose in how they handle these inspections and quite frankly i don't even fault the refs. Its just not that big a deal and would likely only effect such a small amount of plays its barely relevant.

If said underinflation was pre-inspection, I agree 100%. Still cheating, but the same sort of cheating every team does when it runs pick plays or hits receivers beyond five yards - daring the officials to do their job and make the call.

But if the balls were somehow intentionally altered post-inspection, disagree strongly. That is a whole different thing - akin to the Metrodome cranking the AC when opposing teams were kicking. If it can be proved, loss of draft picks is totally called for.

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I know the more rational posters here are pretty sick of this "scandal", but I've never been accused of being rational. There have been numerous threads regarding this over on Fark, and each one has devolved into a massive flame war of Pats haters versus Pats fans. Anyway, this is my official favorite PSI: New England image of the day...


/Round one to Pats fans

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I just watched the Playoffs Sound FX video on the NFL.com, and I'm glad I did. When John Ryan threw the TD pass on the fake field goal, he turned to Aaron Rodgers on the sideline and did the discount double check.

I think I just became a tentative Seahawks supporter.

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I just watched the Playoffs Sound FX video on the NFL.com, and I'm glad I did. When John Ryan threw the TD pass on the fake field goal, he turned to Aaron Rodgers on the sideline and did the discount double check.

I think I just became a tentative Seahawks supporter.

I am completely on board with Punters carrying themselves with swagger

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Well, Rob Chudzinski just told the Niners to get fucked regarding their OC position.

Next in line to tell them to get fucked....Mike Shanahan.

At this rate, maybe the Niners can hire Jim Tomsula's old OC from the Rhein Fire, all they got to do is find the car the guys living in.

Holy shit, THE 49ERS FOUND THE CAR!!


His name is Steve Logan and he's apparently been out of coaching the last 4 years. The fun never ends!

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