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Weird things your brain does that you don't understand.


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The conversation a few of us had yesterday about not being able to remember anything about Syriana reminded me of the odd fact that my brain appears physically incapable of retaining any information about the music of The Smiths. Like, I listened to There Is a Light That Never Goes Out (something I've done more than once for this very reason) just to check if this is still the case and yep, while listening I got a headachey sort of feeling and within half an hour I'd forgotten every detail of the song apart from the line 'if a double decker bus, should crash into us' and that the opening chords remind me vaguely of 'That's Entertainment'. This happens with all their songs I've heard.

It's doubly odd because Morissey's solo stuff doesn't have this effect on me. And nor does any other music or indeed anything else at all.



And I have no idea why.

So this is kind of an odd topic but I guess my question is, what weird (perhaps slightly more interesting than mine) but wholly pointless habit does your brain have that confuses and baffles you? Coz they're weird things, our brains.

I went to school with a guy once who knew me and my brother for a good two years before he found out we were twins (we don't look at all alike). As soon as he did, he started confusing our names.

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Well, I am just the worst procrastinator in the world - i can't even look at job descriptions at the moment i just can't do it i read a few words and i can't and then i have to take a few minutes and then i go back and try again and i can't bring myself to read it - and then the whole day has gone and i haven't applied to one single job :( :( :(

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I've got procrastination issues too which I'm realising are probably executive functioning issues from being highly functioning on the autism spectrum.

The sensation of certain textures makes my entire body flush freezing cold, such as greasy hands, which is a form of synesthesia.

Listening to people with unusual accents or speech patterns (among other things) gives me a euphoric high similar to an opiate buzz, which is something being called ASMR.

Whole lot more of that, as I'm weird :p but maybe they don't quite fit as I 'understand' the mechanism behind most of them now. They were all mysterious to me a few years ago though.

Your Smiths thing actually sounds like it could be a result of sensory overload, if there's something about their music you just can't handle for whatever reason and it pushes you into overload resulting in a headache and forgetting.

ETA: Silverstar has one of the much more interesting varieties of synesthesia :p
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Well, I am just the worst procrastinator in the world - i can't even look at job descriptions at the moment i just can't do it i read a few words and i can't and then i have to take a few minutes and then i go back and try again and i can't bring myself to read it - and then the whole day has gone and i haven't applied to one single job :( :( :(

I can relate to that, unfortunately.

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Most of the things it does is weird. For example:

  • Occasional vivid memories of random events. I don't mean events that are traumatic or otherwise important (those happen too, but at least they make sense) nor those which are triggered by something about the current situation (again, that also happens), but things that are completely out of the blue.
  • Language confusion: I try to think of a word in one language and it occurs to me in others, even when I know the language I'm aiming for better. Also, I sometimes misinterpret letters which look similar in different alphabets.
  • I often can't resist double checking that I locked the door or turned off a device even when I'm absolutely sure that I've done it.

There's a bunch of other things which are weird almost by construction (e.g. dreams).

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Y'all should read this incredible sequence of posts about procrastination:
Why Procrastinators Procrastinate
How to Beat Procrastination
Think of me as the procrastination monkey if it helps. :)

I've tried anti procrastination guides before, but could never get around to it.
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For me, what will happen is someone will say something, and I jsut here *mumble mumble mumble.*  I realize I didn't understand a damn thing of what they said, so I ask them to repeat themselves.  And immediately when I'm done asking, my brain finally unfreezes and realizes they said "Joe you're a dumbass," and I just made them repeat themselves for something my brain took a good 5 seconds to process.  Happens all the time.

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When I meet people I will remember every detail of the conversation we have, except for their name.

Yeah, me too. It's like people's names go straight out of my head after I first meet them. I also hate going to a picnic, or whatever, and distant relatives are calling me by name but I have no clue what their names are.
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Literally every thing my brain does is weird and I don't understand it.


Okay, here's a thing. I am smelling BBQ sauce right now. I really am! Except there's no possible source, but I have a BBQ flavored Hot Pocket in the freezer that I've been thinking about popping in the microwave. Undoubtedly I will do this. So I have been smelling smells from the future, or I am crazy, or both.

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When I meet people I will remember every detail of the conversation we have, except for their name.



I do this, but I'm pretty sure that's just because I have a mild short-term memory issue, so it's not something that freaks me out.

I'm also a medical procrastinator - I have dyspraxia, and it comes from that (also possibly affected by dyslexia).



I have synaesthesia, so my brain thinks every letter and number has it's very own colour. These colours are non-negotiable. 


That's weird. And I have no clue why it does that. 


My sister has that, except with words (and names) rather than individual letters. Apparently my dad does too, so seemingly it runs in the family.

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My sister has that, except with words (and names) rather than individual letters. Apparently my dad does too, so seemingly it runs in the family.


About 12% of the population has it, apparently.


I have it with numbers and letters. And the interesting part is then when the letters combine in a word, and fight it out to determine the appropriate colouring of the word. Usually the first letter tends to have greater significance, especially if it is a capital letter. But for long words the colour can change as the syllables progress, or else they all blur into a kind of merged colour that I can see in my mind, but can't easily describe.

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My brain shuts off when I'm on the phone.  I can't pay attention.  I can't retain information.  I stumble when speaking.  It's caused a lot of problems in both my personal and professional life because talking on the phone is necessary and important or something.


I feel intense anxiety when the phone rings.  I've tried to find ways to improve my ability to function on the phone and some things do help. But for the most part, using the phone is this intense mental exercise that exhausts me if the conversation lasts more than a minute or two.  Interestingly, I don't have quite the same issues when I am talking over Skype.  It's still hard to focus, but at least I'll leave off remembering the conversation.  

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