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What religion are you?


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I am an Christian Orthodox, a Serbian Orthodox to be precise...

On that note, I have to say several things:

1. I believe I am scientist. I find Darwin's theory of evolution practically irrefutable. I don't believe my religious beliefs and my scientific work and in any sort of collision.

2. My religious beliefs don't make me a misogynist, traditionalist or homophobic and I believe I am neither. I roll my eyes whenever I hear priests discussing about some of those.

3. I hate discussing religion. It is something private and overall I find myself annoyed when people do that. Not speaking about this thread, just that I hate when someone tries to tell me what I should feel or don't feel.

Overall, I am huge believer in "live and let other people live" :)

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I don't have one, so Atheist. I wasn't raised with any religion or religious values and so it wasn't something I ever really thought about. I do like how it can help people through a rough time and such, which I think that's a beautiful thing. Just not for me :)

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the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.

"ideas about the relationship between science and religion"

synonyms: faith, belief, worship, creed; More

a particular system of faith and worship.

plural noun: religions

"the world's great religions"

a pursuit or interest to which someone ascribes supreme importance.

"consumerism is the new religion"

If we define religion by the bolded part above , it doesn't apply

to me. I'm faithless and a disbeliever in gods or superhuman controlling entities.

However I can see the last two lines applying to me.

(A pursuit or interest to which someone ascribes supreme importance).


^^^ ^^^

It's likely the same area of the brain is excited for me (listening to

explanations on "Why we are starstuff and interconnected by elements")

as a Catholics would be (while kissing the Popes ring).

So I guess my religion may be whatever that is?

Reverence for natures majesty, worship at the altar of pristine wilderness.

My Angels sing through waves at the seashore.

I'm totally down with that corny stuff, no question.

Also i'll add a couple more thoughts...

Other peoples religious beliefs and mythology fascinate me.

I read about all of them often.

Heres an ancient Egyptian creation myth (one of several)http://youtu.be/uTy49JlgJZE

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How? Because he has no problem with most religious people he can't be an atheist? Since when is disliking religious people a requirement for being an atheist?


Also, calm down, no one said anything about requirements....even when we've just started a conversation you annoy me.

No...and as I've probably said many times they're not mutually exclusive.

Thanks, this helped a bit :D

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