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Comics XI: Modok's 11


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What did you guys think of the other stories in Multiversity?

I liked all of them in general, sometimes it was more for the art though eg "Thunderworld". I liked the next gen hero issue as it felt like it was aimed at next gen readers too. I liked the infodump of "guidebook" and Ultra comics had some great ideas even if they didn't fully come together.

But yes, Pax Americana outshone everything else in the series but I feel that shows how good it was rather than how weak the series was.

There should be artists that are "listed" like important buildings in the UK - where they aren't allowed to work with Mark Millar. I can't begrudge them the money they make working with him but I can't help but think Quietly and Morrison is one of those dream combinations.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I stay out of these boards for 2 weeks or so traveling and this thread dies, LOL!

Anyway, lots of great stuff this week- Vision continues to be Marvel's best book (and the reveal of the identity of the narrator was both surprising and made sense), Sheriff of Baghdad, Paper Girls (the plot actually begins to make some sense now), Ultimates and Uncanny X-men (an X-men book that somehow does NOT feature characters whining about Cyclops).


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I stay out of these boards for 2 weeks or so traveling and this thread dies, LOL!

Anyway, lots of great stuff this week- Vision continues to be Marvel's best book (and the reveal of the identity of the narrator was both surprising and made sense), Sheriff of Baghdad, Paper Girls (the plot actually begins to make some sense now), Ultimates and Uncanny X-men (an X-men book that somehow does NOT feature characters whining about Cyclops).


Yeah, comics and festivities don't seem to mix for me.

Lazarus was a bumper issue and finished the storyline and had an interesting development at the end. It seems like they've hit a wall in terms of scheduling though as that's pretty much all the Lazarus we're getting until May from what the letters page said. I guess Lark is working on another project and/or building up some lead time. It's a shame but I'd rather have one large gap than lots of medium sized ones.

Saga was very good. I like where the characters seem to be at after the time jump and BKV handles the relationship between MArko and Alana really well.

The latest Black Science was really good. Some great backstory on the lead character and it feels like a potential turning point for the book. Very trippy in places and the art, as usual, was phenomenal. Remender is very good at getting great artists to work with him.


Papergirls #4 is still a fast read and while there are hints at plot I'm still thinking I'm going to have to re-read this first arc all over again to know for sure if i like it. The art shines with the bizarre moments and I felt a bit of guilt at how one of the character's lives flashed before their eyes.

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some of the ideas bounced around in that article are horrendous. Having a hero commit suicide? I just like how they get excited about killing off a character when most of the readership simply shrugs. Who cares?

It's odd that the series debuts after the film. Guess they can fool people into buying civil war I at least. At least it doesn't appear to be a mega crossover event so far. Surely the Inhumans need a more prominent role too.

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some of the ideas bounced around in that article are horrendous. Having a hero commit suicide? I just like how they get excited about killing off a character when most of the readership simply shrugs. Who cares?

It's odd that the series debuts after the film. Guess they can fool people into buying civil war I at least. At least it doesn't appear to be a mega crossover event so far. Surely the Inhumans need a more prominent role too.

I just can't even get to grips with some of these idea. Captain Marvel and She-Hulk are on the side of pre-emptive action? Did they just arbitrarily assign characters to sides?

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I just can't even get to grips with some of these idea. Captain Marvel and She-Hulk are on the side of pre-emptive action? Did they just arbitrarily assign characters to sides?

I hope it was arbitrary because like you point out - it shows a complete lack of character awareness. It seems they wanted Stark to be on the "good" side this time even though being a futurist probably means he's more likely to be on the pre-emptive side.

If Cyclops isn't dead you can almost guarantee he'd be the one about to commit an atrocity. Marvel hates him so much.

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I should say I haven't read the first Civil War, but my understanding is that it had exactly this problem.

'As a superhero, I'm on the side of civil rights and liberty, because these are the values I have stood for, for all of my history.'

'And as a superhero also, I'm on the other side... for some reason.'

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I just can't even get to grips with some of these idea. Captain Marvel and She-Hulk are on the side of pre-emptive action? Did they just arbitrarily assign characters to sides?

Well, the Captain Marvel one makes sense if you remember her characterization before KSD mindwiped and blanded her up because Marvel wants a premiere female hero they own really badly and all the good women are in the X-Men.  Shulkie, no, there's no excuse for that.


The original Civil War does suffer heavily from shoving people into contrary positions without doing the work to get them there, especially with Iron Man (who has had major plotlines about keeping the government(s) out of his tech, and arguing against the Mutant Registration Acts, etc.).  And then Editorial kept absolutely no consistency on what the pro-registration side was for, and we got gems like "Captain America doesn't know about Myspace".  This precog stuff is also reheated from CW, wherein in JMS F4, we had Reed using the Mad Thinker's ideas to predict shit with math.

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As for the original Civil War, some of the tie-ins (Iron Man and ASM at least, if I remember right) show Tony and Reed thinking the SHRA was inevitable after Stanford and it was better to simply be leading the charge rather than allow the government to do it, which makes sense... although the building prisons in the Negative Zone thinking was ridiculous.

As for Captain Marvel, back in Claremont's Uncanny X-men run (the classic one) she used her government access to erase all the data they had on the X-men, so she in theory would strongly oppose this, but if anything the last 10 years or so always had her on the "Let's hunt heroes!" side every time; she would be one of the few, if not the only one, to do it on both Civil Wars and in the real Civil War 2.0 in Time Runs Out (also hunting Cyclops and co in Bendis X-men run).

So they're at least being consistent with her characterization, which is good news; however, that characterization is that their "biggest female hero" is a government stooge and not too bright, which is unfortunate.

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Well, the Captain Marvel one makes sense if you remember her characterization before KSD mindwiped and blanded her up

I think you mean 'gave her some actual personality for the first time since Chris Claremont wrote her and made her an astonishing success thereby'.

But I don't really recall anything from her previous characterisation that makes this make sense, although I know that she was on Iron Man's side in the original Civil War - which I don't think is justified in character terms either.

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I think it makes sense from a broad strokes point of view.  Stark is the kind of guy who would let a crime happen if he thought that was right.  I can't see guys like Spider-Man or Cap Marvel ever doing that.  They're the kind that would have to act if they knew something was going to happen, to prevent a tragedy.  They view power and personal responsibility different ways.

Of course, it kind of falls down when you consider the fascist thought crime system that'd have to be developed to support the pre-emptive action school of thought. So I suppose it depends on how they do it, or if that's the kind of issues they're thinking of.

Also, it's cool that Ta Nehesi Coates is on the Marvel team now.

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