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(Spoilers ALL)Jon's eyes shifted in color.


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I assume the eyes changing color refers to him possibly warging into Ghost.

The thing is, they have made absolutely no mention or even hinted at his ability to Warg (books aside).

I just don't see this as a theory at all really. For the show that is.

It would however add to the theory that he is going to miss most or all of Season 6.

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Nope. You really think the whole point of the guy's life's work is to say "fuck you" to his entire fandom?!? One of GRRM's claims to fame is how he subverts common fantasy tropes, but he is a storyteller at heart, and stories like this all have relatively similar narrative structures. And there is no structure in existence that says, "Introduce character. Attribute growing responsibility to character. Make readers respect character. Hint strongly that character is of great importance to the endgame. Hint strongly that character is central to entire plot. Kill off character in Act II, making Act III an exercise in futility. PROFIT."

Oh ye of little faith in this thread!

1.) Jon Snow, Bastard of Winterfell and 998th Lord Commander of the Night's Watch is dead. And now his watch is ended. We shall never see his like again.

2.) But he is not, I repeat, IS NOT, staying dead. Whether he comes back through warging, ice cells, resurrections, or Other interventions, he is coming back.

3.) You can't see it because it's an interview in a magazine, but Kit Harington's pants were, quite literally, on fire. Seriously, he's lying, and he is kinda contractually obligated to do so. This ain't your run-of-the-mill Ned/Robb death. The Sullied amongst us knew for a certainty those guys were D-E-D dead because of subsequent books. Now we're all caught up, no one outside of George, Dan, and Dave know for sure what role Jon plays going forward. Quite frankly, it surprises me that any book reader who believed Jon was coming back after reading ADWD would blink now because of what Kit says to EW.

4.) Jon Targaryen/Prince That Was Promised/Azor Ahai Reborn get HYPE. "His is the Song of Ice and Fire," and nothing any liarliarpantsonfire says now changes that.

yep....he is totally lying
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I don't know why anyone would be surprised or horrified if (that) he's lying....the minute it is revealed that he is indeed coming back EVERYONE is going to forgive him for misleading them because they will be so relieved it wasn't true.

He's an actor. Pretending is what he does best. ;)

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I was rewatching the last scene thru HBO GO on my computer instead of older TV and I while I didn't notice widing of the eye-pupil nor noticeable changing of the color i did notice SOMETHING.So, either that scene had pretty bad editing or its a CLUE.

If you have a chance to retwatch that scene from different medium (TV, computer, tablet, etc) watch that scene very closely, you will see Jon's open eyes and they are dark and music is sad, then the music noticeably changes to different timbre to something more upbeat/dramatic and then in his pupil a tiny glow of light appears. Its an external source of light (thats why I say might be bad editing - video cameras have that light too) but consider if it is not - it can be reflection from 1) Torch held by ??? (Mel or Davos) or 2) Cold light source from The Others because they attacked or 3) Bleeding star. Furthermore, that light gets really close to his face and his whole face brightens due to that light

Thats why I believe people thought his eye color changed - it might have or might have not, but there is an external light glow getting close to his face reflecting in his eyes it lightened up his eyes and then his face - thus lightening the color of his eyes. Hopefully, not just bad editing because the music does change the moment that light reflection appears in his pupils

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People are still talking about the eyes. From Huffington Post:

Before the finale aired, some images from the final episode leaked online. Three were actually legit, showing Cersei with short hair, Selyse hanging and Jon Snow dead. A fourth image, however, showed Snow's eyes change color to indicate he was warging in the final scene, i.e. possibly jumping into the body of his direwolf Ghost. Though it appears this was just a fan Photoshop job, some are arguing that his eyes did actually change.

See full article for more on the possible eye change. I didn't want to post the whole thing here.

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I think if they had wanted to hint to a change in eye colour, they would have made it more obvious.

Thats my thought.

I watched it more times than I care to admit and I did not see any changes.

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Thats my thought.

I watched it more times than I care to admit and I did not see any changes.

Yeah. I can see what looks like a light flash across the reflection in his eye and perhaps the narrowing of the pupil but no change in colour.

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Yeah. I can see what looks like a light flash across the reflection in his eye and perhaps the narrowing of the pupil but no change in colour.

Shouldn't the pupils dilate? Not that I'm expecting this much accuracy when they can't keep track of necklaces, horses, characters, and entire regions. :lol:

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Shouldn't the pupils dilate? Not that I'm expecting this much accuracy when they can't keep track of necklaces, horses, characters, and entire regions. :lol:

Good point. I may be mistaken to be fair. I watched a link to it earlier on today and may have misremembered.

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I definitley see it now, but I do hope it is a clue of some sort and not just editing so we can see his pupils dialate as a sign that he truly is dead. I do see the pupils dialating at the very end. Kit's eyes in real life are a very dark brown, it is very difficult to actually see his pupil since it kind of blends in with the dark color of his eyes. So if they wanted to show us dialating pupils they needed to lighten the color of his eyes. I do wonder though why they would lighten then to a greenish grey color and not just to a lighter brown color if it was just for this purpose.

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Mel has proven incompetent and the Lord of Light has been proven a false god. Why do you believe Mel has the power to resurrect Dead Jon Warg of the North?

Did smoke and mirrors bring Dondarrion back to life, several times. No. I've always thought it was pretty obvious that Stannis was NOT Azor Ahai. We know his "Lightbringer" is fake. It makes a lot of sense then, that Jon is AA. Mel's service to Stannis has seemed either misguided or perhaps even intentionally deceptive, but I'd bet on the former. Say, for instance, she read in her flames that AA would be brother to the king, and have whatever other qualities. I doubt it's that simple, but just to illustrate, you can see how she could have misread the flames and thought it was Stannis. Now imagine something changes, ie. the flames say "Hey Mel, you dolt, you've got it all wrong. It's the other king's brother." Well then, she realizes she's been following the wrong guy and then orchestrates a magnificent sacrifice to aid the newly realized AA instead. Again, I don't mean that it happens like this, only that Mel misplaced or misused her energies for a great portion of the series, and that it could have culminated in her abandoning Stannis for the right guy (Jon) , rather than her actually failing.

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Yeah. I can see what looks like a light flash across the reflection in his eye and perhaps the narrowing of the pupil but no change in colour.

Its not actually a light flash, it more like a constant light source. Once that light reflection in his eyes starts it stays so till the screen goes black, furthermore, it looks like this light comes closer as his face is lightened too - the whole light pattern changes, his face/eyes first in shadows than the light comes closer, reflects in his eyes and brings his face out of shadows.

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People are still talking about the eyes. From Huffington Post:

See full article for more on the possible eye change. I didn't want to post the whole thing here.

Just more click bait. There must be big money in ad revenue, phony youtube, etc. I never have seen media step over each other to spoil the show before or after it aired.

I would not be suprised if this forum turned out to be the source and not an independent observation. People are desparate for clues or news.

Paparazzi gonna follow Kit everywhere.... I think all the required footage is in the can. See how long they can keep their secrets

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