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Could there be a way for GRRM to make you root for the Others to win?

James Steller

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Nothing can paint the Others in a good light.  They ice up Craster's incest babies and turn them into one-man zombie factories. What part of that could people possibly find redeeming?


If the story ever turns in that direction, making us sympathize with the Others, I'll coat my book in blood and let George Romero teabag it.

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With Jon "dead" and Dany the "Hero" I'm already rooting for the Others. Now if Dany is killed or people turn against her because they finally see the light and view her as evil as I do then I may shift my opinion but as it stands a Westeros ruled by Daenerys Targaryen, Mother of Dragunz, Queen of Mary Sues, wielder of impenetrable plot armor is a Westeros unfit to survive long night.

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Martin has already done that. After twenty-five years and near 5,000 pages, the game has gotten old. Yeah, small folk suffer while big people plot, and look, there's another contender for king, yay! That was why I found Aegon so deeply disappointing. I'm rooting for anyone who is not part of the game, either as player or pawn, and that would be the Others.

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Nothing can paint the Others in a good light.  They ice up Craster's incest babies and turn them into one-man zombie factories. What part of that could people possibly find redeeming?


If the story ever turns in that direction, making us sympathize with the Others, I'll coat my book in blood and let George Romero teabag it.

Well, we have it here in writing in case this happens. It's a good thing you didn't specify what kind of blood you'll use.

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Actually if Cersie and Roose can kill off every other "good" character by the end. And all that is left is Cersie, Roose, Ramsay, Thorne, Walder Frey, and it's them vs an army of undead Jon, Arya, Cat, Eddard, Bran, Jamie, Tyrion, Dany, ice dragons, Rheagar, a pissed off Tywin, Selmy, and Stannis.

Then I'm all in.
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Actually if Cersie and Roose can kill off every other "good" character by the end. And all that is left is Cersie, Roose, Ramsay, Thorne, Walder Frey, and it's them vs an army of undead Jon, Arya, Cat, Eddard, Bran, Jamie, Tyrion, Dany, ice dragons, Rheagar, a pissed off Tywin, Selmy, and Stannis.

Then I'm all in.

Undead Ned would fight all of them except Stannis and his own family. Undead Cat would fight everyone except Ned, Arya, and Bran. Undead Tyrion and Undead Tywin would be locked in an eternal fight with Undead Jaime trying to break it up. Undead Stannis would fight everyone at the same time, while Undead Rhaegar would awkwardly apologize to Ned for causing his family to be wiped out.

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Realistically no, the only way would be, as others have said, to show that what we think we know of the Others is all wrong and they are truly looking to bring a world of enlightenment by coming down and getting rid of "The Game of Thrones".  But that would take more than two books unless at the end, when all the contenders are dead, the Others call the people of Westeros together and tell them not to worry, we're implementing a benign Government for the good of all.  And that would be an incredibly lame ending.

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